Premier promises to slay NDP’s D6 ‘Goliath’
Sixth District Representative Alvera Maduro-Caines is facing a proverbial Goliath in her race to win re-election, but Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has assured residents that the three-term incumbent will overcome that challenge.
Maduro-Caines, who faces voters at the polls next month for the first time as a Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate, will come up against her former National Democratic Party (NDP) colleague, Myron Walwyn.
During a rally in the Sixth District last evening, Dr Wheatley played a tape of Walwyn endorsing Maduro-Caines when she ran with the NDP at the 2019 elections. On the recording, he called her a worker and said she had delivered during her time with the NDP.
Walwyn, in endorsing Maduro-Caines back then, suggested she had good leadership qualities. “What you must have as a leader, you have good leadership skills, vision and love. If you have those things, you’re in good shape.”
“Alvera, you have a stellar record and do not allow anyone to intimidate you or rewrite the history of the good work that you have done over the last seven and a half years,” Walwyn said at the time. “As much education as they think they have, you can put some blows on them…”
In the meantime, Premier Wheatley questioned why Walwyn would want to run against someone he claimed had a stellar record and suggested that this was done because Maduro-Caines appeared to represent an easy pathway to elected office in the House of Assembly.
Dr Wheatley, while questioning the inference of Walwyn’s campaign slogan of elevating the District 6 representation, said he too, as premier, is sometimes considered to be an underdog.
Dr Wheatley further suggested that he had slain his own Goliath when he won his Seventh District seat in 2019 against five-term incumbent, Dr Kedrick Pickering.
“Honourable [Maduro-]Caines, it don’t matter how tall them is. It don’t matter how shiny them… We going to slew Goliath and the reason why is because Alvera has love. She has love in her heart for her community. You can’t elevate above love,” the Premier said.
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Alvera’s time is up…sShe did her part…Time to move forward
Obvious that the VIP are listening to everything the other parties are saying and are repeating them. Let the Parrot show continue.
Through the VIPs own confessions, they see Myron as a Goliath. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t Alvera be the Goliath that Myron has to take down seeing she was the one who been in the district? What an insult to Alvera that her own party does not see her as this great, formidable force.
That’s why she allegedly plagiarized his plans for the district….strupes
He endorse her as an NDP not a VIP. She made the decision to go over to the VIP without soeaking to the consituents.
When she crossed over she said the whole purpose was to get things done for her district.
Yet couple months before the house dissolved she was telling the Speaker of the house she is not getting nothing done for her district.
Hon. Wheatley as the minister of finance that took Andrew place we want you to tell the people why she could not get nothing done for her district.
What a Natalio is playing those tapes. How many times have people lifted up their spouses in praise and when they discover later on that they have changed or is no good.or what they thought they was and end up in divorce court so you suppose to take what they say at the night of their wedding over what is been said at the present moment.
Please wake up! For the past 3 terms what have she done for the district? Please look at Myron’s plan and see what she spoke about last night. Alvera time is up. Simple and shallow! Have you guys ever heard her debating a bill in the house? Have you seen her teammate send her away to represent you?
bvi trump seeks to degrade the contest
Once a snake always a snake. She still NDP in my Book. 6th District needs a strong minded Individual to represent it. Having 2 NDP Representatives is a lost cause for the 6th.
The Premier intends to slay the competition by spreading rumors rather than being intelligent and being a good leader.
Unfortunately I do not perceive the Honorable Lady from the 6th as a strong and trustworthy elected official.
I felt she was the weakest link during her tenure in the NDP government, and unfortunately she remains that way in my view as a member of the VIP.
I personally do not have respect, trust, or confidence in any elected official who jumps ship to another party for political expedience as she did in my view. I don’t care how she rationalizes her move. It does not sit well with me.
I simply don’t trust such person to represent me because I am left to wonder if they will be there thru thick or thin to represent my interests, and not themselves.
Not only that, the Honorable Lady’s politically expedient switch from the NDP to the VIP at a most critical time was a slap in the face to her constituents who voted for her under the NDP banner.
She appears to be a lovely lady otherwise with a nice personality, however, she has lost my trust and confidence by that move, and her perceived nice personality is not enough for me to overcome my misgivings of her as a politician.
I also don’t like the fact that while a member of the NDP when the country was experiencing a spike in crime, she found it convenient to go up to Balsum Ghut to hand out certificate to criminals.
This country needs politicians who have strong back bones to call out criminals and legislate accordingly to decrease criminal activity and upgrade punishment as needed.
It does not need politicians who are soft on crime and stand shoulder to shoulder with criminals who have hurt and killed people giving them certificates for good behavior all the while ignoring the victims of their crimes.
It rubbed me the wrong way when she was up @ Balsum Ghut handing out those certificates to these criminals knowing that one of the residents @ Balsum Ghut murdered one of my family members. It was very poor judgment on her part to have done so and left a bad taste in my mouth.
I would have had more trust in her had she rode out the storm, stuck to her principles even if she ended up in the Opposition rather than jumping ship to hold on to power. I cannot stand when politicians make such moves. I look at them with a side eye and much suspicion.
That’s a no no for me. Now, I’m not in her district so she does not have to worry about my vote, but if I were a resident of the 6th, I would vote for her challenger instead with the hope of sending her packing handbag and all.
Disloyalty should not be rewarded in my view, and cajoling with criminals is intolerable and unacceptable in my view.
@zone6 Myron like many before him said alot and never delivered it’s easier said than done and all of us with eyes knows that. So wake up from that dream.
Natalio acting tooooooooo arrogant , what he slay pickooo with???
This man have a phd behind he name yet he does act like he have no sense , real childish and arrogant
Myron will win the 6th but VIP wins elections.
1st – VIP
2nd – PVIM (Tight Race)
3rd – VIP (Tight Race)
4th – VIP
5th – VIP
6th – NDP
7th – VIP
8th – NDP
9th – VIP
VIP – 2 or 3 At-Large Candidates
PVIM – 1 or 2 At-Large Candidates
NDP, ZERO At-Large. Lorna will get good support but not enough to win.
Let us not forget the 3 terms was under ndp and after she won she repay us by crossing over to Albert leaving us with no choice
I agree with you 100%. A slap in the face to come and offer condolences and even attend the funeral but still feeding and standing and congratulating known murderers of my sibling. Some may say its small or no big deal but it says a lot. She has lost my X.
Natalio believes we are a territory of nincompoops .
Why didn’t he repeal the greedy bill when he was in office l**r
If VIP wins 5 districts they will win all the At-Large. God help us.
She knows she will be getting a big fat check due to the Greedy Bill just like MW. All fat payout for NOTHING!
The country went through the roughest four years of its existence. The VIP had to deal with Irma damages that were not fixed by NDP and had to deal with covid which was the worse pandemic in the last 100yrs, and they did well. They were not perfect, but they did well especially when you compare them to other governments including the UK. Remember the UK told the BVI they are not giving us any grants or funds to help with covid and they further said use our own funds to help ourselves as they have to use what they have to help their UK residents in the UK. The health people in the BVI said if the government do not act swiftly the BVI would have between 3500 to 5000 people with covid and will die and the numbers will continue to increase. The VIP Government was criticized by Fraser and the NDP 1 & NDP 2 for closing down the cruise industry & then the entire country only to see two weeks later the entire world followed the BVI and shut down to try to save lives. If this was not done most of us would not be alive now. As a people we need to remember these facts and give VIP a second term rather than listening to those who sold us out to get power from those who refused to help us but now trying to make us look bad through COI & other actions to save themselves and their face. VIP deserves a second term.
Thats a hard one to pull off.
Now you have sense. I don’t understand how people cannot see how this would play out.
saty off the weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddd – Stephen A Smith
and she was the only one not voting for the greedy bill, so she is looking for the people interest. So sad that she is to weak.
the only reason she did not vote for the greedy bill is because she was absent from the house of assembly when the voting was taking place
If VIP wins, England taking over. The UK has enuff evidence to do so and I will support it. That is why showdey did not want the constitution suspended. It might affect his greedy part of his greedy bill. But NDP will repeal it. And I hope in retrospect too. If the VIP keep bitching about not serving their full four years, then this should AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFY THEM from receiving any part of that bill before it has been repealed. They have not served their full time in their own words so just like every other pensioner, they do not qualify to receive the benefits of a pension. Moomoos and morons. And the AG approved that bill? The greedy part of the greedy bill should be called the VIPs greedy bill because it was their majority in the house that put it there.
PhDs are a dime a dozen. Meaningless especially with the online route everybody and their dog going for PhD.
You had better learn sense and not vote party.
There are independent candidates that are in the race.
Premier let’s hear your ideas for fixing things, ya pops at the other candidates are getting boring
They did well by some people while the rest were left to the dogs. The USA did well. They gave everyone earning a certain annual salary a Cheque/Cheques while the bvi gave 4,000 people $23M according to the now Deputy Premier. Last I checked, the population was more than 4,000 and 28,000 do not make over $65,000 per annum.
I know it is polotics but he has really gone overboard with his slurs and accusations. Very immature and his uttering are most ridicilous…Just embarassing!
You are assessment is about 95% correct. No way VIP can win 8 seats. Let me disagree with two things..1/ #9 is either PVIM or NDP..2/ VIP getting one at large either Zoe or Decastro, both, can’t see it not impossible though…I see VIP getting Max. 6 seats. and will need one or two from some where else to form the Govt. I think VIP will retain the Govt.
VIP 5 or 6 district seats. 2 at Large. #SowandeforPremier
NDP and the country was caught off gaurd with Irma and they could not fix things with less than a year as election was in early 2019. VIP got in because they sold us all lies. NDP built up cash and secured CDB loan in which VIP got in to spend. Then the worst happen, the world shut down. So now yes VIP had both Irma and Pandemic to deal with. So the projects VIP accomplished were already started with NDP. NDP did the leg work. VIP just come and tweak a few things to call it their own. THey did nothing new other than this greedy bill. American Airline is the work of AA alone trying to make a combat in the caribbean again. They gone change the entire scope of the government housing and up to now persons cannot afford to live in them. up to yet we did not get a financial position of government funds….just spending. That was promised in the first 100 days. What has VIP done so worthwhile……thanks for the school in which NDP laid the ground work and secured the funding. NDP was not bad that last term but everyone worked with what they could have worked with.
Why didn’t he take the loan guarantee from the UK
– He had could not control that money
He had to give account to the UK on how it was spend
I feel no sympathy for him . He destroyed out country and Natalio does not call him out for it
HA! You wish!
Premier come on! You know for a fact Myron did that for Alvera as a tactic to get as many persons voting for party to make a team for NDP. The same was done for VIP last election because who was Carvin Malone again? That only happen because you guys were pushing party.
Let’s be honest and get back to the point at hand, what has Alvera Maduro-Caines done for her district except for feed persons and be kind? What happen to the persons that didn’t need feeding or heard about her kindness but never witnessed it because she doesn’t walk through her district? You’re telling me to elect her for 4 more years to be kind?
While you’re at it, tell her walk through her district or else on April 24, she’d definitely be able to be kind somewhere else.
this is what i call dirty campaign….tell us what you and your party gonna do for the people of the bvi….and what have you done
Alvera slew bigger goliath than Limey Walwyn……Omar Hodge wasn’t no light weight. Shwe will win.
All of us should know it’s easier said than done.
Stop the bul@#$ none of them did anything. They cuss Omar now Alvera soon Myron. They can only try.
U f……. Crazy