Prisoners to help remove debris from roadways

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Director of the Public Works Department Jeffery Skelton said arrangements are being made to have inmates from Her Majesty’s Prison help clear roadways of debris when necessary.
He said Superintendent of Prisons David Foot has agreed to make a total of 10 inmates available.
Skelton recently told the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Assembly that his department would be able to do much more work with the additional help.
The committee, in its report tabled in the House a few days ago, said: “The Director of Public Works (Skelton) stated that he was in discussions with the Superintendent of Prisons, who had agreed to loan the Public Works Department five prison inmates to work with him in the first instance on a three-week trial.”
“Thereafter, he (Skelton) would be loaned an additional five inmates. The Department of Public Works stated that, if that [agreement] happens, the department would be able to do a lot more with that resource,” the parliamentary committee further said in its report.
Skelton made the disclosure about the likely help from inmates after Territorial Representative Archibald Christian urged the Public Works Department to ‘remove all equipment and debris from the roads after repairs are completed’.
Christian added that persons in the various districts could be employed to assist on a ‘rotation’ basis. According to him, Leader of the Opposition Andrew Fahie also shares the view regarding ‘rotation’.
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