No tolerance! Premier alerted to pockets of domestic abuse locally

Renewed calls have been for men in the British Virgin Islands to stop perpetrating acts of domestic violence.
Premier Andrew Fahie made that appeal during a live public broadcast on Monday; making strong suggestions about continued reports of this type of abuse locally.
He said: “One of those weak links that have come to my attention is that we have a small pocket of abuse at home. Worst yet, where it does exist, our males are being reported to be the ones at fault.”
“I want to speak to you, my brothers, directly. You must stop it. This cannot be. You cannot be abusing our females, it is wrong. You cannot be abusing our children. It is wrong,” the Premier added.
Premier Fahie further said that the role of males in households should be to uplift rather than tear down and bring grief.
“God did not put you in the role where you are to be abusive. You are there to build stronger homes and stronger families, not to be a stronger monster. This type of behaviour will not be tolerated. Whether it be sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse — do not abuse,” he stated.
The Premier also encouraged family members to use the government-imposed curfew period which runs until April 19, to pray and build stronger bonds, as will assist with conquering the COVID-19 pandemic mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
Gender Affairs also called for peace
Premier Fahie’s appeal against domestic violence comes only days after the Office of Gender Affairs called for peace in households where domestic violence is highly probable.
Gender Affairs Coordinator Tara Sue Morgan had said long periods of isolation can cause the resurgence of incidences in households with a history of domestic violence.
She said this is due to the increased tension which is built as a result of sharing the same space and resources for longer-than-usual periods.
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For the kids that have to sit at home watching the man in the house beating on their mothers. This is my promise as a man, in the village that I live in, if I so much as hear a man is beating on his wife during lock down, I am going to handle him. The thought of any man laying their hands on a woman makes me sick. I love, respect and appreciate my wife.
iz the premier who gah we lock down and frustrated
You tired of being frustrated because you can’t run the streets? Go out and plant your you know what in a ants hole and enjoy. That should ease the frustration.
Mrs Bigs seems to be consumed with power at any cost. Keep it up!
They will all be soon matching to my beat. Hi-Hi! Sir!
You men of the clothe, god said to stop beating on your wives, that includes police officers. Seems to be another dysfunctional society’s behavioral trend in the VI.
The behavioral dysfunction trend is not a VI dysfunction only. But rather, is prevalent in every country, continent, among all classes, from the lowest to the highest; from the poorest to the richest.
Indeed, it is prevalent in Europe, China, Japan as it is in Afrrica or the Caribbean. Italy for example, is known to have the world’s highest rate of male battery against women, and the numbers are not dissimilar across europe either..
Therefore, suggesting it to be a VI trend illustrates a) an desire to paint the VI in a negative light and b) a severe lack of knowledge of the issue.
Physical violence is an atrocious crime against humanity, life, love and a community. Education of both men and women to it would be a great intervention educational tool.
How? there should educational and psychological literature prepared and classes instituted, and mandatory attendance for any known abuser, male or female.
Next, renaming it and calling it what it truly is, “physical violence,” may have a more profound effect on the male psyche. As, the term “domestic violence” seems to sugar coated and as such, does not reach deeply into the human psyche.
In ending, along with violence upon a child, how physical violence against the female in the home truly affects young minds that are witness to it still needs greater indepth study. In the meantime, harsher penalities must be instituted.
Why has society instituted aggressive punitive measure for possession of a tree leaf matter, which beats no one, but has not done so for the human, male or female, abuser who bring violence to many?
How can these people, male and female, still be stuck in these dysfunctions of domestic violence in 2020? Well, I guess they are still stuck in 1g, people it’s time to elevate.
“We can’t have war between Black men and Black women, because no one can be free if one half of the mind of the people is tied up in conflict. It is going to have to be both of us or none of us.” ….John Henrik Clarke.
Men beat up on their family members when they feel they are losing control. It is not a sign of strength , it shows weakness in a man . Women put up
With it and are afraid to speak out because of shame . That is why it would continue . Relatives know of the abuse but turn a blind eye when local men marry exp women and abuse the women .Some Exp men are abusive to but their relatives speak out . Not tortoilians relatives .
These men missing out on their side action
This message should be addressed to ladies as well. There are some ladies out there who are abusive to men/women and should comply to this message as well. Sometimes men do act out when it reach to the point where they cannot take it anymore. Some of the ladies needs to mature and stop frustrating the men.