BVI News

Stagnation in Trade Department draws criticism

Former Junior Minister for Trade Marlon Penn expressed frustration over the lack of progress within the Trade Department, spotlighting the suspension of the Trade Commission Act and the absence of a functioning Business Bureau, despite earlier promises for improvement.

Penn addressed these concerns during a recent appearance on the Talking Points radio show, questioning why critical reforms had yet to be implemented. 

“The work has gone through successive administrations, successive Premiers that have passed this legislation. The now minister took it upon herself to review what is there, suspending the Trade Commission Act. Yet, we are almost at the point where that year of suspension is up, and we have seen no concrete activity,” Penn stated.

“You could buy goods from a particular store. It’s not working. It’s faulty. You can’t return it and there’s no law that compels them to take it back and give you back your money,” Penn argued. “We need to have protection for consumers not just in terms of prices, but in terms of goods that they purchase within the marketplace and the quality of goods. There’s so many things that the legislation does to protect persons and consumers.”

Penn argued that this stagnation comes at a time when the territory faces significant challenges, including poor infrastructure and economic stagnation. “We have a very stagnant economy. Government is not pulling its weight in terms of economic spending,” he added, criticising the administration for failing to allocate resources effectively.

Penn’s comments come amid broader concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability in public spending. He drew attention to the Premier’s refusal to disclose details about $6 million spent on festivals, raising suspicions about potential mismanagement of funds. “This is $6 million that is being spent over that period. It begs the question, what is the Premier hiding? Who is he protecting?” Penn asked, noting the public’s right to know how their money is being spent.

Infrastructure issues also remain a significant problem in the territory. Penn pointed out the poor condition of roads and public buildings, including the still-unfinished administration building damaged in the 2017 hurricane. “We have been dealing with deplorable road conditions and unfinished public infrastructure for years. This administration needs to prioritise these issues,” he emphasised.


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  1. Money hounds. says:

    It is becoming clearer by the day that, despite having the most educated politicians in the history of our Virgin Islands, evident incompetency and ineffective leadership have become the norm of the day, sending the country into a unending backward spiral.

    Our country has never been in such bad shape before the last two administrations took the reigns of power.

    The country is needing a reset from the elected money hounds who care only about their numbered overseas bank accounts..

    Like 22
    • @Money says:

      The real problem is in your comment. While attaining a college level qualification is commendable, it does NOT make an imdividual ‘smart’ or ‘educated’. Whatever is learned at that level is a foundation with which you would need to build on. The only smart persons I see in the HOA now that has a track record of progress arw Hon. Walwyn and Hon. Skelton. The others went to school and passed, that is it. Pull their files and examine them. Zero contributions to society, zero accomplishments. Do not take my word for it.

  2. Sara says:

    Why would the Minister for the subject look out for the citizens when her family member stands to be affected by this legislation but the leader of the opposition talking about because the country is small we cannot get away from nepotism….strupes

    Like 15
    • @Sara says:

      You are absolutely right! It was a set up all along for her to maintain her family’s legacy and businesses, no matter which team she landed on. But we blindly celebrate them as we continue to lose, while they continue to win. We need a complete political network reset.

  3. maria louisa varlack says:

    very important issues to address.

  4. Yaw Yaw yaaaw yaw yaw yaw I got you all in check says:

    This is a reflection of the fact that having a Trade Department is a means by which to keep people from having a business. What you tax and license tells an objective person that you do not want too much of that activity.

  5. Hon Trickster. says:

    Wonder how much she paying my Good friend Cindy because she is the biggest disappointment but she gets a pass from Cindy and a fail from everyone else..Cindy please be fair your Trickster minister is a failure talk about her..pls. maybe she will do better. Every time she travelling she is like the US president or a rockstar with a large contingent At tax payers cost.

  6. LOL says:

    They put the same lady back there so what do they expect? Magic?

  7. Ausar says:

    This is why these agencies should be organized, and spearheaded, by independent committees!

    …the sister, of one of the larger employers on island, and of many businesses, cannot, in any conscience, willingly approve with any sense of urgency, any legislation, that affect the bottom line of family members,and their friend’s businesses..

    .And, ah so, we will wait!

  8. Rubber Duck says:

    The best thing government can do for business is to stay away from it.

  9. @ Aursar says:

    You are correct. Some people seek Political Office with Pre-conceived Motives. This one was definitely a Spoiler. But No Worries, Time soon come. Most of the Candidates in the last two Administrations only ran for Office for their Self-Greed. Nothing to do about the live-li hood of the people of this Territory. For the Life of me, I can’t understand why the Member for the Fourth and the Member for the First would spoil their Reputation by aligning themselves with these Crooks. Then again the Church pastor say we are not Corrupt so you know ain no Grape Juice they drinking for Communion. Birds of a Feather Flock together. COI Investigations coming to a close.

  10. Bvi says:

    Bvi is gay

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