BVI News

Speaker’s ‘NDP candidacy’ dispute not a matter for me — Governor

House of Assembly Speaker, Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe

Governor Augustus Jaspert said he will not get involved in the controversy surrounding Speaker for the House of Assembly, Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe, and her reported election candidacy under the NDP banner.

When asked questions on whether he thinks the Speaker should confirm or deny those reports and whether she should resign if the reports are true, the governor told journalists: “It’s not a matter for me.”

“It’s a matter for ‘a’, the speaker [and] ‘b’, for the House.

A number of legislators from both sides of the parliamentary aisle said they are concerned by the reports of the Speaker’s candidacy with the NDP.

They said their concerns are in relation to whether Moses-Scatliffe’s impartiality as Speaker is compromised by her alleged candidacy.

She is, therefore, receiving pressure to confirm or deny the reports but the Speaker has remained tightlipped.

She is now awaiting the opinion of Attorney General Baba Aziz as to whether it is ethical and/or lawful for her to remain as Speaker of the House if she plans to be a political candidate in the upcoming general elections.

Aziz is expected to give that opinion on the next sitting of the House on October 2.

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  1. LOL says:

    If ayo think this Governor is a moo moo think again.

    Like 14
  2. concern says:

    your conscience would tell you this is not right .While the constitution might not address this specifically ,its highly unethical to keep that office given that fact that you are a candidate on the NDP PARTY . Even a lay person would tell you this not right . it creates bias and doupt as to your decision with in parliament .
    simply put “you cant have your cake and eat it at the same time “

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  3. @lol says:

    Ha ha ha… I with you on that one!

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  4. Levysinki says:

    Why persons from the college have to resign in order to run in the up coming elections? How come VIP candidates must vacate their Civil Service jobs to run in the up coming elections? The Governor thinks that it is not his job to demand fair and good governance? Maybe the Foreign and Commonwealth Office knows the answer.

    New VI Government

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    • GoonSquad says:

      The speaker is not a civil servant. Plus she has not publicly declare she running. She’s within her rights not to answer any questions. What does it matter anyway? Now you all
      Question her Impartiality in the house? To me she has always bern too lenient on the opposition with their nonsense. Sooo many other things in our country need fixing and you all here stressing about the speaker possibly running for political office. Take a shovel and barrow and help clean up this country

      Like 10
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  5. jef says:

    The big mam from the vehicle dept Mr Rhymer Kyeis running for the vip How come he is not resigning.
    Why you so concern about Ms Mosses

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  6. Diaspora says:

    We need to use the KISS principle in regards to the Speaker’s situation. Neither the Governor, Premier, nor Attorney General needs to get involved in the the Speaker’s decision. It is a simple issue for the Speaker; it is either the Speaker is running for political office or she is not. And if she is running, she needs to step down NOW. Assuming that the constitution or HOA rules permit her to serve as Speaker while pursuing political office, she needs to do the right, professional and ethical thing and step down. Ethics, values, professi9nl performance, personal behaviour……..etc are traits that voters look at.

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  7. where is her integrity and morals? says:

    This lady will never get a vote from me, my friends or family membera as she has demonstrated her shadiness and obviously cant be trusted. Sometimes one has to do some self searching and choose to do whats morally right instead of whats legal. Where is her integrity as a person? This situation has caused me to think back on a lot of things that has happened in the HOA and the way in which she dealt or didnt deal with it. Everything makes sense now as its obvious that she was in bed with the NDP all along. If we the people cant feel a level of comfortability and impartiality even in the HOA what can we expecf going forward. My poor country. The love of money is the root of all evil.

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  8. Eagle eye says:

    Common sense these days is hard to find.she has not yet declare her candidacy so what’s y’all problem.why fahie don’t speak about Mr rhymer,he is who in violation.

  9. L says:

    I don’t see a problem. She was never impartial to begin with. She will be the same biased speaker.

    • @ L says:

      It’s obvious you don’t watch or listen to the house sittings. Moses-Scatliffe is not at all bias. She repermands both
      sides the same. You all must learn to give jack his jacket

  10. King fisher says:

    It is funny how we bash our OWN people but praise the Whites and the other outsiders….

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