Seniors treated to Fun Day in the First District

Under the Carrot Bay Seniors Programme, senior citizens in the First Electoral District were yesterday treated to a Sports & Fun Day.
And by all indications from First District Representative, Premier Andrew Fahie, the ‘golden gems’ in his constituency enjoyed every minute of it.
“If you missed this then you missed a real treat. Our students, teachers and the principal of Pelican Gate School added to the already exciting event,” said Fahie who admitted, himself, to having a wonderful time at the event.
“We thank each of our seniors for their prayers and for the solid foundation they have built for the Virgin Islands that we enjoy today,” he added.
Among other things, the event saw the seniors engage in a wheelchair race as well as an impressive head-carrying challenge in which participants raced to a finish line all while balancing a pail of water atop their heads.
The event also saw a showcase of traditional and antiquated household items to which seniors were once accustomed.
Throughout the two decades Fahie served as the district’s representative, he has been known for promoting community-centred events such as yesterday’s fun day.
Below are scenes from the event posted on the Premier’s Facebook page:
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Please check if Fahie did not sell any of the “golden gems’ as is known to allegedly put his hand in the treasury wallet..
You lying paid blogger. You can’t keep a good man down. Fahie is doing a good job.
If the stimulus paid so much for the garden space, there is another way of utilizing it. Shitz only happen in the BVI/ VIP!!
This event was hosted by the Social Development Department as part of Senior Citizens Month.
more smoke and mirrors
No district office. No community school. No post sea defense. Pure gimmicks
…but he kept us safe during Covid so you can be alive to blog.
photo op
Unlike you who is paid to blog negative against Fahie all day he truly cares for the people and has been there for the seniors for many years. You are just a hater.