BVI News

PHOTOS: International Reggae Night draws massive crowd

Scenes from International Reggae Night inside the Road Town festival village on Friday, August 2, 2024. (Photos by Andre ‘Shadow’ Dawson.

International Reggae Night of the 70th Emancipation Festival pulled a large turnout inside Rena’s Festiville on Friday, attracting the largest crowd of the festivities so far.

The venue was bustling with activity as patrons filled the space, resulting in overcrowded vendor booths and heavy foot traffic. The weather was quite good, allowing individuals to drink, eat, and enjoy the festivities in a vibrant, reggae-themed environment.

The night featured performances by renowned reggae artiste Romain Virgo and dancehall sensation Shenseea, both hailing from Jamaica.

Virgo delivered a soulful performance, singing popular tunes like “Dutty Man” and his famous reggae cover of Adele’s “Don’t You Remember.” He also captivated the audience with his nearly decade-old song “Fade Away,” which proved to be a crowd favourite.

Shenseea received deafening screams of support as the crowd eagerly awaited her performance. She invited audience members onto the stage to dance to her relatively new song “Tap Out,” played by her personal DJ.

Other performers included Final Faze, CP4, Shine-I, I’ritical, and the local BVI band Ova Drive, which closed the event with the final performance.

The evening was well-received, with a music selection by Selecta Taz and hosting by Heritage.

Saturday, August 2, will feature the Soca Monarch and Dance Fusion, with performances by Adam-O with Blind Earz, Busy Signal, Hip Hop duo R City from the US Virgin Islands, and local band Vibe.


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  1. Shensea says:

    Is really pretty naturally

  2. Bread and Circuses says:

    We are a culture in decline, our people complain about the ills that plague us but do nothing to solve them. Yet we eagerly get dressed to go to every party, every show every function without a thought to our future.
    Our children see this behavior and learn from us, they have no idea the history of this place they only know what they see before them. Our young men aspire to be “businessmen’ which is a fancy way of saying drug dealer.
    Our women feel comfortable going out in public in clothes that would make a veteran harlot blush, they leave little to the imagination. Many of them are single mothers raising daughters who will grow up and repeat this cycle of making the same bad choices as their parents.
    We should be ashamed, our ancestors may their souls rest in peace are looking down on us and wondering why did they struggle so hard if this is what we are content with becoming. It is often said that people get the government that they deserve. So that must be why we have been stuck with one that is content to give us bread and circuses instead of trying to fix the real issues.
    We have one generation or less before the rot and decay are too great to overcome and we become a knockoff version of America complete with all its woes. If I were a betting man I would bet against us, we have shown no inclination that we will ever be serious about addressing any of our deep-seated societal ills. Everyone with any common sense is now eagerly heading for the exits, the s.s bvi is slowly but surely steaming towards her doom. But will our leaders see the iceberg before it’s too late, very unlikely.

    Like 16
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  3. WASTE AH TIME says:

    *** EMAncipatION ***

    Like 11
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  4. Kraff says:

    This year was about pure slackness…can we get a rotation on the international artists for next year please?

    Like 3
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  5. @ Kraff says:

    When they done they talking bout how our young people acting so. Idiot ba**ards hide behind organizations and do their retarded s**t. A bunch of clueless wanna bees. Festival is all about money ah waste of time. Which artist had something sensible to impart. We create the problems and than we complain. Make it make sense.

    Like 2
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  6. sunny days says:

    Bread and Circuses we agree:

    We thought we was the only ones seeing the BVI go down the drain. We as a Black Race know what our forefathers went through on the plantation and slave ships. But here we are repeating what the masters instill in us to this day while they live on what i call separate countries like Guana,Peter,Norman, just to name a few. They have no crime,motorcycle noise booming music cars and they teach there next generation who we are so they can progress and look at us continue to fail. Take a look at the crowd our only hope is when the next party will be sad.

  7. Belac says:

    But I thought the people are poor and struggling. Help us please gubberment!

  8. LB says:

    What was the purpose of the international reggae night when EVERY night had international reggae artists? This 70th missed the mark on so many levels! Food fair was nice with the marching band and stuff.

  9. Minimal Equiptment and Funds says:

    Million dollar equiptment now playing contemptible, worthless and awful excrement music.

    Musically, the compositional and performance genre of the BVI have retroograded 200 years backwards. The only have been accomplished are the number, quantity and quality of equiptment.

    It is very sad to see and hear, and brings great depression to those who of past better times with minimal equiptment and funds.

  10. ... says:

    So many people are suffering around the world and this type of activity is the best we can do for emancipation celebration. What is the point of being free but pretending to be powerless.

    I have no problem with people showings skin as traditionally it seems most Africans were topless.

    Getting rid of a puritanical and sinful view of the body is part of freedom but there are other people who are oppressed whose lives are not valued and it seems rude to party while they suffer with not one word to the people who are still oppressed.

  11. Nah man says:

    I swear I saw some of these faces at gospel fest?

    Y’all was dressed nicely and covered down and now you put here dress scandalous and listened/dancing to secular

    Y’all like mock the creator mehson wild

  12. Wondering says:

    how many illegals made up that crod? 19, 20, 30 40 prcent?

  13. hmm says:

    Let’s hope the festival committee collects all the money earned as lots got in free.

  14. One love says:

    De coolie gal hot no ras

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