BVI News

Premier and top cop having talks about RVIPF salary increments

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

There has been an ongoing discussion with the Premier and Minister of Finance Dr Natalio Wheatley and Commissioner of Police Mark Collins regarding the outstanding increments and allowances owed to members of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

Speaking at a press conference last week, Governor John Rankin gave an update on the situation when questioned by a member of the local media.

The governor said despite him being responsible for the police, he is not primarily responsible for the budget and finances. Therefore, the issue of outstanding increments and allowances falls on the shoulders of Finance Minister Wheatley.

“Subject to the extraordinary powers towards the payments out of the consolidated fund, that is a matter for the government. But what I do know is that there is a constructive discussion taking place between the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of Finance in relation precisely to the issues raised,” Governor Rankin said.

In response to the same question, Dr Wheatley noted he will have a discussion with the Acting Financial Secretary Jeremiah Frett about the police officers’ outstanding increments.

“As you would have known, we paid some increments and I need to discover whether there is an administrative delay in delivering the increments that have already been paid or whether it is an issue of whether they have been paid at all,” Dr Wheatley said.

“In fact, I do plan to have a discussion with the Commissioner about it as well as the Police Welfare Association (PWA). So, allow me to do some investigations and I will report back on the issue,” the Finance Minister added.

Last month, the Chairman of the PWA, Acting Inspector Sean McCall issued a letter calling on the relevant authorities to implement the necessary systems and functions to ensure all members are paid their outstanding increments and allowances.

McCall said the issues and discrepancies with payment, which in some cases span more than two years, are matters of grave concern and rather troubling as it contributes to the existing annoyance, frustration, and poor morale of RVIPF members.

The PWA Chairman said he understands the issue of increments is not for a lack of funding from the government but a lack of proper procedure which starts at the Police Force’s Human Resources Department.

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  1. Pleeease says:

    Jeeeez…sooo elementary an issue which has been brought to your attention repeatedly and your answer is duh???

    Typical response and inaction by the V I Gov.
    A set of lackadaisical doting bunch.

    Like 9
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  2. Solving crimes says:

    is more important to BVI residents than salary issues. Especially all these unsolved murders in the last 20 years.

    Like 7
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  3. Hmmmm says:

    Oh well, good luck to the police force. I hope they get both. He’s in the driver’s seat now unlike with the teachers whom he couldn’t do anything for. Andrew had help because he totally said it salary was in the deputy Governor’s hand.. He likes to hold talk then nothing is done.

  4. not listening to us...only his brother and the UK says:

    He is now the puppy for the europeans

    Like 4
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  5. vip created a monster says:

    We want elections asap

    Like 3
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  6. Negotiator says:

    Sowande is no negotiator.. he gives up even more than the other side is willing to ask for!

    Rather than fight to keep the balance of power he gave the governor everything and then some!!!

    He makes bad deal for the bvi people!!

    Like 4
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  7. Please. Not now. says:

    Put that on hold for now Mr. Primer. Now is not the time. Don’t allow the commissioner to use this time of weakness and uncertainty to ring your hands. Police already getting a good salary and only half of them really working, let them be contented for now until things settle down and get better..

    Like 4
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  8. Truth says:

    I can assure u that there are very good police that have not been piad yet.Hard worki g police that are left behind in the back burner. The police force is bear politics now. U are not evaluated bcause of your hard work or how diligent u are. Its aall Bout nipotism. The ones thay do t work already got paid.This is down right violation human rights. Police have family care too.

    Like 3
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  9. truth says:

    Surely, minimum wages need to be increased for the working public, as well as owed increments paid.

    Everything increased except salary, how does the government expect people to survive.

    This money increase is always about the police, besides they got salary increase already, we the rest of the working people awaits our increase.

    Like 3
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    • Onw who knows says:

      The police may have been awarded pay increments, but have not been paid them. In some cases this is true for several years.

      Like 1
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  10. VG says:

    These fat a** women in VG don’t deserve a f**king dime of my tax dollar.They need to get off their fat a** and do some work.Driving around,running family errands in restaurants eating or just sitting

  11. Wondering says:

    “The PWA Chairman said he understands the issue of increments is not for a lack of funding from the government but a lack of proper procedure which starts at the Police Force’s Human Resources Department.”

    Hello, reading this article to the end, shows the stupidity of the entire story. The problem the above says, is lack of proper procedure starting at the Police Force’s Human Resources Department.

    Let the Police Welfare Association fix the Police Force’s Human Resources Department and leave our Premier alone as he has his own problems to solve.

  12. In VG says:

    Officers in VG are on vacation.24-7 so why waste my tax dollar

    Like 2
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    • Yes I should say says:

      The police men who are and were caught handelling drugs and stealing monies from drug busts are they going to receive their increments too?
      Shouldn’t have been dismissed already, and sent out.
      Remember what they did to the young local for just a television after the hurricanes. Shouldn’t we be fair?

  13. Resident says:

    don’t give them a dime until all the bad cops are rooted out

  14. Hall says:

    U seem like u are one of the lawless buch. Itslocal knowlege that m95 percent bvi dontlike law in forcement bcause they are lawless by culture. Why cant the front li e workers get their monies. Thesepeople have a family too and have bills to pay. I hope the UK really look Into this and fix it. Only the white man can fix this bcause. Cripple law inforcement so we can do as we want. I guess police are not humans.But karma is a bi**h.

  15. Wow says:

    What about the teachers that are still owed increments. The BVI Union is really quiet on that matter my sister deserve her increments because when you all in your bed she up doing the government work. Give the people them increments. I don’t understand how you all allow NDP to stop pay increments and allow the politicians to pay them selves more money and still get personal insurance…what good for the goose is good for the gander. Sick of the one-sidedness. Police needs to be paid also but they need to be out and about more… Not sure what the police so in the BVI. We need to start being fair in the BVI…

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