BVI News

Private sector excited about Guyana trade prospects

Junior Minister Karl Dawson, Trade Minister Lorna Smith, and CEO of BVI Finance, Elise Donovan.

Members of the local private sector have expressed excitement at the number of business opportunities available following the recent trade mission to Guyana.

Labour Minister, Lorna Smith, shared that a 13-member delegation of private sector individuals and members of the government were exposed to various prospects that were mutually beneficial.

These included prospects in sectors such as hospitality, agriculture and financial services, among others, where the private sector could become involved in various exchange programmes and investment opportunities.

Smith also indicated that members of the contingent may be returning soon to cement some of the relationships that were established and signalled that the government may be looking at establishing a Memorandum of Understanding to help create a permanent presence in Guyana.

“With clear opportunities identified, we shared with the major private sector organisations how the BVI financial services structures and wealth management products can assist them during this phase of the development of Guyana,” Smith said.

She also noted that the Central Bank in Guyana invited one of the private sector members of the team to register its business with the bank to help Guyana address challenges using digital solutions.

CEO of BVI Finance, Elise Donovan, signalled that the BVI could take advantage of Guyana’s tremendous and unprecedented growth rate of 62 percent in the last few years, something she described as being arguably the highest growth rate in the world.

Donovan said in terms of economic development, the BVI is a facilitator of global trade, investment and business, and noted the synergies that the BVI is able to produce across the world in facilitating such trade. “We can be that facilitator with what we see happening in Guyana,” Donovan said.

Meanwhile, Junior Minister for Agriculture, Dr Karl Dawson said the mission was not just all about government. He said the government could connect private sector individuals in Guyana with persons with similar interests in the territory.

Dawson also hinted at the possibility of an aquaculture project in the BVI which he said seems to hold tremendous promise and has already found favour with some members of the private sector.

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  1. Salty Fish says:

    What the hell is going on? It has been Guyana this, and Guyana that, for weeks now! Is this the only country we are choosing to deal with in the Caribbean? The way this is being endlessly shoveled down our respective throats is getting oddly suspicious!

    Can we PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, focus on our own home, and the endless list of issues that need addressing here!

    Guyana deals are nice but this endless in your face news on Guyana and how much we need these trade interactions is getting frustrating!

    Please give is some indication of what the heck it is that you are going to do domestically for this Country and just about every element of our crumbling infrastructure and society!

    I just do not understand our leadership (or lack thereof)!


    Like 35
  2. WELL SAH says:


    Like 14
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  3. LOOK WITHIN says:


    Like 17
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  4. Rovira says:

    When will we stop talking about this pie in the sky nonsense that self corner Lorna seems obsessed about?

    Like 18
  5. That's it says:

    We are not reading anymore propaganda concerning Guyana.

    Like 14
  6. TurtleDove says:

    The low hanging fruit is Dominica Republic.

    Like 8
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  7. Pandora says:

    Who in the private sector are you talking about?!!

    Do you think maybe we would like to hear from them as well? Maybe these private sector people can lend some creditability to your Guyana everything push. Or are these private sector people fictious? They seem to endorse things that none of the rest of us are privy too – is this stiff secret? Is it just for your specific ‘private sector’ people? Do tell!

    Yes, Guyana’s economic growth is awesome. But that is due to one thing, and that is huge deposits of oil! Let’s hope to God, they don’t mess it up and pi$$ away their money into black holes of corruption like our politicians did with Finacial Services’ money.

    Only time will tell if the Guyanese people benefit or end up having third world infrastructure and services like our leadership gave us when we had our economic boom!

    Like 13
  8. Jokey says:

    Farm in your own country so funny when plane stops flying and ship stop sailing how you going to get crops from Guyana!!

  9. Seriously? says:

    Guyana is a hugely corrupt country that has had major financial difficulties until now. It is a “black-listed” country for financial services, so any transactions to and from it are under scrutiny. It’s suddenly in vogue because of the oil discoveries, but unless it changes rapidly and becomes less corrupt, doing business there will remain very problematical.

    Like 14
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  10. Really?? says:

    This S#it is unbelievable! Everyday Guyana, Guyana, Guyana? When these people wake up at Morning, can someone please tell them BVI, BVI, BVI? What is the obsession? This Deputy has brought a new twist to Politics in the BVI and its NOT about BVI. This is sickening to say the least. Take a close look at our BVI and see what Policies need to be drafted and implemented to make life in the BVI better for everyone instead of daily harping on Guyana, Guyana, Guyana. Can’t you see the BVI is in serious need of Social and Economical reform? What have you and your Crew done for us lately? It is plain to see that last Election there were a lot of wasted Votes.

    Like 13
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  11. BLACK says:

    Wake the hell up. Remember who took her down the road to cross the floor after election ? Need I say more.

    Pay attention please!!!!

  12. Hmmmm says:

    I have no words. NONE!

  13. Nonsense says:

    Some people are just satisfied getting on a plane, shaking hands, talking pure s**t, drinking wine, meeting pretend business people, meeting pretend popular people, taking pictures, posting all over, pretending as if they are successful. Look at most of the people who went on that trip and it’s mainly waste of timers right here at home so what the f**k are they going to do in Guyana? Far too many people are content with complete mediocrity, f**kery and appear to be allergic to substance. If you are going to partner with somewhere like Guyana, do it in the area of getting some Teachers or something a bit sensible, not this pie in the sky bird s**t crazy nonsense!

    Like 13
  14. CAUTION says:

    Guyana is not the first country that found oil. The abundance of resources is not automatic success, examples are everywhere including the BVI having made billions in the Financial Services. We need not look further than the quality and state of the roads..smh



  16. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    These people grasping at straws to make this trip seem anything but what it actually was: a waste of money and time. This tired 70 yr old just trying to sound like she knows what she is doing. But she does not

  17. Roll eyes says:

    Look the 70 year old granny and her terrible looking wig. She don’t have a clue what she doing.

  18. Hi says:

    I posted my comments but I noticed it was deleted,bvi news doesn’t want the public to hear the truth why those who went to guyana full agenda is.

  19. Not Guyana says:

    We want to hear about the money for the plane deal which she knows about. Go up to New York and come back with that.

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