BVI News

Noncompliant cops! | Damning report reveals RVIPF’s failures

A recent review of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) revealed a concerning lack of internal governance and performance management structures.

The review, commissioned by the Governor in response to the 2022 Commission of Inquiry (COI) report, found that despite the RVIPF identifying areas for improvement in its strategic plan and internal reviews, a culture of resistance to change has hindered progress.

“We heard examples of officers and staff, including those at senior levels, who actively block change and refuse to follow instructions and orders,” the report stated.

Some lawmakers dismissed this as evidence of hearsay and criticised the report for publicising critical national security concerns.

The report added: “We found that the Force’s senior officers were routinely engaged in minor administrative tasks and processes that added little value to how effectively they operated. In some cases, there appeared to be a culture of involving high-ranking officers in matters and decisions for which their involvement was unnecessary.”

The scathing report highlights that the RVIPF does not effectively collect or collate essential data for its operations. It fails to record all reported incidents, lacks an accurate understanding of calls for service, and does not precisely record the number of reported offences.

This lack of data prevents the Force from efficiently allocating resources, analysing performance, and resourcing data.

The review also found that the RVIPF’s strategic governance meeting was ineffective, lacking detailed presentations of performance information, trend identification, risk assessment, and proposed responses.

The absence of an overall strategic threat and risk assessment further contributes to the Force’s inability to allocate resources appropriately. The report states: “We found the allocation of resources was unscientific and based on legacy decisions.”

Additionally, the review criticises the RVIPF’s insufficient focus on victim care, noting that investigations lacked victim contracts or records of contact after initial reporting. Officers and staff expressed confusion about their duty to maintain contact with victims, and there was no evidence of supervisory involvement in ensuring compliance with the RVIPF’s Victims’ Charter.

“None of the investigations we reviewed had a victim contact or any record of subsequent contact with the victim after the initial reporting,” the report stated. “Many don’t see it as their role. Some officers told us that they regularly contact victims, but they were unaware they had to record details of such contact.”

The report added that the RVIPF may be unwilling or unable to implement the recommended changes and suggests that the Governor and Police Commissioner recruit a team with the necessary skills and experience to manage a major change programme. Without such intervention, the report warns that the recommended improvements are unlikely to be effectively implemented.


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  1. the watcher says:

    This is shocking and totally unexpected. I agree with legislators who say this is all “hearsay”. I have an idea – why don’t we hire an overseas Commissioner who is close to retirement and seeking a final posting in the nice weather and have him keep things ticking over for 5 years until we can have another inquiry to come up with the same findings? Then we can do it again…..

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    • It is NOT Hearsay!!!!!!! says:

      A former very high-ranking officer and not a UK officer instructed officers not to carry out a Magistrate-issued warrant and not to get involve in an reported incident and it apparently happened in other incidences as well.

  2. unbelieveable says:

    This mismanagement and undertrained predicament should have stayed behind doors and dealt with intensely. The public will only now have no trust or confidence in the RVIPF. Is this happening because officers are being trained here in the BVI.Maybe they need to continue their training in Barbados where skills and theory are highly presidented.

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  3. Yep says:

    Welsah, they never or rarely follow-up with victims. Block change, refuse to follow instructions and abuse their, power especially when they do not like you! If they treat their own like that in the force, what you think they will do with rest of the BVI community?!

    Like 17
  4. UK says:

    Well here comes the team of Caucasians, anyway it is public knowledge, when you have senior officers making decisions based on personal feelings, that’s what happens, from CI to Supt need supervision, total waste, look at operations for example, a total failure, why? because they sidelined the most qualified person DC and promote an obese failure who cant even handle a chicken farm, and the incompetent supt who wants to get under the skirts of our young female officers, sick little boy in a supt uniform, we are in deep doodoo, all of them need to be sent home on leave.

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    • @UK says:

      The first clause of your comment is incomprehensible. The use of a capital C in Caucasian suggests that people from the Caucasus (in central Europe) had something to do with it. If you were referring to caucasians as in white people, how do the findings of the report change? Would non-caucasians come to different conclusions.

  5. Chupes says:

    When it was with our local leaders during the COI it was the leaders themselves at fault and the civil service was perfect. Now it’s the police force that the governor is responsible for it’s not his leadership but the police officers themselves. Those UK people must believe that all of us stupid.

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  6. Hmm says:

    England needs to do the hiring of officers, the current recruits in the RVIPF are all lazy, corrupted, perverts and unfit/out of shape. They all need to go! and let me add this they all sleeping with one another in there.

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  7. my2cents says:

    I think we’ve known this for years

    • @my two cents says:

      I do not know why everybody acting surprised. The report is welcome but we have known for years. Now that it is in writing, they can start to address the issues properly and measure improvements and results.

  8. Guest says:

    This report will be their ‘justification and/or excuse’ for another UK COP.

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  9. real says:

    yet every minute they getting pay rasie this and that hmm lord send help

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  10. PT09 says:

    @unbelieveable Why do you guys want to hide everything

  11. One Band One Sound says:

    Unfortunately that’s how it is in most of the government departments.

    Senior/high ranking workers like to push their weight around rather than taking opinions of lower ranks.

    Plenty senior/high ranking workers love to disrespect and talk to you anyway they feel like in an unprofessional manner..

    They are disgruntle about their jobs but refuses to retire almost as if they love being in power and causing internal issues amongst workers.

    They make brash insensible decisions that causes unnecessary stress on lower ranks and fail to punish those who overstep or blatantly disregard work.

    Clear showing of favouritism is going on where those who are unable to perform are promoted or favoured for certain roles but end up failing at their roles causing a lower rank to pickup the slack. Rinse and repeat.

    It’s like the work force is a playground where everyone has groups they associate with and if you don’t associate with them then your Worklife will be made unnecessarily harder.

    Like 18
    • 100 says:

      Hit the nail on the head for every point. The culture is a problem.

      • small island says:

        …and there are too many.. some individuals think someone else will pick up the slack. The BVI has too many people employed for govt positions for the size of the population.

  12. PT09 says:

    @unbelieveable Why do you guys want to hide everything?

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  13. Unauthorized says:

    And nothing will happen. Same s**t at the Prison! They bring in so called qualified UK Nationals who are here to drink beer on the beach with friends. Nobody talks about the level of incompetence in RVIPF and at the Prison, both of which are headed by UK Nationals. BVISLANDERS are a set of f**king cowards that only have energy to go after their own. A set of brown nose house slaves!!

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  14. My Questions says:

    After reading this article I am dumbfounded as it sounds to
    me like the captain of the ship has absconded.

    Is there a Chief of Police or a Deputy? Doesn’t sound so to me. And they need more officers? For real?

    Sad state of affairs indeed.

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  15. Sly Fox Coming. says:

    The governer has gone missing.Is thisnot his portfolio? And where is the Chief of Police and the Deputy?

    Are. not thosethe responsible parties?

    This is another step forward in UK’s reclaimation efforts of these islands, their resources and other.

    Their cunning sly fox mentality are showing.

    Notice. we don’t see that one beckoning for “UK come take over and yes to UK.

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  16. Quietly Watching says:

    Why are we surprised by this report? When you take a job for salary and not for love of your work, this happens. Most police officers don’t even work a full shift daily.

    Remember recently a well-known lawyer called the emergency line and told the Police he has been shot and was able to tell them his name and address. Did they find him? No, they didn’t. They should have been able to find him once he was able to just dial the number and connect, but he gave his name and address. They still did not find him. So there is no proper diligence and work ethic by members of this Force. And this is our second UK Commissioner. No difference made. If it was a local Commissioner at least they would have known where to find the young man. That knowledge is power, but simply asking someone in the neighbourhood would have sufficied. I am sorry. I am very disappointed.

    People also blame the DPP, but the arm of law enforcement who is responsible for gathering and report evidence is not up to standard. You are not seeing a careful, clinical and serious effort being put forward in this regard.

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  17. Hmm says:

    So the whole argument for why we can’t have a local COP fall flat on it face then because the ‘qualified’ white boys from the uk not doing no better.

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  18. We are surprised says:

    That report is riddled with lies and misinformation. They need to talk to the hard working officers of the force and not come up with false reports to make way for their old retired friends to come into the force to just reap gold and drink beers at every bar. Why only uk officers getting over 10 thousand dollars in inducement allowance. The u fairness done to us by these people is the main reason the morale is so low. Tht report is only to divide us more. I am sure Jackie and amory can’t talk about the many opposition they got when they speak out about wrong decision makings. I am inside and I know what is going on.

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  19. Anonymous says:

    And at the end of their incompetent biased conversation, they will still insist, and wrongly so, that we can’t rule ourselves. Well, and that notion can now be put to rest as it is clear that they are even more incompetent than us.

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  20. Not New at All says:

    These challenges has been in the force from the time of memorial. Every UK Commissioner come met them and leave them. Mark Collins is no exception. He will leave them too. So UK Governor and company stop trying to make the force look bad so that you can bring more UK officers. We don’t need no more. They don’t listen to the hard working officers and they don’t want to learn from us. It is a fact. We have to deal with it everyday from them.

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  21. maria louisa varlack says:

    why not let the royal navy and the royal air force and scotland yard detectives take charge and control of the british virgin islands before a civil war occurs.

  22. Lowwa says:

    just make sure when I man come. ..y’all got new gal .Tola ain’t easy

  23. Howl says:

    I just got one thing to say. How many of these UK officers you see at festival duties, operations or even going out there and engaging with the VI comunities. Simple the answer is none. It is so simple to sit there watxh the error and critizise while the black man out there doing all the work and dont even have the time to sit and write back to all these non sence. People I hope you stay woke. This strategy they using is vage and non ethical. Slavery dress in it best suit. I dont see no white man walki g the streets with patrol police. But yet they just sit their behind and critique.

  24. Missing You says:

    Throughout the 1990’s we had very good, dependable and highly efficient, trustworthy and respectful officers, why not recruit some of them. They knew the law and were respected by the court and even those accused of crimes.

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