BVI News

Premier doubles down on decision to host Music Fest

Scenes from night-two of the 2024 BVI Music Fest.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatly has doubled down on his decision to host the BVI Music Fest 2024, despite public sentiment that the event flopped.

Some believe the boycott and the ticket prices led to the general low turnout of patrons.

However, Premier Wheatley said this year’s event was a learning experience from which to build.

“I’m not here telling you that it couldn’t be better, there are areas for improvement. I think it was a valid start, I think we need to learn from the experience and build on it,” Dr Wheatley said while speaking at a press conference last Friday.

The Premier said it is not uncommon for music festivals to be sponsored by the government as many countries in the region are doing so to build their economy. He cited countries such as Dominica and St Kitts & Nevis as examples.

“So, for those people, really what’s the problem?” Premier Wheatley joke regarding the backlash he received.

He reiterated that there are many factors to consider when measuring the success of events on this scale, noting that it’s not just revenue earned from admission fees.

“You [also] have to consider where persons came from abroad – I know a number of persons who came from the United States Virgin Islands, those persons would have to pay departure taxes, there are persons who rented vehicles, there’s an overall benefit to the whole economy that must be considered as opposed to how a private promoter might look at it in terms of profit and loss at the gate,” the Premier said.

“One thing is without a shadow of a doubt, we have to diversify our tourism product, we have to have more events, we have to have more opportunities for persons to visit for various reasons and I am committed to events tourism and entertainment tourism,” Wheatly stated.

People are anxious to find out if profits were generated, however, the Premier continues to say he has not seen the financial report.

When asked if the Music Fest is likely to be held again next year, the Premier said that the decision has not yet been made.


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  1. Smh says:

    You all ain’t see something wrong with this man? Even after the event flopped and he wasted hundreds of thousands of tax payers money he is still calling the event a success. If that isn’t a sign that something is wrong with the Premier then I don’t know.

    Like 49
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    • Eldread says:

      @smh: the man did say the event of him squandering $9,500,000.00 on a weekend puts him on the status of those Dubai billionaire, oops! It’s not my money it’s the tax payers.

    • True DEFINITION of a NARCISSIST says:

      If you ever wondered what a narcissist is there you have it (posted under the wrong article earlier).

      Pride causes downfall.

  2. LOL says:

    He is once, twice, three times an E D YAT

    Like 25
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  3. Styles. says:

    “So, for those people, really what’s the problem?” Premier Wheatley joke regarding the backlash he received.

    What an absolute narcissist.

    “His” country is an absolute 3rd world dump, yet he thinks he can host parties and throw around party.

    There’s one type of person that’s worse than a dumb person and that’s a dumb person who is not willing to learn.

    Like 28
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    • Wow says:

      And I KNOW he goes to Dominica and St. Kitts and don’t see the damn roads crumbling under the cars. Plus BOTH of them have CBI monies so they can fund any music fest they want. Maybe he needs to see PICS of the 2 music fests compared to the one we just had. I think that he is truly delusional.

  4. WTF says:

    Remember yet another attempt to gaslight the public come election time. This man is telling us he thinks we are fools.

    Like 17
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  5. Total flop says:

    The only strangers that we had were the overseas artists and band members….I hope that he really fix the roads with the profit from the musicfest….LOL

    Like 13
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  6. maria louisa varlack says:

    the stupid nonsense, trash and garbage that goes on in the british virgin islands. can’t you people over there find better things to do with your time and talent.

    Like 4
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  7. Resident says:

    we are led by clowns and the premier is the biggest one

    Like 15
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  8. What!!! says:

    When will this guy publish figures and tell us how much his “learning experience “ cost us tax payers?

    Like 17
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  9. Miss says:

    Yall didn’t have enough big artists to have a three day event. All of this could’ve been one night or maybe two.

    Like 12
  10. hmm says:

    Yall vote for stupid now take stupid. people must drop in pot hole straight along the way to this party if they even had running water; then get there to pay you $60 per night to get in a event that their tax dollars pay to put on but it not in your interest to know how exactly the money was spent. Meanwhile foot dragging on everything we want to see done in the territory. No Incinerator, no asphalt plant, bad roads, bush turning 2 lanes into 1 lane, crime rampant etc.

    Like 14
  11. tax payer says:

    the tax payers $$$ should never be used for this kind of nonsense. We need schools, hospitals and roads to work. if someone needs a Music fes or a horse or car racing track then they should finance it with private money. If it is such a good idea it will give a profit. Its not for Government.

    Like 12
  12. BuzzBvi says:

    When we get to see the numbers involved and where the money went to we will be able to see if there was any benefit from this.

    • @BuzzBVI says:

      We, you or nobody else will see overseas accounts with those people names, as they are numbered, sheltered and hidden. They do not put their names to stolen wealth accounts any more. They use numbers. That is the way it is done all over the world now, UK, EU AFRICA THE HOLE BUNCH.

  13. smh says:

    Blah, Blah, Blah…..Stand up and do something about it!!! People STAND UP

  14. Music Fests while everything falling apart says:

    ‘In July of 64 A.D., a great fire ravaged Rome for six days, destroying 70 percent of the city and leaving half its population homeless. According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis.’ –

    BVI has a premier Nero.

  15. Herbs power says:

    $60 to enter and $6 for a corona for a music fest keeping out of our tax dollar.

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