RVIPF’s Assistant Commissioner appointed acting head of Montserrat police

Just over a year after being sworn in as Assistant Commissioner with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), UK national Pam Trevillion has been temporarily transferred to another British Overseas Territory.
Trevillion has been seconded to the Royal Montserrat Police Force to act as the Police Commissioner temporarily.
A press statement from the Montserrat police dated January 3 said Trevillion will assume command of their force while the substantive commissioner, Robin Hall, is in the UK for meetings. The duration of his absence remains unclear to our news centre.
The statement further indicates that Trevillion’s secondment to the Montserrat Police Force is not only to provide support but is also “part of her own development.”
Meanwhile, highly placed sources within the RVIPF said Police Commissioner Mark Collins fully supports the move. He expressed this endorsement in an announcement email about the secondment to the RVIPF on Thursday, January 4.
Sources informed our news centre that Collins has congratulated Trevillion and mentioned that she will resume her role as the RVIPF’s Assistant Commissioner of Police once she concludes her time in Montserrat.
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I hope the people of the virgin islands uk see that this move shows, who will be the BVI next top commissioner of police.This is another smart move done by the Uk,so as to when Mark Collins vacated his seat,you know who will be next in line.None of the deputies for sure.Time will tell.
They think we cant see the move, go the MOnsterrat and then come back say she qualify for COP here. BOLD
What is an assistant commissioner if there is a deputy commissioner? They made this position just to give the UK national a big job or what?
After promising to change the top heavy structure COP promotes not 1 but 2 deputies AND an assistant! No budget left for patrolling the streets!
It’s sad that at this juncture a BVIslander cannot be appointed to the post of Commissioner of a police in their own country. The argument will always be that a BVIslander in that post will somehow be unable to perform his or her duties fairly and impartially. To me this argument s hogwash. The British Overseas Territories are the only countries in the region where this happened. To me, it comes down to the personal integrity of the individual appointed to the post. No one can tell me there is not a single Virgin Islander who cannot be appointed COP and do a good job so long as the person has experience and management skills and the required qualifications. It’s a slap in the face to Virgin Islanders to tell us that we are not trustworthy or lack the necessary leadership skills. I will never buy that.
The entitlement that the colonial children enjoy is staggering.
How is it fair or even legal that an alien to this territory can immigrate here and fall into high positions when a local born and raised here, worked here all their lives, can never attain those high paying jobs?
How is that fair, ethical or moral?
We locals are programmed to see the so called island man/erson/woman as a bad person, a pariah, wile being completely blinded to the Caucasian and the. privilidges he takes away from us beause of his colonial which is not a good and Godly status, from us.
Right is right and what are doing and livinf isnt.
Y’all never like island PPL by y’all self.Yall never like anyone who ain’t got the last name of certain families.Always Ballin..Every island does bawl about other folks so nothing new.Dont be Jamaican or Spanish…none of the small islands like them or Guyanese.
BVIslanders watching the people from other Caribbean islands rather than watching those UK people. Those people plan to take over the country. Beware!
No! No! England have black citizens, but all white UK citizens seem to be of superior logics to the overseas territories citizens, they are just automatically entitled to running these little territory, and those same people can’t cut it in UK where they were menial workers.white superior logics.
Mr. commissioner don’t mind the noise, its a group of disgruntled officers who cannot get their way and we all know is being led by one of your D**, the aim is to discredit you and force you out, but I want you to disappoint them by being steadfast in your endeavors, we need more senior UK officers in the RVIPF if we intend to save the RVIPF.
I mean like really, which one of these local senior officers can really be identified to take the role as commissioner, which one, tell me, is it the Supt of crime lollollollol, DCP ops, hehehehehehe, supt ops, hahahahahaha, well maybe you can try the DCP for support, the rest not even remotely close, you people will never see another local commissioner as long as Tortola remains a British territory, never never never.
Signed— Senior Police Officer.