BVI News

Oleanvine Maynard replaces Pickering to act as Acting Deputy Managing Director of BVIPA

Oleanvine Maynard (File photo)

Oleanvine Maynard is the new Acting Deputy Managing Director at the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (BVIPA).

Maynard takes over from Akim Pickering who served in that post for the past year-and-a-half.

Pickering has since been demoted to the post of Operations Manager of the BVIPA.

Maynard was the former Labour Commissioner who was replaced by Janice Rymer under the NDP administration shakeup in 2012.

Before her recent promotion, Maynard was the personal assistant to the Managing Director before she was promoted to this post.

Human Resources Manager Arlene Thomas said in a statement on Thursday: “I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Olevanvine Maynard has been approved by Cabinet to act in the post of Deputy Managing Director, with effect from 4th September 2019 for a period of three months until the formal recruitment process is completed; whichever comes first.”

The circular added: “Please join me in congratulating Mrs Maynard on her acting appointment and wishing her much success in her new role.”

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  1. Congrats says:

    Congrats to you oli!

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  2. are u kidding? says:

    She was a***l at Labour… what’s her qualification to get this position??

    We need to qualify these persons better!

    Like 73
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    • Hmmm says:

      I could bet my last dollar that she would become the MD. I think the MD’s contract is coming to an end and will not be renewed.

      Mark my words this is the only thing that makes sense.

      Like 16
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    • LB says:

      They promised to give young people the opportunity to lead. All they doing is putting a bunch of old dead weight VIP supporters in positions. People who should be retired!

      Like 31
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      • @LB says:

        And when they give the young lady a chance to be Chairman of the Tourist Board everyone was saying the Government is crazy! We love to talk the talk but hate to walk the walk. We pretend to love each other especially when it comes to tearing down another. Keep your fake patriotism! The Government was elected and have the right to appoint who they please to positions and they know all too well how the BVI voter operates. If they do well they would be rewarded with another 4 years and if otherwise, we will send them home.

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    • John says:

      I think we will soon see the “consultant” JOHN being sworn in as the MD

    • Only Qualification says:

      She’s a VIP shill, no other qualifications needed.

  3. wowow says:

    So you didn’t need experience in ports for this job, as advertised in the job descriptions, when these jobs were advertised! WOW

    Like 67
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  4. Really says:

    Hold your head high Pico.
    So they appoint someone to act for 3 months. Really. Over a qualified person.

    Like 69
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  5. Eagle eye says:

    We ain’t joining you in congratulating nothing Akeem is a good man who knows his job.

    Like 82
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  6. wow says:

    This is the real pickering taking over

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  7. vip heckler says:

    All the vip soldiers are being rewarded one by one

    Like 79
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  8. Well Sah! says:

    Well sah! when this woman start working in the Port? How much time she spend in the Personal Assistant post to the MD? Who interview her? Did she have to go thru the recruitment process? What does she know about ports and port operations? How is she better qualified that the person who was acting in the post for so long and who knows the port inside out? Is the port operation the same as cleaning a hotel room and doing hotel laundry? What are her qualifications? Or did she get this post because of who she know? I have many questions.. But wait.. she did say she is The Real Pickering…

    Like 72
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    • Jealous says:

      In my BVI once they see someone get somewhere they hate on that person. Why can’t we uplift each other than always trying to bring people down! You do not know the reason she was given the job stop spread propaganda!

      Like 16
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      • Do Tell says:

        If you know her qualification to get this post, even for one day, do enlighten us. Inquiring minds want to know. Otherwise, have a seat.

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  9. Great woman says:

    This lady is a woman of intelligence. What God has for her man can’t take. Congrats Maynard

    Like 10
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    • OMG says:

      Uhmmm.. the man that large and in charge is God now? When people say the powers that be, we do not think God is who they meant.

      Like 19
    • Ok says:

      While she may be intelligent you cannot be up and all over the place disrupting BVIslanders. They have no where to go and have bills to pay. If the process to chose a deputy will happen in 3 months let her apply and let him apply and let the Board do what it wants then but leave the guy for the 3 months. We need to look out more for each other in this place, whether or not people vote for you or run with the party or run against another party. There’s no debating if she’s capable but let’s treat each other with respect ✊. But then look at the Board??This place need deliverance.

      Like 26
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  10. #NeverAgainVIP says:

    This new administration playing politics with people’s lives and livelihood. Can I have my votes back please? So sorry I vote them in. Election can’t come fast enough.

    Like 82
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    • @ NEVER AGAIN VIP says:


      Like 59
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      • Honestly says:

        It is very hard to believe if the elected officals care about Country and the people. Before election, they were all friendly and nice but as soon as they got elected, they act like they don’t you or want anything to do with you. I will remember that next time around.

        Like 20
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        • @ Honestly says:

          Very keen and accurate observation.

          It is very distressing to behold because, this current government was a campainging machine. It left no street unwalked; no door unknocked; no voice unheard; no stone unturned; no face unmet; no media outlet untapped and no place of worship unvisited, and no shortage of promises or built up hopes to be realized by the populace.

          Sadly, to see how they have responded, since their victory, to the small man, [not all though] the consummate professional, but especially to some who have contributed their entire professional career to the growth of the country, but who were diabolically disenfranchised along the way, is quite unexpected, shocking, troubling and alarming indeed.

          It is hoped, that even as they evolve within their political growth and intellectual acumen, that they will step back, regain their senses of and concern for all human causes, particularly the validity of justice for all not just a few, and that will strive to live out the true meaning of right and righteousness, as authentic human acts and not mere words.

          Like 23
  11. 2 Grand says:

    Learn this simple lesson in this life it’s not what you know but who you know. I had to learn that.

    Like 39
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  12. Prime minister says:

    Hmm. Once you were a candidate running on the VIP ticket whether in 2019 or 2015 election you would be awarded with a job or placed on a board.

    Like 43
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  13. Ha! says:

    “I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Olevanvine Maynard has been approved by Cabinet to act in the post of Deputy Managing Director, with effect from 4th September 2019 for a period of three months until the formal recruitment process is completed; whichever comes first.

    Like 11
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  14. Really! says:

    Pico couldnt continue to act until they find someone permanently?

    Like 39
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  15. Opinion says:

    One thing I know for sure will happen under this new Deputy. The ports authority will have to pay lots of enter—– expenses and r——- bills.

  16. Sue says:

    Constructive dismissal anyone?

    Like 12
  17. see says:

    The Port has never operated more smoothly under Akeems leadership . She may be a nice person but unless she knows her business a lot of people and businesses will hurt . This move makes zero sense to me .

    Like 23
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  18. Smh ?‍♀️ says:

    They fully well know that she is already confirmed to the post and that three month acting appointment will serve as her probationary period. That statement by the HRM is just a smoke screen. She will some how achieve high commendations and bam, confirmed. VIP really dropping the ball in this department. They are causing havoc by putting in———— persons in critical positions just because of affiliation. Election can not come soon enough.

    Like 13
  19. Lol says:

    At least this make it to much s**t going on up there. That poor lawyer woman what they did her was distasteful. But these are the people you all vote. Please if you support NDP do not let them know.

    Like 34
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  20. @Jealous says:

    Hold the horse at the gate for a quick sec. Get this straight, this is not about hating on her. Start facing up to F**king truth when it slaps you across the lips. She is not Q—— for the position. Something is crawling up the tree and it hasan’t gotten to the top yet……..

    Like 13
  21. crooks says:

    no one removed Pickering from the deputy post, the contract that was given to him by the NDP expired.
    Why the hell you all didn’t rant like this when the NDP hired all them expats to head departments such as the ports?

    Like 5
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    • Youth @ crooks says:

      Can I asked a question? If a person is picked from that previous government and is doing a good job according to the people. Why change him? I am tired and sick of my country of changing people because of the affiliation. How you expect people to love and work with our government and work for the betterment of our country. We the youth are longing for an opportunity to get our country rolling in the right direction with our expertise and knowledge. We were fouled by this government and has been replaced by people that has question marks over their heads. I am so disappointed. I know you all will curse me now but I really thing we should have given Walwyn and his party a change. This will be happening and we the youth will be empowered.

      People next election I beg you please along with me and my of us youth to please vote wisely. For the betterment of our country.

      Vip no matter what you do now. Our minds have been change. Count down is on.

  22. ndp/vip heckler says:

    6 of 1 half a dozen of the next……..SAME GAME DIFFERENT PLAYERS

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  23. Most Noise says:

    I wish you great success Mrs Maynard. Look up, that’s where this gift comes from. Don’t mind the noise, you deserve this position more than most.

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  24. Stay Woke says:

    This lady had Labour Dept up—- —-. She used her position for her o– p——– g—- (c——— c————, s———–s, s—- t————-, etc). What experience does she has over Mr. Pickering? Oh well none of Andrew cronies are versed in any area that they were appointed. By the way look at the Chairman…this world is a circle. How do you guys sleep at night?Wait until Maynard learn the ropes her and her c——– will be ————– off Ports just like how they m——– the Labour system. This does not l— good VIP. Andrew and company have the people of the territory fooled by going and playing basketball with the youths, having lunch with employees, visiting with teachers just to name a few. It’s time for VIP to get to work: fix the roads, clean up the territory, fix the complex, work on the tourist and financial industry. BVI people stay woke. They not working. They taking pictures and forwarding but is unable to understand the work. WE NEED HELP! STAY WOKE!!

    Like 17
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    • @stay woke says:

      You hit the nail exactly on the head. What does one expect from a bunch of dunce that can hardly prononce words or speak properly running a Country. Plain out jokes to the outside would.

      Like 7
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  25. Hmmm says:

    The people at the port is in for some serious t——. Maynard is very l— — would have the employees doing everything for her from going for water, photocopying, get this get that like a personal s—— while she sits her l— b— at her desk. She doesn’t know how to s—- to people she’s very r—. God speed for whoever she’s working with!

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  26. National Embrassment says:

    It coming folks…… it coming… don’t say you all weren’t warn.

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  27. Home boy says:

    The VIP team was going so well until them add she to a post wow just wow . Look thing God please protect us here in the BVI . Look corruptions galore .

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  28. CW says:

    Look at all the haters making the usual STRUPE COMMENTS. BVI will never get better with all the hate poisoning everything in the territory.


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  29. Yep says:

    Wasn’t she the one that had a business that would give you a work permit to be able to work as a captain here… whilst she was working at Labour department ?

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  30. Smh says:

    I wish BVI Ports Authority Staff luck with her. She’s t——-.

  31. Hmmmmm says:

    Can she be any worst than the previous ones? Let us be honest! We had a lot of paper smart people on boards under the prior admin and how did that work out? The ports board in particular was a total waste of time especially after the storms.

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  32. Victim says:

    Well, in the seven years since she did such a h——– job at Labour, I hope she has gained some skills, some wisdom, and some compassion.

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  33. Yay says:

    Thank God the important business of managing our ports of entry which businesses and citizens heavily rely on is now going to be by an energetic professional with decades in the ports and logistics business and not someone who knows nothing at all about it but got the job through corruption and cronyism. That was all the prior government, right?!

  34. Only Us in the BVI says:

    What makes a person qualified? Answer: opportunity. A pro’s qualification happens with time and opportunity. I wish her the best as most times most experience doesn’t mean you can do that job right. So many of you are my systematically more qualified than me but probably can’t do a better job than me.

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  35. The hunter becomes the hunted says:

    A—- the world is round, you have 2 innocent man out of job, now the water boiling for you.

    Like 8
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  36. Strupes says:

    This old bleep can hardly walk url serious

  37. Political Observer (PO) says:

    Like many other locales, BVI politics is tribal to the bone. You are either for me or against me. Silence means that you support the the other side; one cannot be neutral. Behaving political is inseparable from being human; human beings are political animals. In the BVI, politics permeates every aspect of our lives. The party(s) is the natural habit of political animals; the party in power rewards their supporters, qualifications aside; every party in the region and beyond does it. To the victor goes the spoil.

    Government is supposed to be the product of civic cooperation and collaboration but the animating force is conflict and division, for without division there would be no need for politics. Politics is war without bloodshed, a means of resolving conflict without recourse to violence.

    Moreover, thus, it should be no surprise that the ruling party is staffing government with supporters. This government is doing it and the next government will do it; only voters can change this behaviour. But which voter(s) is willing to demand change. We all wallow in self interest. For us, every decision is a transaction; transformation is the province of others.

    Like 15
    • So so true says:

      You either get down with me or you lay down and get rolled over by the moving bus. That is how the Political system works in the BVI. You with me and you vote for me, you eat caviar and drink the best wine. You not for me and didnot vote for me,you eat slop and left overs from the pig sty. And they wonder why the true Bvislanders who left is not comming back or plan to come back home.

  38. BVI to the bone says:

    I am longing for the day when persons will be rewarded for what they knew and not which party they are affiliated with. The VIP is no different than it was all the years it was in the past. Same old same old. That is why the BVI will always be the way it is. God help us.

    Like 20
  39. Customs says:

    No disrespect to this lady. What I see happening at purcell to some of the hardworking people, the VIP in trouble.

    Like 11
  40. Don't worry folks says:


  41. Kitchen Table focus group says:

    The only member from VIP that is going to get re elected next election is Ms. Decastro. The rest can go kick rocks at the end of the CURB.

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    • Unfair says:

      There are so many intelligent young and upcomming next generationers in the BVI that is being held back from evolving. Stop holding them back. It is time for the over the hill FARTS to step aside. They had their time. It is now time for the new generationers to have their time.

    • Voter says:

      What has Ms deCastro done since being elected over 8 months ago? She is the Jr. Minister of Trade, the economy is the worst ever and we haven’t heard one word. The only thing I have heard from her is a speech she gave recently in Uganda. Re-elected to do what?

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