BVI News

Public can’t have COI reforms’ both ways’

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has expressed that the public cannot expect rapid governance reforms while also demanding that these changes be meaningful and impactful.

During a recent press conference, he addressed the ongoing implementation of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommendations, highlighting the challenges faced in meeting deadlines.

“We can’t have it both ways, and we can’t criticise the government for, “missing the deadline”, and then telling you that you’re in a mad rush without taking account for the people,” Premier Wheatley said.

Dr Wheatley expressed pride in the progress made thus far, noting that the government has completed 45 out of 48 COI recommendations, which equates to 94 per cent completion. He described the achievement as “the most robust governance reform in the history of the Virgin Islands” conceded that his government would not meet the most recent deadline of August 31, 2024, for completing all recommendations.

Can’t sacrifice quality

The Premier explained that while the government has made significant strides, the process has been intense and required careful consideration. “Some persons will be fixated on the August 31 deadline,” he said while acknowledging that deadlines are important. “But we must be ever mindful that we must not sacrifice the quality of reform just to meet a particular date and tick a box.”

Governor Daniel Pruce, who joined Dr Wheatley at the press conference, echoed the Premier’s sentiments. He noted that while progress has been made, there is still work to be done. “I believe it’s absolutely critical that every branch of government continues to make a concerted effort to complete the remaining COI recommendations,” he stated. The Governor also highlighted the need for a genuine commitment to reform implementation.

The COI was initiated in January 2021 to investigate allegations of corruption and abuse of office within the Virgin Islands government. The inquiry, led by Sir Gary Hickinbottom, resulted in a report that recommended significant governance reforms. The government has since worked collaboratively with the UK government to implement these changes while maintaining democratic governance.


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  1. yea yea says:

    “without taking account for the people”?

    from what i’ve read about the coi pretty much most of the reforms benefits us regardless..

    what u mean to say is that you dont want to rush it without taking account for yourself and family members / close friends

    Like 20
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  2. Well... says:

    I’m no Wheatley fan but I agree with him. Most of the people making noise are hypocrites and greedy people who are only interested in self-serving and political agendas. Why do I say this? Well one only have to look at the COVID stimulus grant list that was leaked not so long ago to understand. So many people, quite a few of them government workers, received over $5K for NOTHING, hundreds of people got this money and they were QUIET about it. Now that they can’t get their way again they are making noise against government and the Premier. Where was the uproar when they got all this money for nothing while those who needed it had to go without? Hypocrites all of them.

    Like 7
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    • soil boy says:

      Only ppl that agree with you are those that haven’t read what the COI recommendations are and the reasons why they were recommended

  3. Styles. says:

    We know you are not a guy to care about quality Natalio.

    Look at the roads.

    Look at the schools.

    Look at the clinics and hospital.

    In the meantime:
    He has not distanced himself from Fahie yet.
    He has not reprimanded health minister for stealing Covid grants.
    He has not reprimanded education minister for stealing Covid grants.

    Natalio is the problem, not the solution.

    Like 19
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  4. CoI reforms says:

    will become law in the BVI with or without you!

  5. Citizen says:

    We need some intervention before this government destroys these islands.

  6. Sir says:

    If you are receiving money for tax payers to pay back don’t you think they the tax oayers need yo know where this money coming from and the terms and conditions of such loan?

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