BVI News

PHOTOS: Governor treats local hurricane responders

Scene from Thursday night’s appreciation reception put on by Governor Augustus Jaspert for public officers, non-profit organisations, and statutory bodies who responded in the wake of the hurricanes. (BVI News photo)

Hundreds of persons who were instrumental in the country’s recovery after Hurricanes Irma and Maria were officially thanked Thursday evening.

Non-Profit organizations, statutory bodies, and public officers were treated to a night of finger food, drinks, and music at an appreciation reception at Government House in Road Town.

According to Governor Augustus Jaspert, the night was also dedicated to reflecting on where the territory was in its recovery phase.

The timing of the event also comes as Jaspert celebrates six months since commencing his role as Governor of the Virgin Islands.

“It is wonderful to see Government House full of people enjoying, relaxing, and connecting with each other rather than seeing Government House full of emergency meetings, Royal Marines, engineers, crisis teams and builders. Tonight is just a moment to say thank you,” the Governor said.

“Those six months have been a journey for everyone here I know but it has been a journey that has filled me with incredible pride and admiration,” he added.

He also commended residents of the British Virgin Islands for their strength, resilience, and determination in the aftermath of the two category-five hurricanes.

Meanwhile, Premier Dr D Orlando Smith also delivered brief remarks and voiced his gratitude to the listening audience.

“I really want to say thank you. I appreciate, and the country appreciates what you have done; what we all have done together to get from ground zero to today,” he said.

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  1. Sad says:

    to insulting that many who still need, asked for and sought assistance never received.

    Sad to witness our “house N—–” sucking up while many of our field hands are suffering.

    • Saddened from afar says:

      Why can’t some appreciation be bestowed on those who are and have been in the trenches getting some restoration to the island? There’s always a time and place for everything, and I don’t feel that this is the time for downing others who are rendering help. If you feel that way, what have YOU personally done to help, even if it is only one person, that you know is still in need and crying out? For many of us, it is much easier to b-tch and complain than to take the initiative and help out where a need is seen. If you are already assisting, much kudos to you….

  2. Nice! says:

    This is great! So many people helped in the recovery efforts and continue to do so. More of this please.

  3. Political BS says:

    Many people who helped exponentially immediately after the storm were not invited but there are a load of people there who have done nothing to help or just used the storm to make extra money…. this is insulting.

  4. Sparkle says:

    Were any Social Services Agencies invited? Social Workers of the Social Development Department were very instrumental in assisting persons right after the both Hurricanes. Social Development Workers are still in the process of ensuring that the needs of the Community are being met. Shame on whoever organized this Event to NOT have invited the Social Agencies.

    • LIES LIES LIES says:

      You need to get your fact right. This is of course gossip which is unfortunate that we are willing to spread lies and not take the time to find out the truth. LIES LIES LIES Shame on you.

    • Of course they were says:

      Stop creating comfusion. They were there

  5. Wise up says:

    What happened to the DELTA PETROLEUM employees who served the entire BVI RIGHT AFTER IRMA,WOW BVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

  6. Confusion says:

    Anything with Arch , will be a party . or constant social meet ups .

  7. Set of nasty minded people says:

    You all see a couple of pictures and assume that “regular” ppl weren’t invited. Strupes.sparkle social development workers were there. Just sounds to me like a set of bitter ppl comment opinions get some facts before talking ish

    • @set of nasty says:

      I understand what you are saying but you can’t blame them. They only going off what they have seen (the pictures). I myself was wondering where at the “first-responders” and others that notably instrumental in assisting after the storms.

  8. Killmonger says:

    I don’t eat edomite food does nothing for the n-gro body. gives you cancer.

  9. Schups says:

    What’s the big deal? …

    Kudos to all the people that went above and beyond to help after the storms, the other stuff…???? Who cares?

  10. hospital worker says:

    it is sad to see this when you know soo many of your coworkers and youself immediately flew into action helping others after the pasage of hurricane irma ….persons who were on vacation came immediately off to help with the carrying on of the health services where soo many took shelter ….feeling unappreciated is not even the half …guess we are really in a thankless field

    • Enquiring Minds says:

      I was just reading all the comments and wondering the same thing. Looking at the pictures i don’t see any uniformed officers at this ” finger food thank you party”. Fire and rescue, Police,Doctors, Nurses EMTs, Prison officers, Port, Customs Immigration. I could be wrong maby they were invited; maby they were in the crowd , maby they were just camera shy,or maby just maby they have a special thank ou celebration in the works coming soon.
      Then again like Hospital Worker said “THANKLESS FIELDS”.

      • Lord help this country says:

        I am sure all the agencies were well represented. (Did you expect them to show up in uniform, really) I am so surprised how we look for the negative in everything even when the governor and the premier just wanted to say thank you. Smh we really need prayers in this country.

      • Maybe says:

        First I thought you made a mistake, maybe I was wrong, then you did it 4 more times, so maybe you need to know how to spell it.

      • Of course they were says:

        These photographs dont capture every individual. And several other thank yous were held.

      • ohhh says:

        Yes all those bodies were invited and yes some of them were there some chose not to go so please stop with the bashing. Police, Fire, Prison, Nurses, Doctors, Port, Immigration, Customs

  11. Please correct me if i'm wrong.... says:

    Free food for Kids (East End and Town)? International Motors who provided the army and police with vehicles and radios because they were stuck at the airport for the first few days and had no communication? EC SOAP CO for postponing repairs to their business to make sure the tree of hands event was done properly as they knew so many kids were affected? The owner of Red Rock who provided internet services and food for the people of East End? …. Were these people invited?

  12. Billfargo says:

    Thee they go again! Getting it all wrong! Dressed-up in their suit and gold tie, taking pictures and talking what don’t make any sense other than letting the English People think that they are doing something. I can put it in simple English but maybe, it won’t get posted. Nothing will change until you change the mentality of those want-to-be so-called leaders………

  13. Martha J says:

    I ant want no praise or appreciation from man, God will appreciate me . I will be well appreciated.

    That is why we falling a part, and mother country have to take us back.

    We are unable to care for ourselves and the people of this territory.

    sad, sad. Come England come help us.

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