Political will needed to remove roadside vehicles!

Diane Drayton
While lamenting that people have been parking vehicles along roadways in some communities overnight instead of using their private premises, Tortola resident Diane Drayton has questioned whether anyone in the territory has the political will to address such inconvenience.
Drayton, who is also the Information Officer at the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, told persons at a community meeting this week that the issue of parked vehicles occupying valuable sections of the roadway must be addressed if the territory is serious about proper development.
“We may have come from a place where people built on roads like in Huntum’s Ghut and Lower Estate – where people would normally park on the public road. Now that we have decided we are moving in a certain way of development, we are insisting that people now make accommodation on their land for parking; but we seem to be far from that and we might not have the political will to make that happen,” Drayton said.
“It has to be a necessary part of development if we are going to progress forward, that people remove their vehicles from the public road and find parking on their property. Otherwise, could you imagine our tourists are now heading over to our famous sites, but then have to maneuver in a one-way road because somebody has decided – two three cars – have parked on the public road. We have to decide for a progressive society where we are going.”
Drayton also recommended that the British Virgin Islands, instead of seeking novel solutions, should examine and possibly adopt the way in which other progressive societies deal with the issue of parking.
Meanwhile, another resident at the public meeting this week asked Chief Planner Gregory Adams whether laws are already in place for his department to ensure there is parking space on building plans submitted for approval. “Yes, legislation is in place to address those kinds of issues,” Adams said, but he did not say if there is strict enforcement of such legislative provision.
The concern about people parking their vehicles on public roads was among many discussed during the meeting held this week as part of an ‘enVision 2040’ assessment, which is being conducted to better facilitate land development in the BVI. The European Union is funding the assessment through the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
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