BVI News

Opposition members are masters of damaging reputation — Premier

Premier Andrew Fahie has described members of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition as masters of damaging persons’ reputations.

“Those, when they were in the government and now in the Opposition; they are trying to master it to get back. [They] have done a job where they are good with their mouth and they damage people’s reputation,” Premier Fahie said.

He continued: “They are the kings of damaging persons’ reputation. They did it many times with me and I know this election they’re going to try again. That’s what they do. They are masters of it.”

The Premier’s charge comes in the wake of Opposition Leader Marlon Penn’s accusation that the government selected a contractor who outbid another contractor by more than $300,000 for air conditioning services for the Multipurpose Sports Complex.

Premier Fahie said the contractor was unable to come to the House of Assembly to defend their name against the charges.

“We cannot continue to use our political pulpit to come and try to destroy persons’ names,” the Premier said.

Alleged branding as ‘boldfaced thieves’

Another accusation Premier Fahie levelled at the Opposition was its alleged branding of the government as ‘boldfaced thieves’, with the hope that the government would not respond to their claims.

He further accused Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull of saying several things that were inaccurate during a recent presentation in the House of Assembly and of maintaining his inaccurate stance.

The Premier argued that it was not right for Turnbull to do so.

According to the Premier, one of the intentions of the government in introducing its Integrity In Public Life Act was to stop some of the public allegations made by the Opposition.

The Premier insisted that there were no plans by his government to hold elections in the coming year and said he could only imagine what the Opposition planned to do as 2022 approaches.


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  1. Land deal says:

    Smurf will get exposed

    Like 2
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    • more proof says:

      if any were needed, that this thin-skinned administration, unable to accept criticism, is resorting to draconian laws to stifle debate. A reputation is built on solid achievements and earned respect.

      Like 5
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  2. bvi says:

    takes one to know one

    Like 8
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  3. Mmm says:

    Never ever have I seen such a divisive, directionless,desperate, and gullible opposition ultimately influenced by a few individuals with no moral compus. Stop there think I joking. The brain rott has penetrated into the minds some of the populace. Be careful who you have in your ears ?.

    Like 1
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    • where? says:

      is a robust and dignified rebuttal from a normal respectable leader? Instead we have disgraceful ad hominem personal attacks. This desperate failing administration is unable even to defend its record, resorting to the Trumpian playbook.

  4. Ting to talk says:

    When people took to social media and slander each other before an election … something done by your administration where was the integrity in that ?

    Where is the integrity with the stimulus package ??

    Like 5
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  5. Lisa says:

    The BVI has a child as its Premier. When he was in the opposition, didnt he damage the reputation of the entire BVI when he said the NDP was the most corrupt government? strupes
    Elections can’t come soon enough

    Like 9
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  6. Oops says:

    Am sure you thought the NDP was the bestest greatest ever ever! Put some quotation and quink eyes on the bestest greatest and ever ever. There were malfeasance and the COI exposed it. If YOU decided to ignore that it shows how bias, partisan or corrupt you are.

  7. Peace says:

    The current government is corrupt to the hilt and so was the previous government. Neither one of them are any good. Trying to tar each other when both are already covered with tar.

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