BVI News

PWD to dig up SDA Pathfinder’s roadworks

File photo of roadworks

Volunteers from the Pathfinders of the Sweet Redemptive Seventh-day Adventist Church undertook road patching repairs in the Fort Burt area over the weekend. However, these are now set to be dug up and professionally repaved by the Public Works Department.

Public Works Department Director Jeremy Hodge told ZBVI Radio that this is part of his department’s rollout of road repairs after receiving funding for long-planned road repairs.

Hodge thanked the Pathfinders but discouraged future repairs planned for the coming weekend. “Thank you for the effort so far, but I would discourage it as we will be carrying out our road work from this weekend moving forward,” Hodge stated.

He added: “So while I know the intentions are good, I am moving to discourage that and we will be doing our works moving forward now that we have all that we need to do so.”

Hodge said he met with the Ministry of Communications and Works staff to secure the necessary resources, including additional manpower and raw materials to do significant paving.

“A Cabinet paper was done in February and submitted. Last week, we signed a contract with Tortola Paving which is for labour and equipment,” Hodge explained. “And we would supply asphalt to them to assist us to push the paving agenda so we could get a little headstart.”

Hodge said the Public Works Department will also be paving and patching while Tortola Paving is working to help push the work.

Under this contract, the Public Works will contribute asphalt to help cover 4.5 miles of road across Tortola. “We’ve ordered 25 tanks of oil, a significant amount of the raw materials to be able to mix the asphalt for that amount of oil as well, and to cover the 4.5 miles,” Hodge stated.

Meanwhile, the PWD Director promised that residents could expect “decent drivable roads, comfortable to drive from West and straight through to the airport”.

The comprehensive repair and paving efforts are set to commence this weekend, starting with Sea Cows Bay, and will include critical areas prone to potholes and severe wear. Notable locations on the repair list are Gene Hill, Fish Bay, Brandywine Bay, and the stretch in front of the H Lavity Stoutt Community College, as well as roads leading up to the Hodges Creek Marina and Fat Hogs Bay.

Hodge also pointed to logistical challenges, such as delays that the Public Works Department’s plant had experienced. “We are also going to have an agreement with Tortola Paving to have their plant as a redundancy. We’ve gotten all the parts for our plant. They’re being put in right now, and we’re reconfiguring the plant,” he stated.

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  1. Laslow says:

    All of a sudden they will be doing road works this weekend. All of a sudden the parts they needed reach. You have a contract signed since February but all of a sudden.
    To make matter worse PWD will now dig up the concrete to replace with asphalt, why? It’s not like you will be leveling the road properly and paving it with sense.

    Like 112
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    • vote of no confidence says:

      I know this guy, he is a good man, however he is working off instructions.
      The egg is stinking on the faces of the government; democracy is going down the drains.
      It’s no longer about the people. It doesn’t matter if a pot hold can flip a vehicle or damage your front-end putting motorists at risk and costing the public millions.
      No, it’s about how the government will look if these images remain. We are electing rulers not leaders.
      Can’t they understand asphalt cannot work in all cases due to poor drainage? Sometime concrete is the solution if you will not put drains for the water to run.

      Like 17
  2. Homegrown says:

    This guy is full of sh***t. I had enough of this bull sh,,,t place

    Like 60
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    • Anonymous says:

      then move somewhere else, the less smooth brains like you the better. You have no idea what constitutes his job or the red tape his has to cut through to complete all the projects the territory needs. His job requires funding… funding that people above him never want give. Since you’re so quick to voice your useless opinion how about you give him the money to help all the people he wants to help.

      Dislike 12
      • @Anonymous says:

        Okay, let’s say you speak truth….what then, should we do about ‘the people above’ who seemingly act out of spite toward their own people?

    • immy says:

      Then move somewhere else, our territory would be better off with less possessors of single digit IQs. The director of public works can’t just work on projects that people complain the most about, he works under people that make those calls and provide the funding necessary to follow through. Since you’re so quick to voice your useless opinion and curse and call people out of name like a neanderthal, how about you provide that funding and take it up with Koye. Mr. Hodge does projects he has the funding and approval to do.

  3. Moving On says:

    Ungratefulness is worst than witchcraft. Why replace a concrete path with one that will be washed away before the hurricane season is over?

    Like 60
  4. Resident says:

    The fact this is being done shows the desperation of the population. Everything is getting worse and worse because we rejected the UK loan guarantee for $400m. The result was that very little government infrastructure got repaired after Irma and what was repaired was done badly.

    With our regular storms and floods the infrastructure just gets worse and worse. There is no plan, and no ability to borrow the sums needed. No one will lend for the money to be pissed up the wall by poor execution of the works and poor accounting for the loan spend.

    The fact our Ministry of Finance can’t add up does not help.

    Meanwhile a 14 year old get charged for having an AK 47.

    We really are doomed to descend to the level of Haiti.

    What a waste of a lot of opportunities.

    Like 45
    • really doom says:

      Tortola goin back in time i dont understand why the leaders of the past was getting more done and understand the place now the ones with more advance technology and education seem to dont have common sense or they only care bout money before you fix the road u have to fix under the ground put in water pipe tha can handle the vibration of all these big truck passing on the roads every day.

      Like 22
    • Wow says:

      I agree to some extent except taking the loan from the UK, right now Anguilla is bleeding from taking that loan. If you think our groceries and shopping is already over the roof when the UK decides to add 13-15 percent tax on every thing it will be worst. Let them leave that loan where it is.

      Our islands make enough money to have things done, it’s all about prioritizing and clearly this is our leaders short fall.

      Like 4
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  5. HELP IS NEEDED says:

    Stop putting tarmac on broken down concrete roads.


    It is wasting more money rather than fixing the actual underlying roads.


    Like 47
  6. Wutliss says:

    This is the height of wutlussniss by the podría director. If they going to dig up the concrete to put asphelt then pay the people for their concrete and labour. They were being good corporate citizens helping where the government falling and thus is the thanks they get? Shame on aryuh!!

    Like 54
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    • Oppressors says:

      Why dig up the concrete portions when you can leave those and put the needed asphalt in other areas that need it. This is so dumb and backwards.

      Like 37
  7. Who supplying what… says:

    PWD supplying asphalt?!? No way this will happen. They will waste more material than what is neede for said roads. Another patch and go that will erode/wash away in 6 months time. Watch this space and see…

    Like 18
  8. UNGRATEFUL says:


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  9. BADMIND says:


    Like 18
  10. BuzzBvi says:

    Leave what they have done in place and do somewhere that needs doing. Like every other road!!!!!! This is the complete foolishness we need to be leaving behind. We need leaders not idiots.

    Like 40
  11. Hot asphalt? says:

    Will the asphalt be hot when it is being used? Is it coming from Fish Bay to Fort Burt or Sea Cows Bay? Because cold asphalt does not “stick” and next time it drizzle those holes will reappear. SDA repaired a big ole hole by Ft Burt. How an accident didn’t happen is a miracle and is the reason why everybody thinks God is a BVIslander.

    Like 15
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  12. Yep says:

    The plan worked

  13. Made em look bad says:

    Before digging up please ensure you have the asphalt, material, manpower, and all that is needed BEFORE digging up the roads. Because to save face you will dig it up and three weeks down the line the pot holes still there

    Like 11
  14. Tortola says:

    Is 4.5 miles a typo? There’s way more than 4.5 miles of road that needs fixing.

  15. Driver says:

    No sahhhh!!! these ppl stupid bad bad bad- like for real???

    Like 12
  16. Really says:

    Fish Bay isn’t that a brand new road? and he talking 4.5 miles and also that we will drive comfortable from West End to the airport. The concrete would at least last through the next downpour.

  17. Nonsense says:

    What kind of nonsense is this. This is pure a** backwardness.

  18. Concerned says:

    I’m so pleased you can drive from west end to airport on a flat road. What about the north shore. Joes hill, huntums gut and all the other major roads. The vegetation maintenance as people are being impaled on the crush ship busses.

    So if I fill my holes close to my house with concrete does this make it a priority to fix our roads.

    It’s a crying shame that a member of the public took to fixing the roads before the government even raised an eye to the state of the country.

  19. Hmm says:

    Is is only me reading this wrong. They are paving 4.5 miles. Yet the director explained residence can expect to decent drivable roads from West to the airport. How is 4.5 miles even a drop in the bucket from west to airport? I guess you can’t expect better from a government the under budgeted 20 mil for the salary increases.

  20. Thought says:

    At this point, throw cement in all the holes let them go dig them up cause they was well fast on this one.

  21. Ok…… says:

    I don’t understand why they going dig up the ppl work, but yet SCB road in shamble for months now after they dig it up and leave it

  22. Homegrown says:

    Look at this why would pwd dig up what was already there are other holes that can be filled.

    Like 4
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    Well we are seeing for ourselves what is going on , people trying to help and the thanks we getting is NAH WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT , ITS MAKING US LOOK BAD , SO WE GOT FLEX
    OFF OURSELVES/ DIG IT UP , THAT WILL SHOW THEM WHO’S THE BOSS AROUND HERE ●¿● . ah go say it again / those lovely potholes was designed to slow down the traffic and then reintroduce the donkey & cart days / so get ready to start renting donkeys & mules ( mutumbo (kye) is getting creative so soon we will be getting rid vehicles that uses fuel , looks like we got another genius in the house

  24. Tired says:

    Mr Director, please step down

    Like 10
  25. BVI taxpayer says:

    All of a sudden the roadwork needs to be done when citizens did the work. You guys watched them fill the holes, said nothing just to dig it up and do it yourselves.Mr director please step down.You could have started anywhere else but chose to be a wutlessness

  26. Eagle says:

    “We will be doing our works moving forward now that we have all that we need to do” stated, Jeremy Hodge Public Works Department Director.

    People been blaming Mr.Rymer and the Premier for the condions of the roads and he the Public Works Department Director never utter to say anything, but now citizens come to assist he vex.

    Hodge said the Public Works Department will also be paving and patching. They don’t see the patchwork not working. They only wasting money on the same areas all the time.

  27. ? says:

    The PWD Director promised that residents could expect “decent drivable roads, comfortable to drive from West and straight through to the airport”.

    Yeah Right, until it start raining. How many times have we seen the same rotten mess? If you keep approaching the roads the same way everytime, the result will be no different. Only the contractor winning.

  28. Again says:

    Bronson broke his a**,next day Vincent had that area asphalt.VG in disrepair with our medical sta ding not a word from this boi nor GOVT
    ..The BVI is done under this Govt

  29. Mailman says:

    We got some of the DUMBEST people running this country

  30. Troy says:

    How the road will get fix it tony rebel on the road begging people and cufax in the ghetto drinking rum and smoking weed

  31. Eldread says:

    This make sowandie and kye look shame and useless, that they could finance nonstop party and first class flight and hotel rooms, but some little young Adventist church amateur can be fixing roads as if they are elected representative, we going dig up that and redone and get the praise, it’s no confidence motion they bringing against VIP you know, and Lorna only pretending to tow the line since she is more a finance person than premiere Wheatley.

  32. Strupsss says:

    Hmmmmmmm, look how long Sea Cows Bay road dig up and ain’t paved. Strupsssssss, shame them shame that kids donated their time and efforts to serve their community.

  33. Wow says:

    Because pride is amongst the mix. Where there is no vision the ppl perish.

  34. Harrigan Resident says:

    Storm Ernesto undermined the road between Georges Hollow and Harrigan making it dangerous, lifesaving equipment, ambulance, fire engines cannot pass. Many elderly residents depend on the road which has not been maintained (they do cut bush and fill potholes). Could we request rather than ‘redo’ ‘adequate’ work dangerous areas are prioritized

  35. Foolishness says:

    Wow… Where there is no vision the people pereish… We surely suffering because food prices killing us, bills (some business owners don’t have any conscious. This pot holes are so deep I was on the other side of the world after I dropped into one… Minimum wage killing people but they just raise it ao the teachers can balance. Hon Mryon need to ask them ” if they does drive on these roads? Because I thing these Politicians do not use any of the roads I. The BVI. SAD… This is what we need to march for…

  36. ... says:

    I liked your comment but all that 400m would have done is be a long rope for the politicians to hang themselves and leave us with the debt, plus interest most likely. SO a big strong NO to the 300-400million loan from the UK offered right after cat 6 hurricane Irma, Fahie was right when he said it would be like a financial millstone around our neck. Atleast he had that much sense.

    Funny thing is had he accepted he wouldnt be strung up all of them politrickers would have had millions in kickback lined up.

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  37. Misleading?? says:

    Where did he say in his quote that they are doing dig up the Pathfinder’s work specifically? He asked them not to continue because their work is about to commence. This headline seems to be your interpretation of what Jeremy is saying? Where did he say this??

  38. Help US says:

    The people of this country voted for change, but the desire for power, legacy, and recognition has placed our territory at risk. The evidence is clear. The real reason for what’s happening now is that, when the government first came into power under Andrew Fahie, they removed competent individuals and replaced them with others who lack the necessary skills. The outcome has been mistakes, poor quality control, and ultimately, financial mismanagement. I’ve lived in the BVI all my life, and this is the worst I have ever seen it. I am tired!!!!

  39. WHY? says:

    That section of road has been made workable for now. Why can’t the government go on to make OTHER sections of road workable?

    This is a disgusting choice. We need a vote of no confidence and to VOTE THEM ALL OUT.

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