Rider in deadly crash was not wearing helmet | Police urge others to protect their heads
Investigations from last week’s fatal traffic accident involving a motor scooter and a flatbed truck have revealed that the now deceased rider, Ryan Adams, was not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.
According to Head of the Police Traffic Division of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, Sergeant (Sgt) Augustus Bruce, the 20-year-old scooter rider is suspected to have died from injuries to the head and groin.
In an interview with BVI News, Sgt Bruce, therefore, stressed the importance of scooter riders not only wearing a helmet but wearing proper headgear, and in the appropriate way.
“Ensure that it is a helmet that can withstand a fall because there are some helmets that cannot resist a blow,” the traffic cop explained. “One of the things I try to tell the youngsters — just putting a helmet on their head does not take away anything from them. And if you put a helmet on your head and the helmet is not fastened, it does not make any sense.”
He further said: “You might put a helmet on your head just so that the police will not stop you because you are wearing a helmet. But if you get a mishap on the road and should you fall, that helmet is going to fall before you and therefore it will expose your head.
Sgt Bruce also noted that it was against the law to not wear a helmet while riding a motor scooter
Be cautious on sprinkled roads
The top traffic cop also warned all motorist to be extremely cautious on damp roadways, stating that those conditions are more dangerous than when roads are fully wet.
“When the road is just damped, all the mud and whatever remains on the road and therefore it becomes dangerous. And if one is driving and is not taking the necessary precautions, especially the scooters, they can easily be slid off the road; in comparison to a wet road where all the mud or whatever is washed off the road. It is much easier to manoeuvre than a damped surface,” Sgt Bruce explained.
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DUH ! Stating the obvious!
So when are you the police going to start enforcing the laws here ?
If the police enforced these laws they would save countless lives !
U sound so silly.
Firstly, if this wasn’t an issue and riders wasn’t doing foolishness, the officer wouldn’t be stating what you consider the obvious.
And 2, why is it that the police have to be policing the ‘obvious’ if your own safety should be obvious? Why should they have to harass you to do what is right and obvious?? If you want to ride scooters, ride safely. Just like if you want to operate a car or any machinery, exercise caution. Buckle up. Pad up. Save your own life. Why police should go chasing these riders to save themselves? Act like a responsible adult.
Well if people just obeyed the laws just think of the countless lives that would be saved.
In fact, you wouldn’t even need to spend tax revenue on a police force.
I am not hearing any constructive words of wisdom from the scooter and drag race clubs.
This is your chance to broadcast to the youngsters about safe driving.
This is your time to plead for a race track!
When are scooter riders going to start protecting themselves. If they wear protective gear and drive with a bit of caution they will save their own lives (countless).
See fools all the time with helmets on but not fastened, STUPID.
These scooter riders think they too cute to wear helmets. Poor them, they so silly. My man wears his helmet and it’s a proper one that fits his head and protects the face front. He looks so sexy with it I tell you mmmmmm. Plus it’s for his safety. Oh and I got one too for our Sunday rides lol
We need more ladies like you that will encourage their men to do the right thing.
The youngsters don’t value their lives at all, sadly. The BVI must have the most scooter incidents per capita in the Region and that is worrying. When will they learn? Maybe never! Mothers/Fathers will continue to bury their young ones as a result of stupid decisions.
What is the law? I see many ignorant riders Covering their faces nowadays. How ignorant that is.
The fine is $20.00 not even worth the paper. Get real and listen to the blogs.