BVI News

Sewerage project facing wilful delays, Penn says

Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn has once again criticised the government’s handling of a crucial sewerage project in East End/Long Look, describing the delays as a result of willful neglect.

The project, initially set to improve the sewerage facilities significantly, remains incomplete, causing daily hardships for residents.

“Every minute you’re getting a story. They’re coming soon,” Penn recounted while expressing frustration over broken promises.

Penn insisted that the project was not hindered by a lack of funds, but rather by a management issue. “I don’t want to believe the ministers just don’t care, but I start to get a little cynical… because I don’t find them to be people who have good knowledge,” he said. “They went to some of the finest schools and institutions around the world.”

“They either got to be willful or something because it can’t be the fact of lack of education because they went to good schools. It got to be willfulness,” he added.

Penn accused the government of being spiteful, suggesting that the delays were intentional and targeted.  He also questioned whether the government was trying to spite his constituents in trying to attack him.

The district representative pointed out that the project was almost a year behind schedule and framed the issue as not just an infrastructure failure but also a failure of governmental responsibility. “We’re failing miserably,” he stated.

“Our people are suffering; it’s hard on our people. We have to bring some relief to our people. The minister has to deliver on these things,” Penn argued. “You cannot have the people of East End/Long Look suffering like this for the last six years under your watch, minister.”


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  1. Hit the nail on the head says:

    Its willfulness yes!

    Like 1
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  2. No!!!!!!!!!! says:

    ITS INCOMPETENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like 4
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  3. Resident says:

    This is why we need up-to-date audits. Have the contractors been paid for their work? How much money allocated to this project remains? Has all the pier money been repaid?

  4. Vacancy says:

    What we need is a Minister of Sewers!

  5. Political tit for tat says:

    Donkey years ago NDP started this project and got within inches of it being finished. They lost the election before getting it done. VIP fired everyone on the project and ditched it. Just before election they tried to finish it but they were going through someone with no local engineering staff, his was to come from the U.S. The NDP won again before the new contract could get started. NDP then ditched it too for another project. That one had the usual financial over runs. This is a major reason for projects in this country costing the tax payer money that then is wasted. Look at Prospect Reef. Another NDP project that the VIP thought was stupid, so they let it go to hell in a hand basket. How about Peebles. That changed contractors every time the government changed. In the end they couldn’t even furnish it without getting more money. Then there’s no money for maintenance. Green houses were bought by VIP, NDP thought they were stupid so they went to rot. Where are they now? In use? So many projects here have gone through all the political changes and whims. When will we ever mature politically?

    • Deh Watcha says:

      Very well said.

      Adding to Prospect Reef….. Its “abandonment” actually allowed the college of our cousins to the west to expand on their culinary arts centre. While we built another matchbox at colonial manor which now seems to be shuttered also (maybe they didn’t pay their electric bill either). Adding to the folly is the fact that there is an actual board?!?

      What this country is going thru, it has to.

  6. Hmm says:

    Our leaders handle everything piss poor in this place yet first thing out their mouth is we want independence we want self determination.

  7. One arm bandits says:

    We need a law or penalty to chop off the hands of politicians that have squandered our tax dollars. Especially, those who have failed to continue projects upon which tens of millions have been spent.

  8. Amazing says:

    This is the same email minister who supposedly gave monies to D4 minister years ago that was intended for the sewer project now talking. Amazing

  9. Kettle says:

    Says the man who diverted 8 million dollar to the pier park which could have fixed the sewage problem years ago. Marlon just a damn waste and getting worst.

  10. LookSee says:

    Tis your own Black bros mucking ova you. Not the UK nor its BVI appt Governors,not the yt man not the yt people tis your bros and your own ,in each an every instance pushing us over the cliff but allyo prefer to pretend and suspen reality and wallow in the bile of ignorance,each day worse no matter the amount of Queen show highlighting the resulting failure of the BVI education system and the unhealthy looking young generation.

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