Preparing for reopening | Public Officers undergo COVID-19 training

As the British Virgin Islands readies to reopen when the 24-hour lockdown comes to an end on Sunday, a number of government employees have been trained to ensure businesses comply with various measures to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
During the April 23 training session, Chief Environmental Health Officer, Lionel Michael provided the Social Distancing Task Force with the “inspection procedure that will ensure that each private sector business approved by Cabinet is prepared for opening”.
The procedures that business will be inspected for includes their compliance with boundaries and adhering to the six feet social distancing guidelines inside and outside the business place and how they implement social distancing monitoring mechanisms, a media release from the Ministry of Health said.
Additionally, companies are mandated to have a minimum of two sanitisation stations that should be utilised by customers before entering the establishment and have procedures in place to sanitise cash.
Employers and employees must also wear face masks.
“Mr Michael said that the Social Distancing Task Force has an important role to play in the safety of citizens as the territory prepares to reopen following the lockdown,” the release added.
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Are there face masks available? Where ?
you can make your own. youtube has plenty of how to video. make sure to put 2 filters in it for extra measures. thank me later.
How are beauty shops, barber shops and spa businesses going to adhere to social distancing guidelines? If the plan is still to open these businesses can someone in the know please answer this question. Thank you.
Do not patronize those business just yet. Wait until safe to do so, or do the pretting up stuff at home.
No matter how elegant the public persentation is established, one still has to wake next to the real deal, minus the falsities, paint and plastic.
at some point you still have t ppatronize the stores. so what do u suggest? bout 1 week? gmas to give the virus if there any to be irradicated?
if all goes well, customers need to be brought in by appointmemts only. one customer at a time per hairdresser.( you cam only do ome hair at a time anyhow) sanitize beforw and after each use. customers as well as hairdressers need to wear PPE. also there is these plexi glass that the US is using everywhere you go to act as a barrier between customers and owners. not sure if it applies in this instance but u get the point.
What is the procedure for sanitizing money, as mentioned in the mandated protocols for the opening of businesses?
wear gloves when handling money and sanitize your hands before and after. also dont touch your eyes, mouth, ears, or any part od the face. keep the money away from your clothing and skin as well. sanitize sanitize sanitize.. covid19 is evolving everyday. it lives on surfaces for up to 3 hrs and it lingers in the air for a while as well. its the same concept as when u recieve mail or the care packages we been receiving. samitize, sanitize, sanitize!!! if u can use credit card, do so then sanitize both hand and card. most places aroune the wprld do not deal with cash at hand anymore for various reasons. they have money transfer apps and credit/debit cards to name a few that they use. Bvi is a lil far behind so sanitize before and after please.
Hermani no sea telco usted no sabe lo que se a sufrido en esto día sin dinero ni comida. Si usted no se encuentra en la capasidad de visitarte un centro de velleza no lo visite.
Recuerde que todos aquel que siempre a trabajado en esta area siempre a mantenidos su igienes y mas que nunca.
No pretenda hacer una bola de nieve haun sin estar abiertos. Visite mi estacion pde trabajo para que usted sea testigo de la igiene y calidad de mi servicio. La mayoria de los peluquero son inmigrantes y todos tienen sus experiencias.
the people have spoken!! what is the amended outcome going foward? surely there has to be one.
Stockholm, the largest city in Sweden, is weeks away from establishing herd immunity. Sweden chose not to close its economy and social distancing was optional. A study in Santa Clara California of 2,500 people demonstrated that a large percentage of people had the virus but were asymptomatic, meaning that the percentage of fatalities is much lower than being reported, somewhere between .1 and .2% for the US. On the bright side, we have all just had a lesson about how viruses do (and don’t) work.
Why was the world locked down and who benefits? Informative video at link.
Guess all this means we’ll have to reinvent SEX ! ?