Schools to operate using ‘phased approach’ | Limited face-to-face classes may happen later on

Schools across the territory will operate in ‘phases’, with no face-to-face interactions at physical educational facilities in the first instance, Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley has said.
Dr Wheatley said the final term for this academic year would commence “by the first week in May” via online interactions. He further appealed to all schools to ‘make the necessary adjustments for students’.
READ: Ministry assessing if students have tools for online schooling
During the first phase, all daycare centres and preschools will remain closed as it would be difficult to maintain hygiene and social distancing practises, the minister explained.
However, plans are in place to eventually have limited face-to-face classroom sessions to accommodate small groups of less than 20 students in spaces where social distancing practises of six feet apart is possible.
“This is subject to agreement by Cabinet in weekly update meetings,” Dr Wheatley said in the House of Assembly on Thursday, April 16.
Teachers to report at school campuses next week
For the time being, only educators are expected to report for work on school campuses.
“Beginning Monday, the 20th of April, teachers are to report to their respective schools for the purpose of planning and preparation for the upcoming term,” Dr Wheataley said.
“School janitors in the various communities should also report to their schools [but] students are to remain at home while teachers make preparations for classes to be conducted virtually. The ministry’s strategy for the final term in this school year is to conduct online teaching and learning,” he added.
Dr Wheatley also said school counsellors will conduct remote sessions with students who require counselling to cope with the new state of affairs in small groups or individually.
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Is the Minister for real? Rushing to satisfy the noise-makers. Why should teachers to report to school to do what? If he knew ANYTHING most Teachers have already planned. So what are they REALLY going to school on Monday to do?
With the internet so slow . How will the kids get any work done. CCT killing us in the East. Can’t steam noting. Not even YouTube . ???
Explain how this will work with internet being as slow as it is? Impossible!
I really think you need to do something about these college teachers bombarding students with work and given short deadlines than before classes were fully online. The teachers are not even teaching or guiding the students properly. Also these teachers are posting notes, including on the weekends and hours that does not match with our class schedules, and then deleting or restricting them. Please advocate for these teachers to be more lenient or at least help them to realize that students are taking more than one class. Yes we are at home and it may seem like we have all the time in the world, but in reality some students have a lot going on at home, some are battling depression or other psychological issues and the internet is also a problem. These teachers are just adding to the issues students are facing. Many students are ready to give up on school because of this pressure they are putting on the students.
Should not have teachers, or anyone else for that matter, being exposed to a possible lethal environment beginning Monday.
The situation is too ucertain and will cause much anxiety among the professionals, while adding to the risk of exposing them to the virus unnecessarily.
If, according to the Premier, the territory “is not out of the woods yet,” why expose some of its critical citizens to possible infection and death? Because they are being paid?
How is “social distancing” and the amalgamation of a teaching staff compatible?
Give me a curriculum outline for me to reach my kids at home. I can execute a lesson plan and teach from Aim and Purpose to Conclusion…I have a wealth of experience….as a teacher’s assistant…including resources……this virus is no joke.