BVI News

Smith leads 13-member delegation to Asia

Trade Minister Lorna Smith and CEO of BVI Finance, Elise Donovan.

Minister for Financial Services, Labour, and Trade, Lorna Smith,  is leading a 13-member delegation on a trade mission to Asia, one of the BVI’s most important business markets. 

The delegation will also be joined by industry counterparts from Asia.

Asia remains an important market for the BVI, accounting for more than 60 percent of revenues in financial services. 

Since the establishment of the BVI business company four decades ago, over one million companies have been incorporated, with 57 per cent originating from Asia.

The trade mission to Asia is sponsored by BVI Finance and its members, and supported by the BVI Hong Kong Office. 

The mission gathers senior government officials and private sector leaders from the financial services industry. They will meet with counterparts in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore to discuss the critical issues and innovative strategies shaping the future of financial services, both in the BVI and across the Asian market.

The agenda includes several high-level meetings, including with the Hong Kong Government’s financial secretary, the British Ambassador to China, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The government and financial services stakeholders have been working hard to diversify the services offered in the jurisdiction and maintain the BVI’s reputation amid global threats.

The industry has been impacted by several external pressures including the global push to clamp down on money laundering and terrorist financing. 

Another issue that threatens the industry is the global cry for the implementation of publicly accessible registers of beneficial ownership so people can easily see the names of people who own companies in the BVI.


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  1. Hmm says:

    Travel travel travel travel and nothing to show for all of that

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  2. Hmmm. says:

    Must be nice to get a free vacation on the taxpayers back.

    Like 12
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  3. 13 blind mice says:

    On another lavish trip

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  4. Just Wrong says:

    13 people ??? Someone has their priorities confused.

    Like 19
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    • Smh says:

      Virtual meetings are very effective, why 13 people gotta travel to Asia ???

      Like 13
    • Friend of the BVI says:

      let us get real, a delegation of 13 does not mean that all the individuals are government officials.

      As someone who has travelled for business privately and as part of government delegations, it is not a joy ride like most people think; most days you are in meetings and just go back to your hotel to sleep and get ready for meetings next day.

      It is sad to see individuals who do not have a clue constantly going on and on about things that they should instead be asking questions about. When are we going to understand that the thousands of persons doing business with the financial sector does not happen because people are sitting in the BVI; it happen because delegations go out to meet them

      Like 7
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      • Hello says:

        Big man , stop your nonsense, you are trying to defend the indefensible, people a hurting and you are telling me that 13 persons have to go to this meeting, come on , travel , food and accommodation , wow .think about , for a small place like Tola, that one sound more like China, Rusa or the USA delegation.

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      • SMH says:

        You’re right, they may not all be from government, but you better believe, government is paying for it all.

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  5. Lol says:

    One more for the road before UK take over.

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  6. Jolly says:

    Fancy a trip to the far east bring a friend!

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  7. Beware says:

    Not just a complete waste of tax-payers money but potentially damaging to the BVI. Several Caribbean nations have been enticed to accept loans from Beijing. However, this Trojan Horse hides China’s mercantile interests and the exploitation those involve.

  8. We or Asia bank says:

    Who is she representing on this trip?

    Like 4
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  9. Jackson says:

    Here we go, the crabs are one of their barrel. The b we I people will never change.

  10. @Lol says:

    Some of really think that we areliving in the 13th century.

  11. good lord says:

    BVI, just keep sitting still and keep your mouths shut as usual …and see what happens next. Imagine the cost of that trip! When it could all be done virtually. Hey, where my cronies and buddies want to go next… Pick a place… let’s go.

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  12. A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI says:

    THIRTEEN people, all travelling first class. It’s the carnival ride that never stops. Hard to believe if you’re not living through it.

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  13. smh says:

    Had to carry all the dawgs on this one cause it might be the last.

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  14. Maybe says:

    All 13 will get arrested somewhere in Asia for money laundering.

    Then direct UK rule will commence in the BVI on 1 June. The UK will allow the imprisonment to continue.

    Then all 13 will be found guilty in a less than honest Asian court and spend the rest of their lives in a hot tropical prison where nobody speaks English.

    Have a nice trip!!

    Like 4
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  15. Nope says:

    And the members of Government and other ministers
    No one is saying anything about this??? OMG, I know that the Premier can’t tell this Lady anything but come on, someone most get the courage and say something, If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything…well at the end of the day, people have to understand that he better say nothing to her, remember she is the one who make him Premier and if she get vexx and go back to her party, the so call premier will find himself on the opposition side of the floor…

  16. ?....? says:

    Who are they? Name the 13 please.

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