BVI News

Premier rejects ’travel minister’ label

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has accused the opposition of playing political games regarding his administration’s travel expenses, asserting that international representation is essential for the territory’s interests.

“We have to travel. Without a shadow of a doubt, we have to travel,” Wheatley stated in a recent appearance on JTV. “Financial services account for 60% of government revenue. That pays for our schools, the same hospital you’re talking about, pays for the infrastructure and the roads.”

He dismissed the characterisation of being a “travel minister” as an immature political tactic. “It’s nothing new and it’s nothing specific to Natalio Wheatley. That’s just a political tactic, and we have to travel,” he argued.

Dr Wheatley explained that travel, particularly to regions like Asia where the majority of financial services business originates, is critical to maintaining strong international partnerships. “Don’t you think it’s important for us if Asia is where the majority of our financial services business is that we make sure that it remains strong and vibrant?” he questioned.

No partying while travelling

He also highlighted the demanding nature of such trips. “When I travel, I’m not on a party. Actually, it’s very tiring. Half the time when I travel, I end up getting sick because you’re in an airport with a bunch of sick people. Your immune system gets weak. It’s pretty gruelling, it’s pretty taxing on your body,” he said.

Addressing concerns about local spending, Wheatley assured that travel is a necessary investment. “Persons prefer to play politics with things like travel. But persons need to grow up and forget about those immature political tactics because that’s not helping the people of the Virgin Islands.”

He also stressed the economic value of entertainment tourism, referencing recent and upcoming events in the BVI.

“You’re going to find people flying in, persons are filling up hotels, Airbnbs, villas. Some persons can’t even find a place to stay, so they’re staying by family members and friends. They’re going to rent cars, they’re going to spend money, pay environmental levy, departure tax, and they’re going to support our economy.”

Wheatley stood by his administration’s decisions, noting that strategic spending yields long-term benefits. “You have to spend money to make money,” he affirmed.

The Premier doubled down on his commitment to the territory’s development. “We’re going to continue working our strategy and hopefully when it’s all said and done, people in the Virgin Islands will understand what we are seeking to do.”

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  1. Most important question says:

    When can Lorna start traveling again – the new AA miles qualification period started on 1 March. The first class trip to the far east in Feb topped up last year but she won’t want to leave it so late to requalify again.

  2. Way Cool jnr says:

    Are your frequent flyer points being used to offset the cost of future government travel? or are they being used for personal travel?

    Like 16
  3. ha hai says:

    Did Miss Penn said that he travels with a different * every trip?

  4. LOL says:

    Yes our ministers and entourage need to be at the Olympics and to support some school children in Singapore for some program. You all really think we are stupid! And any Boat-show in expensive Monaco needs about 20 people in First Class accommodations and restaurants.

  5. Government job says:

    does not require travel. If any BVI government employee needs to travel then that person must pay ALL the expenses with their own funds NOT the BVI Treasury. After the persons return to the BVI they can request reimbursement for their travel expenses. Furthermore actual reimbursement should occur at least a year later after a thorough analysis of the purpose and rewards to the BVI from the employee’s trip off island.

    Like 5
    Dislike 2
  6. Fu true says:

    The man is the party minister not the travel minister. Get his name right please and thanks.

  7. Resident says:

    dude is always traveling but brings back nothing to uplift the territory, no new ideas, the vip no longer has a vision and that is why we are perishing

  8. Weakling says:

    Boss yuh immune system weak yuh said?!? Maybe this ting ain’t for you…think about it

  9. Jet Setter says:

    Thye amount of travel and the poor reasons for continuously traveling first class have got to stop.
    Two trip maximum unless for special circumstances should be the maximum!

  10. Eldread says:

    I reject travel accusation, I haven’t even travel to las Vegas and other dream places yet.

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