BVI News

Smith calls on public to shame litterbugs on social media, lobbies for stronger litter laws

Government legislator Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith as he is being sworn into the House of Assembly.

While calling for updated litter laws, Territorial At-Large Representative Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith has also called on residents to unite in using social media to shame known litterers.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Monday, Smith recounted an experience he had with a “litterbug” who he said was dumping garbage near the roadside.

“I stopped and told him to pick it up. He watched me and started speaking Spanish. I tell him I cannot speak Spanish but I have a phone, and I am going to take a picture. From the time he saw the phone coming, he put it back in the truck. But, the thing is, I couldn’t follow him to see where he’s going to dump it next,” Smith said.

Emulate me

The first-term legislator then called on residents to emulate him to stamp out indiscriminate littering.

He said: “When you see stuff like these — not just the leaders but the people — take pictures and post them on Facebook. We have to work together and start making people accountable for the wrong they do. We cannot sit any longer and expect the government to do everything.”

Revise litter laws

He said there is also a need for the territory’s penalties on littering to be revised.

“We need to create stiffer fines for these litterbugs,” Smith said. “I can remember when I was not in this seat, I heard about Litter Wardens. What happened to those? We need to be serious about the things we are coming in this House and discussing.”

He added: “Let us do things. I know this government is going to do things because if it’s one thing, we are not afraid to make decisions. But, this has to be a team effort. If somebody has a good idea, it is a good idea, and that’s how we have to start thinking.”

In his remarks, Smith suggested that being mindful and active in efforts to tackle littering is in-keeping with good tourism-related practices.

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  1. Good Move says:

    I am so glad this subject has been raised. The problem here is lack of enforcement of the legislation on our books, and this needs to be urgently addressed.
    What irks me, too, is to see people parking their vehicles on the helipad close to Peebles Hospital and leaving them there and going to work. Also parking wherever they wish; stopping in the middle of traffic to pass pleasantries with friends; eating and pitching out food containers, bottles and cans from vehicles; driving without due care for other road users; and the list goes on and on.
    We have to take care of our surroundings and exercise national pride wherever possible. It is shameful hearing ‘Only, only, only in the BVI’ when it comes to our total disregard for law and order. Our children are watching us – we have to set the example.

    Like 30
  2. Um says:

    How can I do this with the cyber crime legislation? Asking for a friend

    Like 20
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  3. LOL says:


    Like 11
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  4. YOUTH says:

    I like sheep. He is down to earth and for we the people.

    Like 30
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    • @Youth says:

      I will agree with you. He is a good guy, He is also approachable. Can’t say it for everyone in Politics, he is one of the ones that really cares about the people.

      Like 12
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      • bull junks says:

        That is one of the reason why the country is in so much trouble because we keep on voting for people that we like and not people who can actually represent us at home and abroad

        Like 15
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  5. Concern says:

    I couldn’t say it better myself. Hon. Smith we are with you on this.

    Like 28
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  6. Yes sir, yes says:

    One thing I can say about you is that you truly care about the people of this Country. I truly believe your heart and passion is for the people of the Country.I cannot say the same for some of the elected members. To much ego and bickering back and forth.

    Like 24
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  7. vip heckler says:

    Up to yet we cant hear what was the cost for the stage rental in virgin gorda and tortola festivals

    Like 31
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  8. Eagle eye says:

    First i hearing from him.

    Like 6
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  9. see says:

    Agree 100% and lets include the concrete trucks whos lazy drivers just dump the leftover concrete on the side of the road…. like was done recently in Cane Garden Bay … courtesy of SC .

    Like 19
    • Also says:

      Vehicles not stopping when ambulances are screaming for them to stop as they rush to aid the sick and suffering.

      And vehicles not pulling over when police try to stop them.

      Like 3
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  10. strupes says:

    What has he brought to the table besides a bill for the rental of his stage? He reminds me of the representative for the 6th….2 complete waste-ah-times….DINOSAURS

    Like 20
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  11. Supporter says:

    I like this!
    What about the people that’s urinating on the side of the road in the open? We should take their pictures and spread it as well because that is disgusting… to be walking or driving and see somebody pull out their penis and start p*****g… they need to be arrested for indecent exposure and littering… nothing worse than smelling p**s all over the place… like we living in a slum.

    Like 21
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  12. Charnele says:

    Great idea. You also need to deal with trucks carrying garbage uncovered and have items dropped on the road ways. There are laws against this but it’s not enforced.

  13. TO SHEEP says:

    We don’t need stronger litter laws…we need ENFORCEMENT of our already existing litter laws. ENFORCEMENT includes strategically placing CCT cameras in areas (esp Garbage bins where people keep dropping large items which they know must be trucked to Pockwood Pond) so that people can be prosecuted. It means the police stop turning a blind eye to breach of our laws.

    Like 12
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  14. smh says:

    1000% agree this is the most DISGUSTING thing. It is a common occurrence. No respect for themselves much fewer others around them, no common courtesy, no manners just disgusting people. No hands washed either.

  15. Nasty says:

    That’s the same way some of them keep there house garbage from bathroom to bedroom to living room.
    Cleanliness is next to godliness.

  16. SMH says:

    That’s the problem with some residents…darm if you don’t and darm if you do. Some just gonna be negative no matter what! But guess what you all can’t and will never keep Hon. Smith down. By the way, he is in no comparison to you all’s 6th District Represe ntative. He is above and beyond!

    Like 2
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  17. Hmm says:

    Enforcement is the issue with BVI. We have laws from TCP to Environmental and yet no enforcement.

  18. but wait says:

    This isn’t the same individual who has a garbage bin below his house, in the road for months??

  19. Please says:

    Sheep the problem is that the Government does not have a good physical plan of garbage storage.

    There should be garbage disposal trash cans all over Road town and beach areas, especially when the tourist ships are in. At least every 100 feet in some areas.

    Taking photos and putting it on facebook where people can see who post it is not the answer.

    You should be speaking about the garbage trucks who are not consistently emptying the bins on a regular basis making the bins overfull and the garbage scattered on the ground around the bins.

    The people of this country has a lot to learn about politics and government administration. The Government has to lead by example and the people will follow.

    If they dont then you talk about fining but dont stand up and speak about the people littering when the Government and the Garbage trucks are doing the same.

    Like 4
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    • :) says:

      Garbage bins wont change people’s nasty habits. I saw a guy throwing a beer bottle between the passageway between Digicel and Clovers. There is a garbage bin near the Circle about ten steps away. People are lazy. It seems like people dump garbage on the side of the road on the way to the garbage bin in some areas. Garbage is seen in spots far from residential areas in the most ridiculous places, down the hills and in ghuts. People are just lazy and nasty.

      • Penalise says:

        They will change if they are caught and charged. Thats how it works elsewhere and it does work. How can you change behaviour if there is no consequence?

  20. Eyes wide shut says:

    If outsiders was littering the law would have been enforced but its local( voters) that is leading the littering race and hence wont be touched so easy.
    #we tell people how to treat us

  21. hint hint says:


    Like 2
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  22. Good topic says:

    This thing about urinating all over is depressing where I rent it have a bar and the place is stink with urine because everywhere you turn someone urinating even on the walls, cars and bush it is really bad can something be done about this please. This is a very big problem . Please can something be done about this please. Thank you.

  23. Fanning fire says:

    This statement is only going to encourage people to tape and put people business on social media. It’s no gaurentee the community will focus on littering as a leader he should have had a more appropriate approach to the matter

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