BVI News

Speaker’s companies ‘engaged’ gov’t twice to offer security services


House of Assembly (HOA) Speaker, Julian Willock and/or his privately-owned businesses engaged the government on at least two occasions to discuss providing security services during the pandemic, but mysteriously withdrew his offer on both occasions.

Willock made the disclosure last Friday when he appeared at a hearing before the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) and was asked by COI attorney Bilal Rawat whether he had engaged with the Deputy Governor about an offer he received in June 2020.

In the first instance, the Speaker said he discussed the issue with the Deputy Governor after he was told there was a dearth of security officers to assist with quarantine security and asked whether he would be able to assist through his security firm, Leonard & Associates Security.

Offering some background to the issue to Commissioner Sir Gary Hickinbottom, the Speaker said: “In the peak of the COVID-19 situation in the BVI, the government, I think through a Cabinet decision, wanted to hire private security companies to be posted at homes and hotels to assist with people complying with quarantine. They had exhausted all the security companies.”

Willock then claimed he previously “resisted working [privately] for government for a number of reasons”.

On this occasion, after receiving a letter and a phone call from the Deputy Governor’s Office, Willock said he would help only if he could bring a resolution to the HOA to enter into business with the government.

However, he claimed once the resolution was passed, he did not engage or follow up with the government “in any contracts”.

Speaker suspicious about being tripped up

Willock said he was certain the Commissioner was disappointed that no contracts were found between him and the government.

This prompted Sir Gary to say: “Honourable Speaker, first, there are many contracts we haven’t found. Second, the answer to the question is ‘yes’, [you have engaged with government].”

The Speaker suggested the use of the word “engaged” could be widely interpreted and may mean any of several things, “I see what’s going on here, you’re trying to trip people up, but that’s not going to happen this morning with me. That’s not going to happen with the Speaker I could tell you that.”

Despite several assurances from Sir Gary, Willock continued to insist that efforts were being made to ‘trip’ him up.

Willock’s attorney, Richard Rowe, then pointed out that a page to which was being referred on the matter was included in his client’s bundle of documents from the COI but was not present in his.

The page contained the publicly available resolution that was made in the HOA.

The Speaker then proceeded to take issue with the missing page, asserting that the missing page spoke “volumes” to the transparency and accountability level of the COI’s process.

Second engagement with Eagle Security

Rawat then asked the Speaker: “During the period of engagement with the Deputy Governor, did Leonard & Associates become Eagle Security?”

After a deep sigh and a pause, Willock responded in the negative and told the COI that he had a friend who was also interested in the security business and he suggested that they form another company together so that Leonard & Associates would not be “mixed in with his interests”.

According to the Speaker, his newfound business partner pursued the venture.

“[This is] because I told him that I no longer have interest in working for the government,” Willock said.

He related that his partner pursued the same contract with government under Eagle Security but “it never materialised”.

Asked whether Eagle Security signed a contract with government, Willock said, “not to my knowledge”.

The Speaker, however, confirmed that he remained a business partner in Eagle Security afterwards.


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  1. ??? says:

    This Self estimated Esteemed Individual is so full of himself it’s beyond reckoning

    Like 81
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    • Hmmm says:

      You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. Dress him up, take him out, a c***k is still a c***k. Remove the robe and get him fitted for an orange jumpsuit.

      Like 74
      Dislike 3
    • @??? says:

      I stopped reading this racist website’s reports months ago, but because I knew that you and your racist blogger community would have your bias comments and reports, I felt it necessary to come on and add my view for my people and nation…

      The Speaker did a wonderful job before the commission ‘and for the record’, the Speaker was asked to assisted the community, which was a request that was made by the Deputy-Governor’s Office however, no agreement was made.

      You people refuse to change your racist evil ways throughout the centuries, but the Lord will deal with you all, and this is one of the reasons why ‘Jesus’ has given us these lands and why many of your ancestries who brought us to these lands and enslaved our people are suffering in hell.

      Like 6
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      • Appreciative says:

        Thank you for your comments, Mr. Willock. Hope you like the food at Balo. I hear they have cheese a lot.

        Like 31
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      • LOL says:

        Hmmm, wonder who wrote this comment, which sounds exactly like a article on VINO… also wonder who was the ONE person who liked it

        Like 10
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      • @??? says:

        One can literally see, smell, taste and feel the racism and hatred for and against Black people on this site, for the comments to the thumbs up/down feature, on a daily basis.

        Our country has lost its beauty. It is now infected with the world’s deadliest virus, white racism. What a crying shame!!!

        Like 4
        Dislike 7
        • @ @??? says:

          I agree, I believe we will have to do something about this, as we gain our independence. They have to leave, and leave quickly. No nation should allow these evil, sick people in their nation, not even for a day!

          Like 1
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          • Juju man says:

            Yes, and tell them to,take all their white things with them, electricity, cars, tv, computers, power boats, supermarkets an all dat stuff.

            Like 1
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      • @@?? Problem says:

        Anyone against Julian Pillock is a racist!
        Anyone white, ever, anywhere, is a racist!
        OK, so you really have a grasp on the issues.
        Thank you for educating us.

      • @??? says:

        83 white


        BVI Fox News census.

    • Fact says:

      The Speaker’s companies currently allegedly provides security security at the H Lavity Stoutt Community College.

  2. Finger's says:

    You like to pointing finger, four is pointing back @ you my friend. ( LOL )

    Like 25
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  3. Sod Domm says:

    I will not call name because I am sure “THEY” are watching this site and the comments. So, what I will say is, there’s been some REAL nastiness that “THEY” were involved in and using their position to get their way. Many have been victimized over the years….but, nothing last forever and it seem like the brimstone have began to rain down on them.

    Like 36
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  4. Snoppy says:

    I always wonder about persons who refer to themselves as a third person – hahahah

    Like 34
  5. open your eyes BVI! says:

    The elected officials not only put their hands in the cookie jar – they are handing out our cookies to their friends a& family members..

    Like 61
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    • LMAO says:


      Like 14
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      • Rubber Duck says:

        Everyone involved with security guards in the quarantine period knew that Willock was allegedly providing them even if he had a front man. Many of the guards waited a long time to be paid, some never got paid.

        Was any tax, social security and health paid for these guards. Guess. Did all the guards have work permits to work as guards Guess.

        It’s all rotten.

        Like 16
  6. But says:

    If you are longer interested why would you partner with the new agency. Mr. Speaker that does not sound right so explain

    Like 54
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  7. My goodness says:


    Like 10
  8. Will say it, don’t care says:

    All of the elected officials close family members should be questioned as well. All the FAKE FARMERS AND FAKE FISHERMEN AS WELL. I’M QUITE SURE THEY HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO.

    Like 48
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    • @Will say it, don’t care says:

      I agree as well. They have a WHOLEEEE lot to explain. May as well sans everything dirty is floating to the surface. People of the BVI, sit back and watch all the action unfolding.

      Like 15
  9. Son of the Toil says:

    Never mind the personal shame. They are vaccinated against it. Never mind the loss of public trust. This was suspect from day one. Let me ask this regime – Are you aware of the psychological trauma that you will bring upon the young generation once the Constitution is suspended and the Queen takes over the reign of the Territory? Everything that the generations before you have fought for will go for naught. You are bringing the Territory back to the dark ages of uncertainty. You will rot in jail more or less, but the damage you have done to the younger generations will never be forgotten. You and your cabal and your cahoots will never ever be able to rectify the generational damage that you have inflicted upon your people. There is absolutely nothing that you can do to rectify this. Nothing.

    Like 45
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  10. Informed says:

    Starting to see a pattern here where Mr Willock thinks he is above the Law. This is all out there in the media to research.

    July 2016 BVI Beacon Website

    On Monday, Julian Willock went on ZROD Radio to deny reports that he would soon be taken to prison for missing court appointments, according to his website Virgin Islands News Online.

    On Tuesday, however, police said Mr. Willock was apprehended at about noon and transported to Her Majesty’s Prison at Balsam Ghut.

    Police were executing a default warrant issued by Magistrate Ayanna Baptiste-DaBreo, according to the Police Information Office.

    Default warrants often are issued if a person fails to appear in court.

    In addition to owning VINO, Mr. Willock is a former permanent secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works, though he was dismissed from that position in 2012 for reasons that were not disclosed.

    Attempts to reach attorney Jamal Smith, who has represented Mr. Willock often in the past, were not immediately successful.

    Like 34
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  11. From Afar says:


    Like 16
  12. WEW says:

    Times up.

    Like 11
  13. @WEW says:


  14. Wow. . Unbelievable.. says:

    Greed at it highest level…Currimuption at the highest using your Official govt office to get an advantage in government contracts… We were dealing with evil people. Thks for the COI.

    Like 21
  15. Anonymous says:

    There is nothing wrong with a member of the HOA seeking to provide a service to government. The problem is when they are using the position to unfairly influence the decision making for self profit. Some of the politicians have had contracts or provided services to government long before they even entered politics. Dr Smith, Carvin, Pickering, Sheep are some that were engaged with government in some way for financial compensation before politics. We need to stop trying to label everything as corruption or seeing the negative. The things we should worry about is stuff like CSC with little to no expertise getting contracts to do stuff outside his field of business.

    Like 10
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  16. seekabay says:

    The man has his rights to defend himself

    Like 1
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    • @seekabay says:

      The one thing white people hate the most other than Black people is Black people. The one thing white men hate the most is an out spoken Black man. They usually and still do kill them. Brother should be watching his back.

      Like 1
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  17. PT9 says:

    Julian Willock, You are a very a——t person you have proven that time after time. You told the COI more than once we are equals you don’t need to tell anyone that you are his equal unless you feel less than that person. Willock just about everyone in that room was laughing at you whenever you threw a tantrum like a 2 year old you were an em——— to the British Virgin Islands, the only people parsing you are people who are just as a——t as you. You need to be taken out of the House of Assembly you are not — for the job.

    Like 19
  18. Facts says:

    Willock the majority of the public is with you do not mind the noise or the three fake bloggers we know better

    Like 3
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    • @ Facts U R very Wrong says:

      Each blogger has one like or one dislike, so, thats your answer, its not 3 bloggers against this man, the dislikes and the likes is the indicator, its one per person, just want to get that out there…

  19. Lol says:

    All these politicians have so much crown land and own their own land….that’s why people who want crown land can’t get.

    Like 14
  20. Well Sah says:

    What is done in the darkness eventually comes to light.

    I wonder if those high and mighty people, especially the men, think they were fooling anyone. See how they have been exposed.

    I think that they should remove the word ‘honourable” from their names as they have made a mockery of that title.

    Like 14
    • BuzzBvi says:

      Unless they insist that is how they are referred to in front of the COi. Please!! And why did they not allow the — to wear a wig.

  21. Rubber duck says:

    Don’t mind these jealous people Willock is the man

    Like 2
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  22. Savage says:

    Will-c**k is a jacka**

  23. Reason says:

    Why boasted thy self oh evel men playing smart but not being clever

  24. Bobby Jowe says:

    A DBA is not a company. We are the bvi, a corporate center, it’s important that we don’t perpetuate these lazy thought. That being said the Speaker himself entered into these contracts. He doesn’t even know the difference between a company and a DBA. That is troubling

    Like 12
  25. BVI News mischief - Shame says:

    BVI News is really showing their bias against the BVI Government. The story and the testimony says the Deputy Governor reached out to JW. But the headline and the writing style deliberately tries to give the impression that JW approached the Ministers. And they bury the facts in the middle.

    Like 1
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  26. Levons says:

    Boom bye bye. The man just upset cause we dont have pride month in the bvi

  27. @ Facts U R very Wrong says:

    Each blogger has one like or one dislike, so, thats your answer, its not 3 bloggers against this man, the dislikes and the likes is the indicator, its one per person, just want to get that out there…

  28. @juju man says:

    ayou are clearly whitey brainwashed and misinformed to the tee.

    White man did not invent electricity, tv, conputer, thr boat, the car or the supermarket. All those things were first invented by Black people. Go look it up. The only thing thatwhite peopl is known to inven that they didn’t steal was racism/hatred for Black people.

  29. Hmmm says:

    J**l is the best place for him!

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