BVI News

Speaker expresses discontent with governor’s handling of COI report

Speaker Julian Willock

Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock has expressed discontentment with Governor John Rankin’s statement regarding the issuance of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) Report to government members.

Willock noted that the governor’s statement did not mention sharing the report with the Speaker of the House.

“Governor, you will appreciate that there are three co-equal branches of government (Legislative, Executive and Judicial), and the Speaker is the head of the Legislative Branch, as set out in the Virgin Islands Constitution Order of 2007 in Sections 63 (1) and 69 (1), along with our Standing Orders and in Erskine May, which is another authority on Parliaments. It is, therefore, concerning that nowhere in your statement of April 21, 2022, you mentioned sharing a copy with the Speaker,” Willock stated.

“Sir, you have not stated whether a copy will be also shared with the Judicial Branch, which also plays a pivotal role in good governance by administering justice and safeguarding our constitution,” Willock said.

“You have made public statements about your commitment to ‘good governance,’ which also means upholding the rule of law. With that premise in mind, I take that it was merely an oversight not to mention that a copy will be shared with the Speaker,” the Speaker added.

Meanwhile, Willock said while he understands the governor has certain powers under the Commissions of Inquiry Act of 1880 and the powers held is fully respected, he strongly disagrees with the distribution timetable.

“It seems the public and the press will be the last to have sight of the report. You will recall that the people of the United Kingdom and the International community, learnt about the Commission of Inquiry (Col), via the press, even before the HoA or residents of the Virgin Islands,” Willock added.

He reiterated that the governor now has an opportunity to ‘right the wrong’ as his statement on when the COI Report will be shared indicates the local political class and “ministers in the UK” have more of an interest than the ordinary residents, civil society, captains of industry and other professionals who were called to give evidence before the Commission.

“I humbly and politely submit these insights for your consideration. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest regards,” Willock said.

The Governor had announced, on April 21, that he would be sharing a copy of the report with the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition and then the report would be shared with the leaders of the political parties represented in the House of Assembly.

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  1. Question says:

    Has he paid his bill yet?

    Like 100
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    • @Question says:

      Good Question. I trust that one of the first recommendation that comes out of the COI report is for a constitutional change for the Speaker of the House to be an elected member.

      I am just sick of this foolishness. Why is he getting involved?

      Like 63
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      • He an arrogant tw*t. says:

        His arrogance is based on a completely
        deluded self assessment of his adequacy as a
        decent human being, let alone someone to
        be respected.

        Like 47
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        • Rubber Duck says:

          Willock is one of the gang of three. We know who they are. We know what they did. Judgement day is here.

          Like 19
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    • Abort abort says:

      He scared like a little girl.

      Like 28
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    • Nope says:

      He will never pay. The premier will use hard earned taxpayer dollars to pay because there nothing better to spend money on now.

      Like 26
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    • Ahhh says:

      It’s been a while since we hear the crap from the mouth of the Blonde Ba**on. It is amazing how it’s only the guilty, those that s***l that are unhappy with the COI. The good people of the Territory have no issue waiting to see them all in Orange Jumpsuits. Perhaps the ba**on, the fake preacher and the math teacher can share a cell. A true ménage a tois

      Like 24
    • Jim says:

      These children are all running scared now. Lawyering up.

      U.K. is coming back people to take us over. I cannot wait. Finally a long overdue breath of fresh air. We throw off the yokes of our current overlords and experience true democracy.

      Like 6
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      • @ Jim says:

        Talking pure rubbish. Not all, or even most, wants a take over of the British. We have had that for centuries, and that imperialist notion is not DEMOCRACY!

        Do learn what democracy truly is. Meanwhile, flush that shyte down the toilet.

        Like 1
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  2. falcon says:

    Who is this man think he is? The Governor does not answer to him, so he can take his discontent and make soup with it.

    Like 84
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  3. Blind to the fact says:

    that is the governor hold control over such. and make the decision of how it’s released and when. i guess you guys (VIP & NDP) don’t like being told wait or better yet i get back to you when i am ready

    good lesson learnt for you all. come off your high horse you guys on. as quickly as people put you guys in, you all can be quickly removed

    Like 29
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  4. Wigs R Us says:

    Tired of you

    Like 48
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  5. Highest regards says:

    If you had high regard for the Governor you could have sent him this letter privately. Did you have high regards when you lectured him when he was first introduce to the house as to what his role and responsibilities are. Did you show him regard when you let him know who is large and in charge.

    Hey now he is showing you who is really in charge you crying foul. Begging like a puppy to be respected and included. Respect breeds respect Mr Speaker. You are one of the most disrespectful person in the HOA.

    But do what you do best. Find a sheep and go to court at the people expense. Ut doesn’t matter how long it takes we will recover our monies and if it was paid under hand who ever authorized the payment we will take it from them. No regards to you.

    Like 51
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    • @ Highest regards says:

      Your comment reaks with, who do those people think they are…

      Be hereto informed: Many of us have long since stop being, subservient fools, bow downers to the white, [the monarchy and their representatives, who have built their entire existence and wealth off of the hard, brutal labour, sweat, blood, tears, abuse, oppression and death of Black people,] upholders of imperialism, bootlickers, among others…

      Come into the 21st for your awakening to the real and changing and evlving Black mind.

      The gentleman may have his issues, but who soesn’t? He is human like the rest of us..

      Like 1
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  6. Rattie says:

    Not a fan of the wig man but he is spot on with this one!

    Like 5
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  7. Bob says:

    We don’t want hear NOTHING from you until you pay yuh bill!

    Like 61
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  8. citizen says:

    boy esteemed them UK bloggers down the governors office and Ritter going eat you alive!

    Like 15
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    • This one is confusing says:

      LMAO this is the only comment with a split vote – no-one quiet sure if (implied) white bloggers eating the speaker alive is ood or bad thing. Everyone agree speaker need to go, just not clear if white person should get to claim any credit 😉

      Like 4
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  9. TurtleDove says:

    BOY you were not elected!!!!!!!

    Like 50
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  10. Hypocrite says:

    How you could see others wrong but not yuh own? Y’all bend and twist the law as it’s convenient. Pay yuh bill!!!

    Like 53
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  11. Chupes says:

    Just look at that black pot spoon. Why does this man have to dip his mouth into everything that does not concern him. No body elected you. Get away!

    Like 39
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  12. Only the truth says:

    We with you Hon Speaker we with you on this!!!

    Like 3
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  13. Anonymous says:

    Don’t let the haters distract you ??????? you have a history of fighting for your people

    Like 1
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  14. Imagine that says:

    The audacity of him. He went into that COI hearing disrespecting the entire process and reading his little statement of protest. Now he want the report from the same process he disrespected claiming he is equal as he did in those hearings. The nerve.

    His narcissism knows no bound. He really believes he runs things. A case of delusions of grandeur if you ask me.

    Being seen as an equal is apparently very important to him. He needs to learn among other things that respect is earned. Act like an @ss, get treated like one…Mr co-equal.

    Like 37
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  15. He got this correct in his letter says:

    The three haters blogging over and over against Julian is sad, but we can see right through it:bam

    Like 1
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  16. Real Concerned Citizen says:

    Bet the letter circulating objecting to the time table signed by “concerned citizens” was written at Pier Park at a recent meeting of the Honorable Speaker and CSC. How come he didn’t ask us if we wanted to be a part of his “concerned Citizens”. Of course not. He just knows how to piggishly demand respect from others, but he hasn’t a clue how to dish out respect to anyone.

    Like 16
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  17. UKM says:

    M**s Willock you need to find a seat outside the House of Assembly sit down and shut up no one is interested in what you have to say, you don’t count.

    Like 24
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  18. Big Richard says:

    Hon. Willock is correct of course the Speaker must be including for a copy. One may not like the holder of the post, but one must always respect the POST. And our Speaker has carried the post very well! When I see him in the House it is as if Speaker was made for him!

    Like 2
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  19. My 2 cents says:

    It is very interesting that the Hon. Wigg aka Speakmost wants to be seen as an equal now. There are 3 branches of government (legislative, executive and the judicial) and Speakmost seems to think that he can control the Governor!

    If memory serves me correct, the judicial made a judgment against Speakmost who is also the head of the legislative arm of government. Not happy with the judgement, Speakmost cried wolf and the Bomber head of the executive council carried a motion to the house for the government to use tax payer’s money to pay his judgment. The irresponsible elected officials that we put in office passed the motion defying the judicial branch of government which they DO NOT have a constitutional right to do. All need locking up. Wigg now here catching feelings. Go sit dung!!!

    Wait until the Governor comes back to rease the report. I hope it has in there what all of you did and put everyone of you irresponsible officials out to dry. All of you unscrupulous leaders (present and past) with your self-serving decisions brought the COI down on us and we as a people remained complicit. So we will all take blows on this.

    The chickens have come home to roost. I’ll get my tea and popcorn ready. Will buy some depends for who need it cause it going to be hot in here in the next couple of weeks.

    Like 20
  20. Geezeumbree says:

    Jillian please be quiet and stand in the corner till you’re told to come out.

    Like 18
  21. Bloggers says:

    Mehn I’m here for the comments. You guys never disappoint. Lol

  22. @ @ ONLY THE TRUTH says:


    Like 17
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  23. Facts says:

    One person the coi report does not affect is julian willock so I conclude he is the only one left standing with balls to challenge the governor and the UK

    Very excellent letter, for sure you will be the people’s Speaker for life

    Like 3
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  24. the wigged gift to the NDP says:

    that keeps on if Fahie did not have enough problems, here comes M**s Wiggy again

  25. Secret Bear says:

    Hey Esteemed, what happened to that lawsuit you filed against Rawat and the rest? That’s really going to help everybody out a lot, considering the COI is over!

    Like 10
    • THE REAL DEAL says:


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  26. Antsy says:

    Fr, Frog at it again! There is no rest for the wicked!

  27. @ FACTS ❓ ? says:


  28. Weed says:

    Thanks mr speaker for standing up for we the people

    Like 1
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  29. No island man says:

    Willock has been a very excellent speaker he needs a second term

    Like 2
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  30. My run says:

    They need to pay the bill andrew playing willock again

    Like 3
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  31. Residents of the BVI says:

    If we can’t police ourselves someone will
    Police us. Can we recalled hearing that statement from someone during our last election’s campaign 2018-2019??

  32. lol says:

    The speaker is behaving just like Sir Elton John

  33. LB says:

    Jillian just stfu! All of a sudden all branches should be respected? The Judicial branch said you must pay the lawyer bill for your BS protest of the COI! So respect that branch and pay it! Demo racy isn’t only convenient when it suits you.

    You have zero respect in the entire BVI community. You were appointed and not elected by us. We do not care to hear a damned thing you have to say.

    Hopefully you get a chance to continue to voice your challenges from a cell up Balsum Ghut pretty soon!

    Like 13
  34. citizen says:

    Willock looks like a G Q

  35. Licker and Sticker says:

    Joules pay that legal bill yet? You would think having paid that bill he would learn to shut his trap

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  36. Smh says:

    Why is that pointless committee taking so long to decide who paying this guy lawyer bill.

  37. Three stars says:

    Compare these comments to the comments under the same story on the yellow site. You will see that a crazy person is blogging … That guy is a w**ko.

    Like 3
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