Stop playing politics! Mather wants education overhaul
A call was made for a complete review of the education system in the territory, and the government is being urged not to play politics in the process.
Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy Mather made that call after poor responses during the Standing Finance Committee phase of budget deliberations to serious questions about issues in education.
According to Mather, attempts to get a sense of the quantity or value of donations made by non-profit organisations to the government and more particularly, to the education sector, were futile.
The lawmaker shared that, given his background of over 20 years in the non-profit industry, he was aware that non-profits give a lot to the country – whether in kind or through monetary donations. While he respected that donors want to remain private, Mather said he was not asking for the names of contributors to be revealed.
“I asked a question which was, what is the value? And I still cannot get an answer. And I was trying to say that the cost of education is beyond the $65 million that is in the budget. It is beyond that. But when I ask the question, I can’t get a figure to say this,” he argued.
He further suggested that the government should be able to account for donations to the education sector tangibly, whether through buildings that have been constructed or chairs and desks at schools.
“As an elected member of this House, I want to go on record that if I ask a question — as junior as I am — I expect a response that makes sense,” Mather told lawmakers.
Meanwhile, Mather also addressed the government’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) initiative and other previous education policies such as ‘No Child Left Behind’ and ‘From Good to Great’ that have been executed in the sector. He suggested that these were often buzz words he did not subscribe to.
Mather said when he asked about how much was spent to date on the STEAM initiative, and he was told that it was $57,000 in resources.
“If I ask a question, I’m asking ’cause I want to know, ’cause the people out there asking me a question because they know government spend money educating me and I am here to put back into my country. So I beg us to stop playing politics when we ask questions,” he urged.
He said the STEAM initiative did not address the issue of fights in schools for instance — an issue which has stumped successive administrations.
Mather suggested a more holistic view in addressing such challenges within the education system. “I want to see an education review of our education system — the resources, the personnel, the curriculum, the policies, everything,” he argued.
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Great job, Mr.Mather. the STEAM initiative is nothing but talks. They just want to sound good but no resources to push STEAM. In fact, education is in a crisis and a downward spiral. It’s the worst in years. The minister does not know whVUat she’s doing. The acting CEO is calling the shots and promoting her friends. They are crying about teacher shortage but yet the CEO pulling out her friends from the classroom to make their administrators. Some of don’t even understand their roles. This education system in the BVI needs overhauling and the present minister needs to go. She’s not doing a good job. It’s just a lot of hot air. If teachers want to be honest, they’ll talk the truth. It’s a mess but we care about our students and want to see them succeed. We do our best while we wait for the minister and her sidekick/travel buddy to get it together.
Correct …the minister is a puppet on a string for the acting ceo..wonder if she realizes it’s the ppl who voted her in and can vote her out …then wonder wat the ceo going to do …she needs to be removed from this position using the lil power she has to squeeze who she don’t like and promote her friends…there is a saying what goes up must come down and people like them does fall hard
Thought it was only me saw this folly. Interviewing pple and they done know who they giving the position to. Utter nonesense. If you aint a friend of them yuh aint getting nothing so nah badda try!
There has been underinvestment in education in the BVIs for decades. This is not new. The Labor Code calls for preference or recent belongers with teaching credentials over outsiders with years of experience here meaning the latter get displaced, when instead the latter could mentor the former. Some Belonger students have no problem being rude and disrespectful to outsider teachers asserting they won’t face consequences because they born here. On top of that, schools are not well maintained, many still with damage from the hurricanes of 2017, suggesting that funding repairs and upgrades are not a priority here. Instead, we spent more that $ 1 million on a wall.
In March will roll around H Lavitty Stout Day who was fond of quoting the passage in the Bible about where there is no vision, the people will perish. How about a vision and a plan to become the best educated island nation in the Cariibean within one generation as part of the overahul?
Education has changed drastically. Almost everybody in the ministry. Everything is new.
We are in a phase of ‘wonderment’.
“I wonder…….”
Considering the changing dynamics of the world and the workforce it is not fair to students to have recent high school graduates as support or teacher aids in a classroom. There are university educated people who may consider a career change or who may consider teaching as a entry level or mid career before they move on to other careers. Perhaps this may have worked years ago, but not now. Education seem to need a cleansing for the betterment of the future generations and the society.
STEAM of course does not address behavioral issues. It is biblical classes and other related classes which teaches students self-discipline, respect for others and God the creator which brings control, knowledge and order to the student and helps them to think more logical and to have higher morals.
In the BVI we are just a bunch of fake a** people that hide behind closed doors and talk behind people’s back. Sharie is a COMPLETE WASTE OF F**KING TIME and everyone knows this but because she is a ‘nice young lady’ she can sit there, do nothing except travel and write poems, while the system goes to s**t. Keep it up!
Only Mr. Walwyn will do the best and profound job with education, even if he is fortunate to hold the Premier’s seat. Ta’s a fact.
How they victimizing people who they don’t like children. These clueless idiots no shame in their game just keeping the country down.
I agree with Hon. Mather 1,000. percent. The whole Education system from Top to Bottom is a big mess. Don’t mind the minister trying her best to Sugar coat everything, it’s all Nonsense. My first question is: Why Virgin Unite was unable to follow through on their plans to construct a YEP Centre in Virgin Gorda? Minister WE need an Answer. My second question is: Why are Schools operating as Businesses draining the Parents Pockets every week, three days a week with fundraisers for the schools? The Parents are barely making ends meet and having three and four Children attending school is a major burden on the parents. Where does Government fit in as far as expenses when the Parents are being drained for everything the Schools need? Where does that money go? Where is the transparency? There needs to be a total overhaul from Top to Bottom and the so-called clique needs to be dismantled. Yes, I said it. There is a Clique from Top to Bottom and it needs to be dismantled. Miss Minister, you need to put your House in order, Thus saith the Lord or Disrepute will be the outcome.
Gosh Mr. Mather, it’s so unfortunate that NDP 1 & 2 are still at odds and couldn’t form the govt. I was so looking forward to seeing you in the Ministry of Education.
The people of the BVI are a Gullible set. They will sell their Souls for a Belly full. The Education Minister took all the Teachers out for a Wine and Dine night just before Elections and they all voted her back in just like the Member for the Nineth. He called all the Drunkards during Elections time and took them by Mr. Good Guy to drink Rum and they voted him back in. Now He doesn’t give them the time of day.. They kicked out the Former CEO and sent her down deputy Governor’s Office as Training Manager just for them to continue doing nonsense which she started. As someone said, It is a Clique among them in the Ministry, Department and Principals of some Schools. We need a COI on the entire Education System and I hope Gov’ Rankin is taking notes among other Ills in the System. Exposure in Education, it’s Time.
The minister and her little crew are too busy jumping on planes so they lack the time to put any serious thought into improving education. They personalize the job by providing opportunities to their inner circle while making the effort of others seem worthless. I have come to the conclusion that things will never get better because people are all the same. Once they taste power they are instantaneously corrupted by it. I am seriously disappointed in both the minister and CEO. They are great at speeches and that’s about it.
Bunch of of messy women working in the education system betting my last dollar.
I know alot of teachers from other island that come here on links that don’t meet the criteria to teach we need to clamp down on the links style of Employment government your slipping it’s too much and they teach at the grassroot level where education is fundamental education ministry must clean up and clear out these so called teacher now