Sir Richard Branson injured in VG pothole mishap

Sir Richard Branson, the 73-year-old billionaire founder of the Virgin Group, sustained serious injuries following a cycling accident on Virgin Gorda recently.
The incident occurred when Branson’s bicycle hit a pothole, causing him to lose control and fall.
“Took quite a big tumble while cycling in Virgin Gorda a little while ago! I hit a pothole and crashed hard, resulting in another hematoma on my hip and a nasty cut elbow, but amazingly nothing broken,” the billionaire wrote on his Facebook page last night.
Branson, who also owns Necker and Moskito islands in the BVI, said he fell just in front of another man he was cycling with, leaving both with injuries from the accident.
He added: “I’m counting myself very lucky, and thankful for keeping myself active and healthy. After all, the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all!”
In less than 24 hours, his post generated 6.8 thousands reactions and more than 700 comments on the social media site.
This is not the first time the business mogul had a serious spill while cycling in the BVI. Branson was injured two years ago in similar fashion on Tortola when his brakes failed during a Strive BVI event — a challenge which involves water and land events to raise funds for charity.
Infrastructure concerns
The government has had serious challenges with infrastructure over the years, particularly in the wake of hurricanes Irma and Maria, which devastated the territory six years ago.
In November last year, Sharon Flax-Brutus, the Interim Executive Director of the BVI Yachting, Hotel & Tourism Association, argued that the territory wasn’t prepared to accommodate visitors for the current tourist season with the current state of infrastructure.
“From an infrastructure and service standpoint, we aren’t where we need to be… There are potholes in Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke. It’s just embarrassing. We seem unable to prioritize and follow through,” Flax-Brutus explained.
That same month, a photo of a tourist posing in a huge pothole near the Tortola Pier Park went viral on social media. The large hole was hurriedly filled by Public Works Department staff less than a day after the incident.
In his budget speech last year, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley promised to improve the territory’s infrastructure significantly, disclosing that his government intends to spend millions of dollars on planned roadworks and other infrastructure projects.
“Our people deserve good infrastructure. There is simply no argument about that. The reality is that much of our infrastructure is aged,” the Premier stated during his budget speech. “So, we have come to the point where the infrastructure cannot hold anymore and is calling for urgent work.”
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It going to get fix now that a white person buss their a**
So you see someone get hurt and the first thing you think of is to be racist?
Racism will not fix this third world country.
@hmm my thoughts exactly and especially because of that photo oops. Conveniently photo was captured.
It’s unfortunate he fell. It appears he took a good tumble. Good it’s not more serious.
Now, I don’t know why some people think that because Mr. Branson is a billionaire, somehow he has to give his money to every cause some people can imagine.
The state of our roads is a direct result of poor construction and management of our infrastructure. That’s the government’s responsibility not private citizens.
If Mr. Branson donates a significant chuck of his fortune to the the government to fix our roads, we will be in the same position a good rain fall down the road again in pot hole city. Reason being, our roads are built and maintained poorly.
You are not apparently safe even riding a bicycle, and that’s shameful.
About a year ago, I had a rental driving towards West End at night. I had a small car that run into a huge pothole. I sustained a whiplash that was not apparent until hours later. My neck hurt me for days. I had to get a good run down.
We got to do better. The first thing tourist are seeing coming from the airport is nothing but potholes. Shame on the government for poorly constructed and maintained roads. The only repair done is patch and go. Just embarrassing, and shameful.
This headline is hilarious.
I guess he didn’t learn his lesson from the 1st fall a few years back. My boy, you are over 70 and rich….just hop on an exercise bike or a treadmill. And for many years residents have been complaining about potholes in the entire BVI, but now that Richie Rich fall in one, guess they’ll be fixing it soon *shrugs*
What happen to the asphalt plan Rhymer said was up and running
It’s called racism. You all know that black people fall in these potholes every day. Does this look like a real photo. Look at the bruise good. Looks like tv trickery
If it real or not makes no difference… you telling me we need to get tricked into fixing our roads?
I think it is more to do with being rich and famous than with being white. I am white and nobody does anything when I trip in a pothole either……
The only thing about this is that Sir Richard is getting old but this is nothing new for him. Adventure is his life, get well soon sir…..
It is not a racist statement. It is the reality of the BVI.
like every year this guy crashing his bicycle on VG. We either ban riding bicycles on VG or require pple over 65 to get a license every year.
And he falls in the same spot every time, with a different person.
He should f Ole a lawsuit against the VI Gov e rnm r nt.
The publicity would have a more lasting effect overall as it would highlight the neglect dispersed by the Gov routinely and the resulting hardships endured by the people,
How do you know that’s not his intention? This man working with COI from day one
why is this news
.you always crashing..need specs’s a UK thing .. Google it.
He Raised a lot of Money for Especially the Virgin Gorda Community so its only Right he Put some Dollars in the Roads!# Second time! What will happen the 3rd Time. Ask Prophet Fire ..
Rally? Where did that money go?Go benefitted? In whose bank accounts most ofit went? What segment of the community has or is benefitting? With the trillions of dollars in tax breaks offered, why has not even scholaship been offered to the communities youths?
Are our slavish afffection for his kind continue to blind us to the real on the ground realities.
I am sorry, Sir Branson. My car was injured too. I have to buy the parts for mine as well as the Premier’s. People fall on the best of roads.
Ahm, something is off with this picture. Enlarge the picture and focus on the arm/elbow of the billionaire. Between Photoshop and AI I am not sure which one is worse.
the manufactured nation in its blinded hatred and racism is taking the United States and the world head long into world war three.
And, voices of reason are completely stiffled and hidden.
Perhaps the gentleman, with his inexhaustible resources should add his influence in trying to stop the genocide that the world is allowing Isreal to engage in and committ freely and without accountability or approval.
The world, along with that hateful nation, and its political institutions are clearly in a state of moral decay and ethical degredation.
Israel’s response to any conflict with the Palestinian is always heavily disproportionate.
For each Israelis killed the kill hundreds. Perfect example most recently they killed over 100 Palestinians reportedly to free 2 hostages.
The US unfortunately has not been an honest broker and never will be so long as they continue to support Israel the way they have in the past and present.
The bombs killing innocent women and Children comes from the US and dropped by American made planes. The US government sends billions to Israel each year.
What is going on in that conflict is nothing short of genocide in my opinion, and the US is complicit in that conflict.
Anyone who speaks out against Israel’s heavy handedness is targeted by the Israeli lobby and labeled an antisemite.
Mr Branson knows this and I do expect him to come out and say anything against this conflict that could jeopardize is financial empire.
It’s a tragic situation going on there. There will be no peace in that region until there is a two state solution. Short of that, I believe American and Israeli security will always be at risk for terrorism.
Killing people like this will do nothing more that create more terrorist who will kill innocent people.
This conflict has been going on for over 70 years, and peace will never occur until that two state solution is achieved.
What is happening in the middle east affects everyone as gas prices are thru the roof and will only get worse affecting the global economy.
In my view the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what Hitler once did to them. No lessons learned there. Unfortunately there is no honest broker to end the conflict.
So sorry he fell because of a pothole. My front end falls in potholes everyday. The roads are barely safe for driving much less riding or even walking.
Third World Country – a disgrace with all the money pouring in from tourism and financial tax avoidance… Where are the decision makers responsible…
sitting comfortable and licking up the spoils.
that bike riding in the BVI requires a mountain bike with good shocks and knobby tires to ride OFF the road. Riding on the deteriorated BVI roads is more dangerous than riding on real earth and rocks of the BVI. Face it the roads and paths of the BVI 200 years ago for donkeys and horses are still in better condition than 21st century worn out roads of today.
when fire goes to tola, ah hope your government will extradite him when his prophetic hour reach. Boss you will reap just what you sow. Everything ain’t going happen in one day. That thing call time? the same devil who fueling the fire is the same devil who will tire him out, just like it did andru. Go ahead and play dutty games. Mehson you don’t tamper wit us jurys, they going track you down. Your church account don’t have the money you going need for the same lawyer, because she not going defend you for a discount or for free. Try hard to get b.v.i belonger status
“BVI Roads, more Dangerous than Space Travel”