Student allegedly swears at police, resists arrest

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A 16-year-old male has been arrested and charged for reportedly using foul language at police.
The teen, who is said to be a student at Elmore Stout High School (ESHS), is charged with using indecent and insulting language and resisting arrest.
Reports are that the youngster called the police officers ‘f*ggots’.
BVI News understands that the incident unfolded when police found the teen and a relatively large group of ESHS students loitering in a commercial area of Road Town.
They were reportedly behaving disorderly.
It is said that the law enforcers subsequently instructed the students to leave the area.
It is understood that all students complied except for the accused teen.
BVI News understands further that the youngster began swearing at police and insisted that he was not going to vacate the area.
Eyewitnesses say the youngster was warned about using profane words at police but he reportedly proceeded to call the law enforcers ‘f*ggots’.
Police then tried to arrest the teen but he resisted and had to be restrained, sources said.
The youngster is expected to appear before the Magistrate’s Court.
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And fine his parents. This nonsense needs to stop.
Have you all stop and think for a minute that those children are stressed from the hurricane trauma and this is how it is manifesting itself. t\They don’t know how to put it into words so it manifest itself in the form of behavior disorder.
Nonsense it’s does encourage wrong doing
You here talking pure nonsense! Stop blame the hurricane. The children them just dam rude and have no respect for the authority! The officers right to arrest him. I totally agree since he want play man swearing before he go take up a book to read
This is a bi-product of “leh we do this thing”
Need a love button for this comment.
Seriously? So the parents isn’t to blame? Nonsense
Make him do community service!
Community service??? Corporal punishment with a tamarind whip is the answer.
Violence beget violence!
yes! Make him do many thousands of hours of Community service..some of which should be cleaning the toilets of the police stations.
Agreed with you….
Your future killer. No respect
And probably your future son in law.
ok… the youngster was wrong for using indecent language and not obeying the commands of the police officer. No problem there. He was worng…my question is though, does the police have a right to just see people gathering and ask them to leave? just asking….Lets hear some brilliant answers
To much children WITH NO HOME TRAINING gathering is a potential crime scene. Skets too. Bounce on out here delinquents.
@Tola, reading comprehension is key, did you not read in the article where stated “…group of ESHS students loitering in a commercial area of Road Town.
They were reportedly behaving disorderly.”
I’m certain if they were simply congregating and being respectful in their behavior, the article would not have to be published.
yes.. like they said in the comments. they were being disorderly in front of a business place. anyone can gather but if you start causing problems. the police should step in. and that still is no reason for disrespecting people in authority. be it police or an elder in the streets
You all should have pounded his dumb azz taserrrr face!
What is a ‘f*ggot’ ???
Look in the mirror.
@@wtf takes one to know one
@WTF, a f*aggot/flame is a gay person. The police should have teased him in the mouth for being so disrespectful and rude.
Most times when people especially youngersters disrespect adults or police in this matter or case, it purely of their friends around and instead of going in humble the ego cause reactions that will lead to other things. Very often the person ain’t a bad person, just the pressure of try to be tuff. I was once there so I have an idea. Locking up might not be the best choice but someone within the community becoming a big brother can help a lot of our now teenagers. Not always right or fair to blame parent/s for their children doing bad things. I hope his attitude changes and he discovered his true skills as a youngster.
They always loitering behind firstbank now, the police need to tell them to go home
Once upon a time, years ago, when orderly and respectful behavior were parented in homes, children would not dare or even think about acting in the manner as stated in the article. Fast forward into the decade, many children dictate to their parents, consequence, who are the parents and who is the child? To reiterate one commentator, make his backside scrub toilets with a toothbrush at his school. Parents, if you have children that are so unruly, put a stop to it NOW!
He needed a good old fashion behind the barn A## whipping with a nylon rope. At least the others had enough sense to keep their mouths shut and dip when they were told to. But mouth LOL, decide to play the i am tough guy. Little boy, you were better of going home to drink your milk and eat your oatmeal rasain cookies.
@Tola. Your comments said a lot about you. Are you a figment of your own imagination? You clearly have issues with law and order. Post sensible comments if that’s within your abilities please.
The article explained why the police operated in that manner. Society has enough problems to have sarcasm and rabble rousing to add to our woes.
At sixteen he better was wearing a blue shirt cause in a few weeks he can be considered as a candidate for expulsion based on his age and behavior. Better try to improve his vocabulary whilst he can.
I hope you are not a teacher. check your sentence structure and grammar. Everyone is jumping on the child and missing the point that what he did is a call for help.
Good morning all. The positive thing in this situation is that the majority of the students, save one, adhered to the officers instructions. It shows that they can be reached. Let’s not give up on them. Pray for them, the Territory and the world at large.
Nonetheless, discipline them forthwith with Righteousness when they are disobedient.
Freedom of speech does not apply here in the BVI?
No. We are a UK Territory, not part of the USA. ‘Freedom of Speech’is guaranteed in Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights section of the US Constitution. The UK signed on to ‘Freedom of Expression’ with the European Convention in 1998, but that is a different concept.
There is Freedom of Expression, however you are still liable for what you say. Police can’t stop you from talking but what you say can still get you in trouble.