Sense of ‘entitlement’ crippling BVI natives — Businessman

Neville Sorrentino (BVI News photo)
Owner of International Motors, Neville Sorrentino believes the sense of ‘entitlement’ among British Virgin Islands natives is crippling their work ethics.
He said this sense of entitlement particularly reeks on the younger generation.
Sorrentino said while his remarks are not intended to bash, the matter is worrying.
He was speaking at a stakeholder’s consultation that was put on by the Virgin Islands School of Technical Studies this week.
The consultation was to forge closer ties with the business community and to create workforce-ready students.
“Being here a long time, I feel like the BVIslander feel like he/she has an entitlement to something,” he said.
“My concern is [that], by giving our own people (BVIslanders) the feeling of right, we are actually educating them to a lower level and the people who really want to work and want to learn because they want to stay here are the people coming from outside.”
Territory will suffer
Sorrentino said the territory will suffer if the matter is not addressed urgently.
He further highlighted that good work ethics need to be instilled at a young age.
“You have to earn your position, you need to earn your place in the business world. We have to ensure that we educate the students coming through today and hopefully we have more BVIslanders taking up the positions that are available.”
He added: “We are going to be struggling all the time between what you are entitled to and what you should get.”
The businessman, who said he attended local schools and was raised in the territory, also said the entitlement issue stems from the home and the wider society.
“The problem with the young BVIslanders – they have never been without in all their lifetime and probably in their parents’ lifetime because the country is growing and growing. But now we are facing a situation that if they don’t qualify themselves, they will be without,” he noted.
Major attitude problem
In the meantime, Sorrentino said one of the other major issues affecting locals is their ‘attitude’.
“Unfortunately nowadays it is the attitude they have towards work – and their indiscipline. I think that this is one thing that we struggle here within the BVI,” he said.
“We can get more disciplined students if they understand good timekeeping and the reasons why they need to do certain things that they are told by their seniors,” he reasoned.
Rigid structures the remedy
The UK native suggested a rigid structure at home and in the work environment as a remedy.
Furthermore, the businessman pointed out that expatriate workers tend to work better than locals. He said that is reflected in some of his employees who have been working in his company for more than 20 years.
“We give preference to the BVIslanders [and] I want to employ BVIslanders as you need to support your local population. But it’s sad to say, I employ 60 people and the majority comes from down island. They are expats because they just seem to be the people who want to work.”
He concluded that his words were aimed to encourage the young people to do better.
“It is not to bash them but to encourage them and to make them realize that that’s the way the country will develop.”
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
I hate when people generalize.
People will inevitably focus upon what Neville said about BVIslanders, but that may be missing the point.
He is essentially warning the youth of today that the days of continual growth in BVI are coming to an end, and if they want to enjoy the same standard of living as their parents, they need to ditch any sense of entitlement and be ready to work hard.
That seems like pretty good advice to me.
I have an excellent sense of understanding.
Something Pres. Trump would say …”I have an excellent sense of understanding”. This comment along with your other shows your “illusions of grandeur”. Purely delusional. Go back and put your head in the sand… much like the “generalized” rest.
Yup the continual growth in BVI is coming to an end which is why no new vehicle for me. I will seek to upkeep the one I have with the help of Youtube avoid the imported rogue mechanics we have on hand.
@ Me
Sometimes we have to take criticism and use it to improve/change ourselves. It is not easy reading this about ourselves. But every day we post about ourselves “born here” and friend and family nepotism. Same thing I see here with this message. Listen to someone who can see outside the forest because he is not standing among all the tall trees.
Indiscipline is in the BVI DNA PERIOD!. Not only in their young people.
What a generalized comment to make of all BVIslanders. This tells me that you are NOT a true BVI Patriot, because you will know the majority of your people young and old and will know that your statement is 1000% false. That is why your “vi p” are all small.
This is a person who could lead the BVI with reason and insight. As opposed to greed and shortsightedness. Give this man a medal.
What Neville can do is go to the technical school and adopt one of the mechanic students, when summer roles around he hire them and when graduation comes around he hired them full time. Other businesses will follow, henceforth being a part of the solution!
Qualifications do not necessarily translate to good work ethics and certainly don’t exempt from attitude of entitlement.
Yes BVIslanders are qualified but they don’t want to give a fair days work
That’s what is killing his business, he don’t means no harm but just highlight his observation.
Generalisations again about Bvislanders Have employed expats they come late leave early. Not a full prodictive day’s work.(not all are like that) What you are saying is an unfair to the many hardworking BVIslanders. When you go to the supermarkets, stores , restaurants most of the workers are expats. Often they have poor attitudes and poor behaviour.
Neville you are a brave man to say this and I applaud you…. which I must say is exactly what many people think but are too afraid to say it in case they upset local people. Many of which to be fair are hard working and decent people but for quite a few decades know the younger generation have demonstrated this “entitled attitude” you speak of..I know of numerous young people having to be placed in various firms for work placement and their work ethic was not good, late for work, lacked motivation, asleep at their desk and no drive to improve or learn which was the most worrying…which is why most firms in the BVI employ mostly expats because they are not high maintenance and just get on with it without complaining…. Respect to you, I have hired cars of you before and you are a good respected man…but this post sure won’t be popular with many – you are correct though to give the younger generation a kick up the ar@%e as so few in Government are positive role models …
What Mr. Sorrentino said about work ethics and attitude is correct..he is also right about the majority of staff being expatriates. The workforce is made up of mostly expatriates, and in his case they are mostly Philippinos and Trinidadians… which is not so uncommon these days. The BVIslander is outnumbered as we all know,perhaps there’s a 75-25 ratio by now, with so little BVIslanders, and the odds being against them in the job market, there is just cause for the BVIslander to have angst about their livelihood and future in the land of their forefathers. The negative attitude is a reflection of not being able to cope with the challenge, especially as they seem to have little or no representation from their own people in power who always seem to have the best interest at heart for foreign investors, instead of helping their own people to excell. But there is truth in all that is being said…what next?
How do we cope with the immigration and labour problems that adversely affect locals? How do we control price gouging from business places that are taking advantage of what Hurricane Irma did last September? A little matchbox car that used to cost $9,000, is now $17,000 plus.
Frustration is going to cause rebellion in this place if proper leadership is not exercised. All you talkers who like to show off on talk shows need to put your brains in gear before mashing gas with your mouth.
That’s my take on it.
I’m confused – are you saying that IML is price gouging- because if you are that is an out-n-out lie. Not only have they kept their prices on new cars to the minimum, passing on the entire customs reduction and more, but I challenge you to find another belonger company in the BVI that sacrificed more when we needed it most!
International Motors gave cars and radios and anything handy to the UK military and visiting police when they arrived days after Irma and our government had nothing available. Neville himself boarded, provided bathing facilities, communication and food for the UK military garrisoned at the airport near his home. This man is a true BVI patriot.
And speaking up this way- knowing ALL the (white/wop/colonialist) accusations that would be made and it’s effect on his family and business is a brave and patriotic act. He could have kept quiet- but he chose to risk so much just to point out the truth. That’s a patriot, folks.
My mother always says “the truth will set you free”, in this instance I hope it will be a vehicle for change.
Young people, remember always you reap what you sow, if you give your employer less than your best, expect your paycheck to be the same.
Now, this commemt is admirable! As a BVI Patriot and employer, I cannot entertain idleness on the job. It doesn’t matter where you are from!
I agree 200%. Couldn’t be said better.
Watch the torrent of abuse about to rain down on this man (for speaking the truth) in 1,2,3…..
Aint no WOP going to tell me nothing in my country! I dont care if you seek refuge and born here.
@Killmonger: classy response. And you show a deep understanding of the issues and great intelligence too. With your can do attitude I am sure you will have much success in life and will not require any further guidance. Best of luck.
Meen one these local beggars out here yuh no my father done secure my birth right boss like I said nobody going tell me nothing Boss
Perfect example!
Thank you for being the model to demonstrate exactly the kind of attitude that is being referenced. You take that same attitude to work and expect to stay employed. That’s where you go wrong. Unless your mindset is changed you will never be any different. So sad!
He’s born here. Not Anguilla or Spanish. Born here!! These idiots literally won’t take a pep talk.
I agree, Locals have issues with attitudes and a feeling of entitlement! Never take anything for granted! Work for everything and prove that you deserve it by your HARD WORK!
This is true for some but not most so please stop generalizing. This is so everywhere in the world.
Read what is written… he is a BVIslander himself… he is not saying all BVIslanders have this attitude … he is saying times will get harder for those who do. Also – you have to remember that he is responding to questions asked of him though they are not published here… he didn’t just go to the news with his comments. I think this is very good advice to young BVIslanders from a successful BVI businessman. Work for what you want, don’t sit back and expect it.
that is no solace.i want to be a criminal because there are lots of criminals out there?pu.llupyour socks brother. when you work for some body you work sincerel like you work for your ownself. if the employer does not make some kind of profit, then we got to move else where
Keep shaking your d☆☆d☆☆ head. The truth pricks doesnt it?
Makes me sad to say but all he has said is so true. BVILANDERS are on a next level when it comes to this entitlement thing. Even where I work…Expats come early and leave late while the BVILanders come late and leave early. We are even proud because our government ministers support and encouage our sense of entitlement.
Here needs a supernatural cleansing.
Only the BVI doesn’t look out for its people. Try go Jamaica or other Caribbean countries and put others in front of their own qualified and capable nationals and see what happens to you.
That is not true if you are qualified and have the correct work attitude you will get employment. In Tortola, the young people want big life but do not want to take the necessary route to get there.
Amen! The truth hurts Mr. Sorrentino, but I agree with you and you told it in a constructive and caring manner; cause and effects. I see it in my own family members, their children and friends and their children that I went to school with in the BVI.
Folks wake up before it is way too late! Don’t get offended and try to hit him in comments below the belt. Instead use his counsel as motivation to do better. Make this day one.
I am pretty sure that Neville was born in BVI, although his family was originally from Italy, not the UK. But still…
He is dead right. The idea that as a BVIslander you deserve special treatment no matter how lazy or incompetent you are – that will kill us as a country sooner or later. People need an incentive to succeed on their own merits rather that sit back and rely on some sense of birthright.
If it was up to me, I would ban the words “I bahn here” in any argument.
If me no aloud to say ‘I bahn ere’ den how me goin a win argomant
For the record, Neville was not born here. Most of the people claiming that they are “bahn here” are the children of immigrants as well.
Send he back!
We are all immigrants, whether 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th generation etc. There are no indigenous BVIslanders.
Caribs and Arawaks!
None of whom remain.
Neville’s dad was Ernie Sorrentino who was born in Italy but lived in the UK until he moved to the BVI and became a belonger. Neville does not speak Italian.
Yes!!!! because you Mr. Sorrentino have had the opportunity to engage with ALL BVIslanders. You stated that your remarks were not intended to bash but that is just what you did…without using the qualifier, some! Thanks! I now know which automotive company will nary receive a penny of my money. With my entitled self????
Where has he said ALL BVIslanders? You can’t deny that this attitude does exist amongst SOME BVIslanders (especially the younger generations) …. But no… you have chosen to read this article in a wholly negative light and twist the wording so you can post your negative comments….. sit your entitled self down in your bruk down vehicle and think about the real issue instead of trying to make a new one….
“Being here a long time, I feel like the BVIslander feel like he/she has an entitlement to something,” These are his words quoted!!!! I read it in a negative light because it IS negative!!!!
It is true that this article accurately descibes SOME BVIslanders and SOME young BVIslanders. I would be the first to lambast those lazy backsides, because it is 200% TRUE with SOME. I absolutely hate the work ethics of those who behave in this manner!! But, with the absence of the word “Some”, I cannot agree!!!
Am I the only one with fair glasses here or is there so much contempt “the” locals.
Your words are silly. Grow up!
Couldn’t agree more. Wise words, well said. Fed up of sulky, lazy, late for work, teeth sucking “bahn heres”.
Best comment award right there! Nailed it sir.
What about the sense of entitlement by others from the outside that destroyed the trust sector. Stories of bad treatment to locals driven by prejudice and racism because some feel anything good in this world should go to one set of people and not the next.
The BVIslander have found himself in a difficult position where his culture and financial freedom even the ownership of his land has been stripped from him.
The government that should be helping him has giving away his country and allow the cold callous and evil policies of the banks during this difficult time with hurricane Irma to prance and destroy him.
Bad attitudes has nothing to do from been from here. There are black expat who come from a big country who do not care to work for a black from a small country (BVI) but you would never understand or experience that.
That was not the topic of this meeting.
Only the ignorance let you still talk about black and white.
Nobody stripping of your land…you sell it others buy it.
In no nation you work for too long in the same place if you don’t produce.
If you think the trust business is the place to and you are belonger set up your business and take over the world. That’s what Neville is saying… belongers don’t even get to the start line too often. Are there some that do? Of course. Are there many that would if given a proper education and introduced to competition? Definitely. But they are taught they don’t need to compete and so are critically disadvantaged because that’s not true. Not here or anywhere
Neville need to have several seat… He has some nerve. chupes…
Keep burying your head in the sand and avoid the truth. You know what they say the truth hurts. Perhaps that’s what’s happening to you. You know what he is saying is valid. Do you have a job? What is your attitude on the job if you are employed. Are you honestly proud of your work ethics or are you upset with what is being said because you know you fit the description? Check yourself!
They got rich off us and …
Oh, Oh…
You know why they got rich off of you? Not because they sat on their lazy a** and willed the money to fall into their bank account. They got rich because they WORKED HARD and built that life for them self, and didn’t expect it and feel entitled to it. That is exactly the point he is making. All the other hard workers out there got rich off you too, that’s how you get rich. POINT IN CASE.
Why did you not get rich yourself then?
Mamma mia!!!!
I applaud you for speaking the truth…it hurts but at the end of the day it is still the truth. Wake up BVI we need to regroup before its too late.
No matter how you cut it he is 1000 % correct.
Sometimes the truth hurts, he wasn’t generalising, he has responded to questions asked of him and given an honest opinion. He was simply trying to motivate the youngsters, and I believe that those young people present and those who are reading his words will be motivated rather than affronted. It’s a sad indictment that the first sign of constructive criticism is guaranteed to be met with generalised garbage from those with their own negative agendas.
As soon as I saw the headline, I knew that he was going to get a hard time from some quarters. They didn’t disappoint…….
How can we change this sad commentary about our people?
Thats an unfair statement. Many business have tried and took losses trying t train local young people and too many of them dont give a damn. They mae a certain amount of money and theyre gone. They remind you that they from here and you cant talk to them too hard especially if its an expat business. The truth hurts.
is the fact of having a right to something such as:
Full entitlement to human, political, economic and self governing rights. See Charters within U.N. documents governing the rights of people, countries and governments against abuse, including the elimination of colonialism and exploitation of people from the earth.
Full entitlement to an appropriate salary and maintenance: not continued minimal wage while huge markups on commodities and excessive profits augments the deliberately inflicted existential misery index of the BVIslander.
Entitlement is the amount to which a person has a right. It is also the belief that one inherently deserves of privileges or special treatment.
Such do exist in the BVI among all classes American and British Nationalities and tourist alike. It exists particularly within the mental and political constructs of the Englishman as well.
An entitlement is a provision made in accordance with a legal framework of a society. Typically, entitlements are based on concepts of principle (“rights”) which are themselves based in concepts of social equality or enfranchisement.
It appears that, Mr. Neville Sorrentino, the author is attempting to cast the BVIslander into a “welfare” state of mind construct.
Many who the respectable gentleman is referring to as “BVIslanders are not authentic BVIslanders.
Therefore, there within each before him are a set of differential mental constructs, social, regional, family and psychological frameworks, much different and even contrary to the original agents constructs of these lands.
Hence, if the doom and gloom hypothesis predicted for the territory comes through, it is not the youth who may practice a form of entitlement “life survival” strategy be to blame, but those who practice a more violent, unnatural anti right and truth, and anti-human and political rights will be to blame.
There are evident generational gap issues. Therefore, all should construct mental, physical, dogmatic as well practical, educational ideas that will affect the stated problem positively.
But to berate the BVIslander in the broadest of negative terms is self-serving, prejudicial at worst and un-thoughtful at best.
In every nation, country and islet, there will be in existence generational deviations from societal norms and expectations.
Further, all humans, including the gentleman, has a subconscious inclination to practice entitlements’. For example, he asserts his entitled right to berate the BVIslanders for practicing entitlement…..
Evidence suggest that the average Tourist, American, Brit or other sets foot here immediately displays notions of entitlement, often making agents on the front line quite nauseous to even angry.
The Englishman does the same with regards to the political and economic strands of this nation.
He feels entitled to, all be it a very false one, on human and political existential grounds, to the highest governing and paying jobs of the territory that is rightfully and should be exclusively for BVIslanders, to assuming governance over a people, and government and society that he neither created nor is responsible for its existential survivability and journey from the abolition of BVIslander ancestral servitude to present.
Instead, they are set asides, exclusively for the Englishman, thus, his practice and application of the “entitlement theory,” which is the continued subjugation of the BVIslander by the young, middle and old English doctrine of colonialism. And now there are concerns of the BVIslander exhibiting or demonstrating “entitlement tendencies?
The BVIslander is entitled to much, beginning with reparations. Second, he is entitled to political and economic freedom. Third, he is entitled to choose his own human path. Fourth, he is entitled to fair pricing on commodities; a fair wage and an increase in those wages when augmented cost and profits become a penalty and prohibition for the BVIslander.
Do young BVIslanders who apply for a job position such as Service Manager in your business demonstrate self-entitlement to the position even if they are under qualified?
Do BVIslanders, in general, seek privileges they are not “entitled to?”
Are BVIslanders being discriminated against due to the truth that neither they nor their off-spring will ever, despite the greatest of education and practical experience gained, become the holder of the title, Governor, or Chief of Police or Attorney General of the BVI. So who is practicing “entitlement” here?
Thanks for the google definition of entitlement… not only long winded but entirely irrelevant. If 5 people read your post I would be suprised. He says he prefers to hire BVIslanders… but if they don’t have the right work ethic or attitude then the position goes to an expat… simple. If you don’t see that there needs to be an attitude adjustment amongst SOME young BVIslanders then you are part of the problem.
Sad thing is there are adults who behave like children at the work place as well. Some of them are expatriates who been living here for a while. They associate with the immature behavior of the natives and act in the same manner as well. Sad
And this comment pretty much says it all. Come on guys he wants to see attitudes change like everyone but the act of the matter is it’s true. I’ve even had BVI island staff fail to turn up because it was raining and didn’t want to get there hair wet! What’s that about?!?
After the Caribes, the English and Dutch were the first people to settle and live on these islands. That’s why they are British.
Private sector you talking venom which is pure ill and fart. The man spot on. Who have you heard from among us speak the truth that way? WHO??? We go all over the damn globe seeking a better life. So you don’t expect others to come here too? We are a set of selfish people some of us. And you speak so negative. The Sorrentinos played an integral part in our community and still doing so. They are locals. They have the right to talk. I endorse him 109%. Many will learn from his speech.
He isn’t generalizing… he does not say all BVIslanders…. you are the one lumping everyone together. No need to be offended
Those remarks are just excuses to hire cheap. How much locals does international motors hire that would give him the right to make such degrading comments?
Expat workers are always on the damn phone, and that is a fact.
Everyone has a sense of entitlement in their native country, so why is it degrading for a BVI belonger to have such?
He is saying exactly what Walwyn was chastised for saying. In the BVI everyone wants to tow the line and be popular, skirting the truth and reality at every step. It’s about time someone had the balls to say what is really going on. I don’t think he is generalizing at all, there are many hard working locals. But I get his point and it’s that despite the fact that there are some hard working locals, there are FAR TOO MANY that are not and have an entitlement attitude, I think that’s his point. If only our politicians could be real, straight and honest with the people in this manner then things would change. What we have in HOA is a bunch of yellow belly cowards worrying about a seat next election and the one after..and after.. ALL of them, Cabinet, back benchers and opposition, they are ALL the same…
I am puzzled if outside workers make better workers then how come certain businesses where only outside workers work the service is lousy to say the least.You go to certain restaurants, garages, supermarkets. hair salon and others where the workforce is outsiders and you are treated with disrespect and abuse I guess they have to be locals. The message is only as good as the messenger …. It would be interested to know how many locals he ever give a chance or help any organisations which are trying to help the youths to be better people. People who were born with silver spoons in their mouths should keep it shut it just might fall out. A man who very existence was forged on entitlement is now bashing it. WOW.
Are you serious? Ask anyone over the age of 50 who is from Tortola how many local businesses and local people the Sorrentino family have helped. Just because they don’t shout about it and call the news like some others doesn’t mean they don’t do it.
Surrentino does not speak for my work ethics. Words are self serving. Did his family and others ever assimilate into BVI culture?
Please google cultural assimilation. And then please tell me since you know so much, about how you would like this family to “assimilate to BVI culture”? They are from here? They grew up here? They have friends family etc here? No they don’t share the same history as many BVIslanders but they are people from this country just like you and me.
No. Too uppity.
So what, you want them to forget their Italian and English culture and start acting like African-descent Caribbean people?
Is that what white folks are supposed to do here? Until they start imitating ayo BVIslanders and making babies with BVI girls/boys, they are “not assimilating”?
Like Caribbean people do that all over the world!
Get from here. You too ignorant.
Thank You! His child can’t even talk to a local unless ….chupes this
Think not Mr. B Boynes. And they never, ever will.
Observed the specter of segregation that is growing in and around our islands lately?
Absolutely right Oh Yeah!
Correct view Nonsense.,
Many can read, but few understand the complexity and ambiguity of words, Thanks.” Many more hates truth!
I was once told by an ex coworker, that even though we have the same qualifications and the same job and same responsibilities that she is entitled to more pay than me because she is a BV Islander!
“I from HERE u know”
Truth be told, I have not read the article because the caption in itself is a big turn off. If the youths are being targeted then that is what should be highlighted. To imply that all BVIslanders are spoiled and only await handouts is downright insulting.
Like you said…. you didn’t read the article. You should probably do that before you comment.
Yes read to make an informed assessment
These Caribbean islands were settled long long before the Europeans and the Africans who give the Africans the right to say this is our land.Is it the Europeans who told us to take it or buy it.well it was never owned by the Europeans in the first place. But greed tell us it’s ours we are entitled to it because our fore parents worked for it .well the Indians that were here before worked hard on it before because of European laws that was put into place it became ours???And yes lot of belongers and bvi lander think that they are entitled to have certain privileges and special rights and stinking attitudes.but the whole world have the same mindset of people but because this is a 2×2 island it is easily seen and heard.when the Europeans drive out one set of people they brought in another .so the slave ships didn’t drop off one complete family on these islands ,sisters brothers mothers and fathers went to different islands .we should be one Caribbean people. But the time would soon come that we would need each other and sorry that we could have live a better life with our brothers and sisters.And if does not happen scriptures would not fulfill. This small island I call home still have very good and decent people .please continue to do good .
i needed a radiator and Tola price was $810.00.
I got mine in Miami for $75.00. So you decide who feels “entitled”. Customer Service at tola is the worst in BVI, wonder why?? People who are paying attention to what is actually happening in the BVI, understand.
Hey if you born here and don’t like his prices get off your fat arse and compete!!
Neville is 100% correct. If there really is unimployment in the BVI it is because of Natives/Belongers attitude/work ethic. I am glad someone finally said it!! Thank you Mr. Sorrentino.
My interpretation after having read the article isn’t that he is saying ALL BVIslanders feel entitled. He doesn’t say some, but I personally do not believe he is generalizing. Even if it turns out that he is referencing all of us, I didn’t take offense being a young BVIslander myself because I know it doesn’t apply to me and others who are from here should feel the same if it doesn’t. His comments do ring true however as the situation exists for SOME. It is a competitive world and everyone should strive to develop themselves in order to be marketable and sought out by employers or build their own empire and not just rely on “I born here” to get by. But, unfortunately, that’s the attitude SOME have adopted by relying solely on “hook ups” to get certain jobs, while others may have to work tirelessly to get anywhere or get recognized. I understand what he’s saying, someone who is not from here who took a leap of faith to go to another country may be “hungrier” or more motivated to prove their work ethics because they have much more to lose. Why come to another man’s country if you can’t get further in life – isn’t that the point of venturing out for better opportunities?
The onus is on us BVIslanders to prove that we aren’t lazy and talk on the phone/surf the internet all day being on FB, Instagram, shopping. Or that we don’t answer/assist customers on the phone or in person like we are not working for pay and don’t pride ourselves on customer service (trust me I’ve called businesses and the way some answer you or act disinterested is annoying and I wish owners would call their own businesses to check quality of service now and again). Let’s step it up. BVI may be a few dots on the world map but let’s show that we have some solid work ethic that can compete not only on a local level but an international scale.
If only some of our politicians had the balls to state the truth like Neville has but they won’t because they are so weak and play to the crowd compromising their values – I hoped at least one or two from the NDP would stand tall but so far am disappointed….
I have heard from 5, maybe 6 teachers from HS & elementary schools over the past 15 years who have been visited by a parent (or more) who say, “Yuh can’t give my child a bad grade, s/he bahn here. I could get you fired, my (cousin/sister/father/whatever) works at (immigration/trade/labour/a ministry/whatever)” THIS IS NOT DOING YOUR KIDS ANY FAVORS, folks!It doesn’t help prepare them or our Territory for the future. It’s not our children, it’s US.
It is not surprising that the youth have an attitude of superiority and entitlement. All the laws and regulations of the BVI are slanted in favor of “ belongers” . Why would they not feel they are members of some privileged aristocracy that is owed a living?
I doubt you publish thia- But I have observed BVI News is now a haven for haters of BV Islanders and a propaganda tool of the NDP that is trying to destroy this country -but the world is a cycle so continue to be that essentially biased site against locals – we will see what happens
I agree.
Virgin Islanders should stop being so entitled. So when a Virgin Islander makes it big or finds a place in the outside world, the Virgin Island politicians should stop asking them to come home or to use their connections to help the country.
Just because you were born and educated here doesn’t mean you have to invest in the country and give anything back.
Likewise, just because you were born here, raised here and want to help the country doesn’t mean the country should try to incentivise you and give you a reason to stay.
All who talking just need to start a business to get a real taste.
Ofcourse there is some truth in this entitlement attitude issue.
But what is crippling the BVI is the stagnation in labour and immigration policies that have not met the needs of changing times. Big business has been singing that stereotype song about locals being entitled, lazy, unqualified and having bad attitude for over 50 years.
Only thing is they used to whisper it, now they have more power, more voice and increasing numbers of disfranchised expatriate and immigrant workers in the labour pool to support that claim and give it even more power.
That does not make that old ‘blanket’ claim right or true in and of itself. Not when there are other factors which might make immigrants more attractive for hire – like cheaper labour, fewer employment benefits, willingness to work longer hours (especially among immigrants unaccompanied by family).
These factors are constantly left out of the equation to justify the unhirability of locals by many business owners/employers and the Labour department has not done its work in vigorously implementing and enacting policies for 21st century change and equity in either the marketplace or the workplace.
My biggest concern, however, is what this constant hammering of ‘lazy locals’ with bad attituded could be doing to the psyche of a people. I dare say that this apparent ‘entitlement’ or arrogance may be a front for insecurity or low self-esteem by one too many young people who eventually view themselves as not good enough to compete for a job at home. This I fear is more dangerously crippling for the future of the BVI.
Neville Sorrentino is keeping it real. He is courageous in saying in public what many say only in private. Virgin Islanders do demonstrate swagger and a sense of entitlement that conflict with public and private employers profitable operations. Going forward, it is a behavourial change and attitude that must be moderated.
Nonetheless, that said, as in other countries, QUALIFIED Virgin Islanders should have first prerference for available Jobs in the territory. But also as in other countries, employers prefer to hire non locals who are motivated to work for less and are supposedly more loyal and have a stronger work ethic. Employers focus are on turning a profit more so than social responsibility. This attitude is not unique to the BVI. It is the practice in many sister regional countries, north and south east US, southwest US, UK……..etc. It was the practice in our neighbor, the USVI. There are no Pilates here. Both employers and employees have a hand in the state of employment in the territory.
Moreover, local employees must understand the importance and principle of attendance, punctuality, dependability/reliability, fair day’s work for a day’s pay, quality customers service ……etc. These qualities are essential for employers turning a profit and sustaining their businesses. Employers must turn a profit to stay open. Employers and employees must bond and form a strong partnership. Employees should feel more than just bring an employee and feel an ownership in the business. This will require a paradigm shift for both employers and employees.
@Doplomat, real talk. “There are no Pilates here. Both employers and employees have a hand in the state of employment in the territory.” so true. To your comment, I will add that employers need to treat employees with respect and appreciation and pay them a fair wage. When an employer hires an employee, the employer hires the employee and family. Retaining employees is more than pay. Other factors are also important, ie, time off with family (Xmas and other days), paying their NHI, SS…….etc, retirement plan, adjusting schedule for personal needs….etc.
Though the employer provides the upfront capital and takes the risks, employees are the straw that stirs the drink; it is not one man band. Bottom line it takes both employers+employees to make a business a success. In the VI, there is a large unskilled labour force, giving employers the advantage. Employers have a conscience and do not exploit the employees nor the situation.
The common sense of Racism, anti-BVIism, dilute culturism and we want to takeoverism of the ppl, migrants and especially first generation BVIslanders is what’s hurting natives.
I challenge any of the sorrentinos and johnny come latelys and yes 25 yrs is lately if you can’t differentiate between people, who keep talking s..t about BVISLANDERS can identify a true BVIslander.
Sorrentino should know that he might easily identify his Filipinos by appearance and accent but he needs to look at documents and background to identify a true Bvislander.
The caribbean is filled with the good the bad and the ugly all of whom have converged on the BVI taking our land, spouses and now our reputations. So unfortunate when all he sees is black. Is says a lot about them.
You are exactly the problem. He is more from here than all the “locals” who have the whip hand. The people voted into power. He is from here. As if that even matters!!!!
What matters is whether our BVI people are fulfilling their potential and frankly they don’t give a shizzle. Comments upwards are right, they are only a product of their upbringing so the sooner we stop the mollycoddling laws and attitudes the sooner Bvi wins. You don’t see Indians and Singaporean and Chinese and Botswanan waiting on the sidelines ignoring an education. As countries, they know what it takes.
Neville and his family have been here over 50 years… you are now trying to make this a race issue which it is not.
I agree that people born here should have a preference. And as a business owner, I have tried again and again to hire young bvislanders. We gave them all the training and support they needed, but every single one of them failed. I’m very sorry, but I cannot run my business without expats. Please understand that the attitude really need to change, otherwise the real bvislanders will become the lower class in their own country. This is what nobody wants.
This government killed killing the bvi more and more
Simpily put, color supports color.
Did the UK military fix Neville’s home as a trade off?
Well then besides the crappy customer service from a car dealership this will be the reason for me importing my wrangler instead of purchasing a new one here. Wow. As a Certified Compliance Office with my masters in business law under 40 years and as a BVIslander I worked my bit off in school and in the corporate industry for years to end up with 25k per annum versus the white right skinned under qualified/under experience worker to waltz in be hired to be my supervisor at 40k per annum. But yet BVI entitlement is crippling with bad and lazy attitudes!? Right! We’re constantly walked upon by our government and employers if entitlement is the only thing some can hold unto and still be productive then let it be! Taking my business away from this establishment along with other productive entitled BVIslanders
What do you mean by “white right skinned” that is so racist ,You do realise they have to advertise locally first , my wife’s boss told her they advertise locally and someone applied and didn’t even know what the business was LOL , oh and its a lot more then 40k thanks
If what you say is even true set up your own firm you lazy azz! If you are so hard working and so valuable you will do much better working for yourself.
Oh. Oh, ok.
Do any Africans and Europeans really own lands in the caribbean.history did not start when the Europeans chase out the Indians and brought in africans. History started long before that . That’s why the garifunas from places like st Vincent want to get back what is rightfully theirs. These Caribbean islands dies not belong tyo the Europeans and Africans. The Europeans stole them and sold some and give the rest awwy. It was never theirs.and some politicians came up with the idea that and put it into law that only certain people from a certain era can be counted as indeginious bvi landers. What crap is that.the garifunas from st Vincent was chase out by the Europeans over 200 yrs ago and now some want to return ,Which they should if they want because the islands most of them belongs to them.
Young people need guidance,mentoring, internships,counselling etc. They do not need people picking one group over the other. It is destructive. It is insulting and wrong.
Look at the over 100 comments. And his complexion does not help.
What the man said is true. Because someone is “Bahn Here” does not mean he/she has a “Right to a Job.”
Same mentality exists among many USVI Natives who hold Government Positions and are dismally unqualified.
That is why the USVI is crumbling, despite all the billions of dollars the Federal Government has granted to the “American Paradise.”
Do we wish the same for the BVI.
Listen to the Message. Do not abuse the Messenger.
This is simple rubbish. People come here and talk down on BV Islanders. Because you have a government of sell outs. This is why the whites could come on line and spew his whstever. Try the same in Italy and see how quickly they shut you down. Only here expats spew this kind of rhetoric.
Business owners also feel a sense of entitlement. They feel like they can overcharge you and you will have no choice but to support their businesses. The customer is rarely right in the BVI. Poor customer service all around.
This r—— blog bias been a revelation- wake up BV Islanders from your sleep and see the h—–s of BV Islanders in your midst and start to watch out and look out for your own before we are overwhelmed and flooded by foreigners who only here for what they can get – how dare this white man make such a statement- he would never try this stunt anywhere else- see what would happen to him and his business- and all you supporters of this person- you need to get out of this place – if you hate our ways then scram
Hey, hey. You like race war!
It makes you feel big and righteous. Like Malcolm X or Shakka Zulu. A real hero of ‘our people’.
You don’t bother to read the man words.
You don’t bother to think about the man message as it is intended.
You don’t analyse, contextualise, empathise, consider, concede, rebuff or correct.
Too difficult, complex, inconvenient.
Doesn’t fit the race-tinted spectacles you choose to use.
You just want to be a racial hero. Like Mandela, but with blood.
Like MLK, but with blood.
A REAL hero for ‘our people’!
Brainless, heartless, cruel, shallow-minded, inciting murder and injustice based purely on … melanin content.
You will bring forth our happy, kind, prosperous, bright and blessed future!
Can the UK/US/Canadian ex-pats believe what they are reading? Can you imagine going into a public building and even mentioning the fact that you were born in the UK/US/Canadia and expecting favourable treatment ahead of visitors and non UK/US/Canadian ex-pats; like it would make a difference? You’d be put in your place and made to feel very uncomfortable as many would perceive you as being racist.
To “Demonic Cat” You mean like being finger printed and scanned because you’re not a US citizen. Some preferential treatment is given to natives over visitors everywhere and that’s how it should be unless the whole world just start opening up the borders to everyone.
I think many of you are missing the point here, the rot starts at the top. Nothing ever gets audited and there is zero accountability from the top down. It’s the government that had the jobs section of the Beacon print Belongers preferred and because they are not capable of being employed on merit. Immigration and Customs constantly come across as out of control and no one in government controls this. The young of this territory see this and think it is normal, they know nothing else and accordingly the BVI is now reaping what it has sown.
The sad reality is that the people of these islands are incapable of governing themselves and ultimately the UK will have to come in and sort out the mess.
What a tragedy
so you only approve the comments you like! Nice. so now i will quit visiting your pro brit site and frequent our BVISLANDER news site. Thanks for showing your true colors. BVI News. I know you won’t post this comment but i am sick of the games.
I agree- I now see this site for what it is – pro brit and pro NDP- very easy to smell the coffee- a place for BVI Haters to congregate
It is very interesting reading some of these comments (frankly I don’t waste time reading them all). People must be fair and honest. What Sorrentino is saying is true for some BV Islanders. But in such a sensitive community as this (and he is here long enough to know that) he should have made sure that he didn’t generalize. There are good hard working, honest and fair BVI Islanders in this Territory.(including young ones). What has happened we have imported the best from elsewhere (which is good) and those persons having been improvished for so long has been outshining the BVI slanders. I have lived in and visited other countries and see and hear of the same thing that’s going on here in the BVI. So please people don not bite the hand that is feeding you. Bad attitudes and so forth exists in all countries. Let us play a positive role and encourage the young people and not criticize them.
BV Islanders watch out- there is a tribe of foreigners in this country and some claim to be BV islanders – they do not have your interests at heart- this is just the tip of the iceberg- they want to take over the country by using foreign labor like a trojan horse and they are succeeding- one day BV Islanders you will wake up and realize you have lost your country-these people have no love for us-they are r—— and filled with h—— I ask a simple question- do you see them at funerals or at any social functions that matter to BV Islanders – of coutrse the answer is no- wake up BV Islanders
Anyone who come here has to know all the people you know since you a child? They have to have the same connections with your cousins as you? They supposed to have old family friends, just like you? And if they don’t, they are simply here to steal from you?
What a load of horse dung.
This is one thing drives me crazy about this place. 40 years ago it had around 12000 people, total. At the time, and since then, everyone went to the same high school, if they went. So now what we call a ‘society’ and a ‘nation’/’territory’ is in fact an alumni of school attendees, a core of people who shared the same small social circle.
So “social functions that matter” becomes a thing to show if you in or out. If you out, you are a thief, come here to steal BVI birthright. And of you are white, you are a racist thief, no matter what. People will disagree within this group, of course – inter family hatred is huge – but you are not relevant if you don’t know the deceased, the people “that matters”.
Sad to see the dominance of the old school-tiny village network masquerading as a nation conducting its politics. It bears no relation to any form of freedom for citizens, either local born or immigrant, that is certain.
If the above does not apply to you, then continue with your work ethic. If it does, well make the necessary changes and aim for higher.
Analogy: every time one of the young men dies through crime, we say that the young men are killing each other. Do we wait until all are dead to say such a thing?
So the above is not a general statement cos we know many hardworking BVIslanders. It is the highlighting of an issue that could cripple the future of many. One must note (as offended as you are), the majority of top paying businesses are foreign i.e. Law firms, ins. companies. And these employers just to want to get the job done.
What he has has been the case for quite a while but it’s not all BVIslanders are like that. Any BVI who dare say different truly have their heads buried in the sand. I think it’s something that many BVIslander grew up with. By this I mean being told that they are entitled by virtue of their nationality. Of course if we educate ourselves and practice good wood ethics and good behavior all around then we would be in a position to say yes we have that sense of entitlement so to speak but still ..
For the many of you haters, if the laws or culture of your country provided for/protected you, you would not be here brown nosing (trying to secure a good deal on an OVERPRICED car), you would be in your home country.
In all countries there are issues with the youths or others, when you are asked to solve them you may step forward. And to some of you haters when you leave do not leave your bad eggs behind. We have our own that we are going to straighten out, if you give us a chance
Neville is right on the money.
Tortolans have by virtue of their own ignorance, laziness, obstructiveness , and obnoxiousness, made themselves the most unwanted people in any job in Tortola.
Except of course government where actual competence is neither required, nor recommended, I suspect.
Tortolans SHOULD be the most desired people in Tortola, as workers, no need to deal with immigration, no need to stand around at labour, no government fees, or medical tests.
Employers would love that, but no.
So instead we have to get skilled people from other countries who will work, show up on time, and are happy to have a job.
And then we have to listen to even more whining, about how, the island is being taken over by ex pats.
Here’s a thought, LEARN something saleable and start a company , see how easy it is for yourself.
Then when your company grows and you need to hire help, see who you hire.
My apologies to the hard working Tortolans who ARE out there, and whom I’ve had the pleasure of knowing.
I employ an equal number of belongers and guest workers. Amongst the older people theire is no difference. It is amongst some of the young where the difference lies.
C—- are you “sane?” I am shocked at your thinking and beliefs, especially the latter part of your comments.
Sad indeed. Hope when the Brits take over we will not hear voices like yours crying in the wilderness.
Sad commentary from voices not far removed from servitude.