BVI News

Petty nonsense! Walwyn blasts’ ‘Willock’ clauses in VI Inquiries Bill


Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has criticised several aspects of the proposed Virgin Islands Inquiries Bill, suggesting that certain clauses were explicitly designed to target the actions of former House Speaker Julian Willock during the Commission of Inquiry (COI) process several years ago.

During a recent sitting of the House of Assembly, Walwyn highlighted several clauses as being aimed at the behaviour of former House Speaker Julian Willock, suggesting they were in direct response to Willock’s controversial actions during the Commission of Inquiry (COI) process three years ago.

Walwyn mentioned a clause requiring Commission lawyers to have a practising certificate in the territory, an issue Willock unsuccessfully contested in court during the COI.

“There are a lot of sections in this Bill that belong to the former Speaker. They should probably name the clause after him. Because when you read the stuff, you can tell what it is they’re trying to do in some of the clauses. It’s not appropriate,” Walwyn said.

Walwyn described the COI as one of the territory’s most injudicious and undemocratic processes and said the new legislation offered a terrible window into the drafters’ hearts and minds.

“You can’t personalise the law how you want it. It just shows to me, in my mind, that you have malice. You have bad thoughts in your minds against people, and you’re, pretty much, targeting people,” he warned.

Walwyn expressed concerns about parts of the Bill that appeared to give the governor excessive powers, especially regarding commissioner appointments and powers. He criticised the clause allowing the governor to appoint inquiry commissioners without adequate oversight or qualifications, potentially undermining the impartiality and effectiveness of inquiries.

Comparing this to the UK’s Inquiry Act of 2005, he suggested the local Bill should incorporate similar safeguards to ensure fairness and reduce arbitrariness in the calling of commissions.

“The governor can just arbitrarily call a commission of inquiry like that and create issues,” Walwyn remarked while questioning the broad discretionary powers proposed for the governor under the new Bill.

The Bill, currently under debate, seeks to modernise the territory’s approach to public inquiries, drawing on historical precedents and contemporary international standards to ensure robust governance and accountability.


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  1. Seriously. says:

    Just look at the energy they all have for this – a simple bill which might provide a hint of oversight for the benefit of the average citizen. Look how many news articles we have on it!

    Any energy for things that actually matter and have the potential to improve the lives of the average citizen? Roads? Schools? Electricity? Infrastructure?

    And let’s not forget how much these guys will be paid for years to come under the Greedy Bill they managed to pass in record time.

    The problem is that matter who we elect, we get the government.

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  2. @seriously says:

    I don’t think you took the time to understand the issue before you posted. What the legislators seem to be doing is to ensure that there is a more impartial process. This is something that any decent member of society would want. The process should not be open to manipulation by anyone neither the politicians or the governor.

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    • Reply says:

      I understood the issue just fine thank you. This is nothing to do with impartiality – the COI was impartial (despite what some might write on the yellow site) and any inquiry under this legislation would be run by an independent third party who is not influenced by politics, family, local issues etc.

      What this really boils down to is that those in government do not want third party oversight of any kind. They want to continue to run the country using taxpayer funds as though they belong the them personally, exactly as they have done for decades.

      Like 15
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  3. Kudos says:

    I always look forward to his contributions in the House of Assembly. Always well thought out and well researched. I don’t know you personally Hon. Walwyn but I admire your skills in the parliament.

    Like 11
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    • Yes he is no easy push over says:

      The man has guts, determination, perseverance, knowledge and love for the poor people of this country

      Like 1
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  4. Anonymous says:

    Look .. they brothers in ‘arms’ again! You can take that literally or figuratively.

    “politics really does make strange bedfellows”

    • @anonymous says:

      You see the problem in the BVI is that people lack objectivity. If something is being done that is wrong to someone whether it’s your friend, family or enemy you should stand up because it will only be a matter of time before that injustice finds its way to your doorsteps. I commend Hon. Walwyn for calling out something that he saw was wrong to someone who has done nothing but try to destroy him and the yellow site man will not stop doing those things to Walwyn. I have a mountain of respect for Walwyn for this. Trust me.

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  5. Vex says:

    He is right the UK has both Willock and Myron on the target list now it’s clear including the bogus arrest of both guys

    Nothing but racist of the UK police

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  6. Judgement says:

    The truth about the matter is that we should not be in this retarded political position in 2024. We are now facing judgement for all the evil we have committed and condoned over the years and the file is jumbo. When you check it out we have some serious monsters masquerading as people in this little society. There can be no way this can have a happy ending but we just go on hurting and pretending. y’all gonna learn the hard way that kindness is not weakness, You boasted that you could swim but fire is raging and the water is getting hotter and hotter. It’s almost half past late. I’ll be watching you.

  7. BuzzBvi says:

    Oh oh. Myron no likey proper legal controls on legislators corruption on opportunities. We all gotta wonder why?

  8. Real Dumb says:

    For a lawyer to be waft around terms like “injudicious,” “undemocratic,” and accusing the drafters of having “malice” and “bad thoughts” can be seen as inflammatory and may undermine the seriousness of his critique. Constructive criticism should ideally focus on factual and rational analysis rather than emotional appeals. That is what REAL lawyers are generally expected to do. This sounds a bit DUMB.

    Like 9
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  9. You watch says:

    Myron is right look at the history of the UK and how much blacks they rape, colonized, thief their resources and killed woman and children what a evil history

  10. so says:

    So myron is upset that aspects of the bill is targeted towards how Mr Willock behaved during the COI……

    I think most of us can agree that what Willock did was disgraceful and reflected the behavior of an egotistical child that could not have things their way

    In this case i see yall defending Willock and his distasteful behavior.

    I hope the people reading this understand that these politicians no matter which party or side they’re on

    They help each other no matter and support each other behind closed doors.

    No how bad you see them blast each other in HOA or social media in the end they are all friends who share the same motives

    Visit the HOA meetings and watch what happens when the cut to break. They are laughing with each other.

    I’m not saying we should be cut throat with each other and have hate but if you stand 10 toes deep then stand 10 toes deep.

    i see a lot of flip flopping wishy washy Political members

  11. Greedy Bill says:

    yall got plenty noise for this bill that will keep yall in check

    but nobody made noise for that greedy bill

    nobody made noise for those grants issued for nonsense.

    yall want to play into the public emotions for political points then when you get in you dont do jack.

    stop the noise

    if the public have to vote on what should pass and what shouldn’t a lot of things would not have gone through so easy.

    but then again yall quick to call family and relatives overseas to come in when voting time is near smh

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