Remaining 2016 increments to be paid by February 28 — Archer Jr

Government employees who are still owed their salary increments have been told that this will be rectified no later than February 28.
Deputy Governor David Archer, Jr gave that indication in a government-commissioned media release on Thursday.
The release said: “The remaining 10 percent of public officers of the Virgin Islands can expect to receive their 2016 increments by the end of February. A meeting between Deputy Governor, Mr David Archer, Jr and key stakeholders from the Human Resources Department, Treasury Department and Department of Information Technology sought to establish a clear plan for the finalisation of the payment of increments to remaining public officers.”
“The stakeholders noted that despite having to transition from the old JD Edwards System — which had been in place for 25 years to the new system — 2,892 or 90 per cent of public officers have still been able to receive their 2016 increment and the balance of 250 officers are those who had status changes, promotions or were awaiting new job letters,” the government media release further said.
Thank you
In the meantime, the Deputy Governor commended the public officers for their work.
He said: “While there have been some challenges that we have experienced in this process, we are fortunate – all things considered, that we have a chance to perfect the procedure for the processing of 2017 increments.”
HistoryThe history of outstanding increments
In October last year, Premier and Minister of Finance Andrew Fahie promised that all remaining public officers would have received their increments by the end of November 2019.
He said he had been advised by the Director of Human Resources that on June 24 2019, the Department of Human Resources provided notice and instructions for the processing of the increments for the 2016 work year.
The Human Resources Department had released the notification for the outstanding payments to be processed a few days after Cabinet approved the payments of the 2016 and 2017 increments.
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We will now stop wrongfully blaming the Premier & Minister of Finance and his Government. We now see where the hold up was all the time.
What exactly are increments, and are they only paid in the public sector?
As far as I can deduce, they are not inflation linked but are additional payments made for no extra work and no better quality work!
We don’t pay them in construction!
Yet the VIP was blaming the NDP knowing full well that it was the white house @ fault
The Governor & his Deputy need to do their work.
I was one saying the premier would not pay our increments. The premier keep saying he has given the money to pay and can do nothing else. Now we finally get to see where the problem is and that the premier was telling the truth.
Them all ah play games
Congratulations. Now can work be done to have the other years paid off also?
HLSCC staff suffering and need increments too ; we haven’t had pay raises in almost 10 years. Can someone please help!!!
Pay raise what go cut some grass and clean up the college compound but raise
When would increment for 2017 work year be paid?
To speed things up, retired staff could be brought in to help out.
Just saying…..
Government paying increments for what year and people feeling happy to get that. What about all the staff of the Adina Donovan home who worked and had their salaries cut by the government- And you can’t ask because nobody knows. Government needs to provide payslips to the employees to show where this shortchanging of the people’s salaries went. or to whom and why.