BVI News

PHOTOS: 186 students graduate from HLSCC

The 2024 graduates of the H Lavity Stoutt Community College. (Photos by Andre ‘Shadow’ Dawson.)

One hundred and eighty-six students graduated from H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) yesterday during its 2024 graduation ceremony held under the theme: Empowering Minds, Limitless Futures.

A gender disparity was noted with 132 females and only 54 male graduates.

Ryan Ramlall and Renata Gerald-Green were HLSCC’s top students, each earning a $10,000 award from the Ministry of Education to further their educational pursuits.

While congratulating the students, Minister of Education Sharie de Castro noted that 10 of the day’s graduates were also hired in September 2023 as recruits in the Let’s Teach VI initiative. They also graduated from that program.

“In response to a significant need for teachers and educational leaders, the Ministry of Education and HLSCC collaborated on the development of two innovative programs aimed at addressing these gaps. The Let’s Teach VI initiative was established to address the shortage of qualified teachers by providing on-the-job training to new hires,” de Castro explained.

“You are no longer teacher recruits; you are officially teachers in our amazing education system. Congratulations,” she added.

Additionally, the ministry, along with HLSCC, produced a 17-month hybrid course tailored for new and aspiring educational leaders, featuring a range of learning activities. De Castro said the leadership program concluded in May 2024, producing 22 educators who earned certificates in Effective Education Leadership.

Meanwhile, Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley also congratulated the graduates and encouraged them to empower their minds, expounding on the theme, “With an empowered mind, your future is limitless. Limited only by how big you dream and how much passion you channel into your aspirations.”

The board of directors, the President, and the entire staff of HLSCC were also praised for their roles in the graduates’ success.


The 2024 graduates of the H Lavity Stoutt Community College. (Photos by Andre ‘Shadow’ Dawson.


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    Someone needs to speak up against this feminine looking crown in one of the photos that was designed for a male pageant winner to wear.

    Males be men and don’t be transformed or coaxed into femininity.

    Like 10
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  2. Hello says:

    Don’t hire the ones sneaking a peak at their phones, that is how they will work, 99% in their phone.

    Like 2
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  3. Quietly Watching says:

    Well, it’s graduation time again. Here we have 186 from the HLSCC who have graduated. I hope the Labour Department is taking note. These young and not so young people will need jobs. Those who already have jobs, are looking to be promoted. WIth all the new work permits being handed out, I hope space is there for this. There will, of course, be those who are moving on to University for the Fall Semester. And they can, if wanted, work a Summer job. Some will work for a short while to save towards their University education.

    In this little country, it’s the little things that are being ignored and rubber stamped that is making a mischief in our labour arena. Hire your own and who are here first. Stop stamping all these new permits for entry level positions as the High Schools will graduate over 400 in just a few weeks as well.

  4. Nodee says:

    Time to get rid of this dress up pantomime.
    It looks like a Klan meeting. Modernize.

  5. Norris Turnbull says:

    The majority of young men are not interested in school. It’s quite obvious. Every year it’s the same thing and statistic. Check the criminal reports….Hmmm 19 to 22 age group for males in the bvi.aarhh.

  6. Sad says:

    Unfortunately, most young men in the BVI are lured by the potential money from drug trafficking. They have no interest in education. You know the place is in a mess when the criminals have more influence on young men than parents or the so-called leaders.

    Like 2
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  7. The TRUTH says:

    Hope yall can find jobs, the way this place is going. My poor country.

  8. maria louisa varlack says:

    privacy and confidentiality and secrecy is vital for the territory of the british virgin islands. it is highly vital for the british virgin islands to remain as nature’s little secret

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