Shooting at RiteWay in RT, reported armed robbery attempt

This BVI News photo shows a section of Fleming Street which has been cordoned as a result of the shooting.
Police have responded to a shooting in Road Town on Saturday night, December 29.
The shooting is in relation to an attempted armed robbery at RiteWay food market on Fleming Street.
There are no reported injuries, BVI News understands.
Details are still not clear but it is understood that the incident happened sometime before 9 pm. Police were still conducting investigations at the scene, up to publication time.
BVI News will provide further details as it becomes available.
In the meantime, this incident is said to have happened less than 24 hours after a major reported burglary at Mi Amor Jewelry in Road Town.
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The blood of Jesus
White Jesus?
With your supposed level of knowledge you would know that Jesus was not white.
Right, he was more honey golden.
Again another situation where our current laws don’t provide for people to defend themselves, families and their property. We should be allowed to have guns, after some level of either training and licensure. Not allowing it is ignorant of the facts.
The police cannot be everywhere for protection. Do the math.
They let you have cars after some level of training and licensure and ain’t nobody able to handle that.
Seems like everyone already has guns. How and why they have not all been locked up is the problem. gun + person = death. I did the math!
as good as that sounds bad people own property’s too. its rough
It was I, Santa Paws
And I will strike down upon thee with great purrs and furry playfullness those who would attempt to poison and destroy my kittens. And you will know my name is Santa Paws when I lay my cuteness upon thee.
Yours Truly,
Santa Paws the Xmas Kitty
They hired a lot of police to do nothing. it’s the holiday time they need to put some cops on patrol. Come on man they are killing this country slowly. No business will come into this territory. Commissioner you got to put them police to work.
And the people need to do their part as well… Stop hiding all these criminals amongst ourselves! The police will never win without our help, all evil needs to prevail is that good people stand by and do nothing…
And so the end begins. The government broke, people have no jobs and crime is on the rise. This will certainly help the tourist situation. This was all brought upon the Territory because of greed and the hatefulness of the Africans. There will be more to come of this. This is only the start. Darker days are ahead. Happy New Years
The Africans? That comment is racist and making it makes you racist. Moderators are you STILL ALLOWING RACISM FROM YOUR PUBLICATION?
So tell me CW, It becomes a problem and hurt feelings and racisum when someone mention the word Black or African but it is ok when the blacks says some of the worse racist things about white people. I hear the things that is being said on a daily basics. One thing I know is blacks is just or more racist than whites are. The light skinned/redskin/high yellow blacks is racist towards the dark skinned blacks.
Cw is a pompous lib
It is not the Filippinos,the Caucasians nor the Asians so tell me,who then.
Truth is we Blacks, as a group has been indoctrinated into self hating,buffoonery,and stupidity, many of uur children are being raised by parents with no knowledge of self love..,always tek tek gimmee gimme even at the barrell of a gun because there is no self worth. Things are what they grasp for worth.
Hatefulness of the Africans…Who the hell are you and what are you talking about?
If you’re white then I subject you look at the wickedness of the caucasian before you come here with that BS.
‘Anonymous’, I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say other than serve as a racial antagonist to serve some deeper issues you may have. I have seen you post endless stuff on multiple articles about ‘Africans this’ and ‘Africans that’. Every society has it’s issues, and to automatically cast it as race related is appalling. This situation has nothing to do with race, it is just a bad set of people doing bad things. There are unethical people of every colour and religion across this globe that are only a few that make life miserable for majority.
What is alien to me is people like you that seem to ‘get off’ on escalating things by race bating for no other reason whatsoever other than to piss people off! While I am sure that none of us will get along all the time, and history has (whether you like it or not) fostered racial bitterness, it is people like you that seem to take joy out of feeding the fire rather than making some effort to find some sort of common ground.
I am sure you don’t care, and probably feel profoundly satisfied that you have got the reactions you have had already, but stop trying to paint colours where there are none just because you have nothing else productive to do!
And yes, as I am sure you are wondering, I am actually white!
While I sympatize with your sentiments to some degree, the fact is evident, These violent crimes in the VI are to date,solely attributed to
Blacks, I am BLack and gain no comfort that the acts are done primarily by those Black males with parentage of the upper Caribbean countries. No surprise, Violence is and has always been an integral part of that culture.
The facts are there, The crimes here which not long ago were unknown and for which the BVI was noted, has been spurred by those “brothers and sisters” to whom we opened our doors.
Greed and hatefullness,specifially self hate are factors in this unfortunate enigma.
It will be blacks that are most commonly the ones perpetrating these crimes in the BVI simply because of the demographics of the area. It is more complicated that race though, I would just say that it is bad because it is blacks making the other majority of upstanding blacks look bad. In the UK there are plenty of whites stealing cars and robbing houses and businesses.
BVI unlike the UK doesn’t have much ways to stop these criminals so they are just taking advantage at the cost to communities which they ultimately don’t care about.
I don’t bother worrying about it however because it will just collapse back to what it used to be. It grew to where it is unsustainable witbout major financial,injections from,drug money, tourism and finance. It is returning to how it was before all of that.
The large amount of Blacks deported from the UK to their homelands in the upper Caribbean yearly is appalling. The US also deports a large amount,
The amount of crime in those countries committed by their Black Natives is seriously high.
The crime in the BVI was little to none prior to importation of labour from these islands.
It is a sad reality too ugly to face but these Island Organizations and Churches set up to fleece their countrymen should at least excercise sone pretense of concern.
The VI needs to seriously reconsider where there work force originates, if it desires to survive as a successful economy,
My hero. And I am black. haha. Truth be spoken!
THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!! Stop declaring evil over this territory
haha. you fool!
and your Nazi, Hitlerites, Stalinist, DeBears, Bates supporters and African haters across this land.
You are here among us. You probably live right next to us, ride our ferries and or drive pass us daily and smile in our faces along the way. But we know that is your natural nature.
We have been reading your putrid hatred of our government, our leaders and our people for a long time now. That type of hatred for us has never been so openly expressed in the BVI before now and after the end of servitude.
The fact that you have brought that incivility and filth to our shores have many enraged. .
Meanwhile, we also acknowledge your right to free speech. That being said. We now exercise our right to freedom of speech by issuing the following the decree:
Come out from behind your cowardice, state your name and location of abode and challenge these Africans to a fight to the death, given your obvious hatred for them.
The weapons of choice will not be words, as you have used them to your full satisfaction already.
Hence, we seek that we may engage in combat with you with either knife or bullets to the death.
So, show your bravery, come forth and let’s see how well you will fair against the “African,” you coward piece of faeces!
We await your bravery Anonymous fetal matter!
So many people coming in the country, right now I think it’s over populated.A lot of people not working, the men come in to do construction work and sending for them wives, girlfriends baby mother ,
cousins sisters and mothers and no work for who in the country a long time
More crime is going to commit and on the other end some are just plain lazy
Anonymous: Who are you and where are you writing from?
Young Black male(s) with ties to the upper caribbean islands.
Some of the dumbest foolishness has been happening in this country for years now. The leadership or lack thereof are treating it as the norm, but it’s set to be more devastating than IRMARIA. BVI stop letting foreigners misguide you and put your house in order. Wake up and cut the crap.
What is disturbing is that with the rise of gun crimes on the island…There is no serious move from the government or police to crack down on firearms. Every Tom,Dick,Harry and their grandma have guns these days and when they’re caught, most of them get a little slap on the wrist and the nonsense goes on. Guns are making their way into the BVI,but we don’t hear or any measures being taken to really secure our ports of entry.
i blame ndp
While I sympatize with your sentiments to some degree, the fact is evident, These violent crimes in the VI are to date,solely attributed to
Blacks, I am BLack and gain no comfort that the acts are done primarily by those Black males with parentage of the upper Caribbean countries. No surprise, Violence is and has always been an integral part of that culture.
The facts are there, The crimes here which not long ago were unknown and for which the BVI was noted, has been spurred by those “brothers and sisters” to whom we opened our doors.
Greed and hatefullness,specifially self hate are factors in this unfortunate enigma.
Sorry to say .
But it’s the wicked ways of the people. I am sorry for the few good hearted ones.
So sad to have more shooting. But if the people of BVI do not cooperate with the police then nothing will change .
The topic and the comments are Sickening
one with a loaded cyber machine need to go find that racist bigot and send him/her out of Tola in a box.
Would that solve the issue of the Black dominated crime wave.
Truth remains no matter how personal and ugly. The BVI needs to bravely change its demograhics with preference given to those imports from the least violent cultural locations. STatistics and self preservation would be in their favour no natter who vex.
The large amount of Blacks deported from the UK to their homelands in the upper Caribbean yearly is appalling. The US also deports a large amount,
The amount of crime in those countries committed by their Black Natives is seriously high.
The crime in the BVI was little to none prior to importation of labour from these islands.
It is a sad reality too ugly to face but these Island Organizations and Churches set up to fleece their countrymen should at least excercise sone pretense of concern.
The VI needs to seriously reconsider where there work force originates, if it desires to survive as a successful economy,
Would that solve the issue of the Black dominated crime wave.
Truth remains no matter how personal and ugly. The BVI needs to bravely change its demograhics with preference given to those imports from the least violent cultural locations. STatistics and self preservation would be in their favour no natter who vex.
We have people living in very rough conditions, over-crowded, over-priced, high cost of living. We have a population still traumatized after watching their home, vehicles and islands be destroyed before their eyes. We see government drowning in a morass of incompetent leadership and endemic corruption and entitlement. We have an economy hampered by suffocating bureacracy, lazy jobsworth civil servants where if your name doesnt fit you ain’t getting no-where even if you “bahn here”. We have a divisive society between those who belong (and have the freedom of democracy) and the majority who have no vote and who are (white or black or yellow or brown) little more than indentured servants. We have a poorly trained police force, stuck in their cars and A/Cs who are out of shape and who make no effort to join the community they police. Collectively, this has bred a sense of nihilism, of “anything goes”. Some of these criminals are recent arrivals, some are BVIslanders through and through, some of 2nd or 3rd generation down-islanders. Until there are some grown up conversations and decisions made this situation will get worse not better. It’s easy for everyone to say,”its not Us, its Them” but in reality its All of Us who are the problem in our own way.