Surge in COVID cases hasn’t led to increase in hospital admissions
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has provided further details concerning the surge in the number of individuals testing positive for COVID-19 at Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital.
In a press release earlier this month, the BVIHSA had only reported an increase in positive cases. However, during a recent interview on ZBVI Radio, Dr June Samuel, the Acting CEO of the BVIHSA, offered clarification. She began by explaining that individuals are not being admitted to the hospital for COVID.
Dr Samuel stated that it is standard procedure to have anyone who arrives at the hospital’s Emergency Room to undergo a COVID test.
“We typically record around 11 positive cases,” Dr Samuel disclosed, while also mentioning that there were 10 positive cases in May and 12 in June and July, respectively.
“In August, the number jumped to 21 cases,” she added, highlighting that a number of hospital staff members have also tested positive. Dr Samuel emphasised that the press release was not intended to instil fear but rather to serve as a reminder for people to exercise caution. She urged individuals visiting the hospital to wear masks consistently, even when in the vicinity of their relatives.
She reiterated that COVID has not disappeared, and both residents and visitors must remain vigilant.
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If the Masks work – Why the Six Feet?
If the Six Feet works – Why the Masks?
If They work – Why the Lockdowns and Curfew?
If the Test works – Why the False Positives?
If All Four work – Why the Experimental Fake Vaccine?
If the Fake Vaccine is Safe – Why the No Liability Clause?
If the Fake Vaccine Works – Why the Booster?
If the Booster Works – Why the Next Booster?
If the Vaxed can Spread it – Why the Medical Discrimination?
They needs to get lostwe ain’t studying them this time go way
Dr Magoo!? You really are a blind clown.
They it again. Bill gates and his Company “WHO need more money to pay salaries and eliminate more people. All those old unsold vaccine they need to get them sell..Trump is there only hurdle, no wonder they are working so hard to get him in prison and out of the way, so they can have their way..This is the kind of serious games the rich play..
The sooner they get better management over our hospital and Healthcare overall the better. I will leave it there for now.
Thank you for clearing thinks up!.. Thank you for giving us the numbers and not trying to instill fear. Truly appreciate this!… Covid never left and people are still contracting it and get well after… Its not going anywhere …Thanks a million now lets focus on these upcoming hurricanes.. Prepare and stay safe everyone.
next year have the 70th festival indoors and see how many cases of the COVID virus occur in August 2024!
BREAKING: The CDC Has Released a Public Statement
Apparently you are more susceptible and more likely to contract “BA.2.86” if you have been VACCINATED.
Who would have thoigh?!
Thank God for my discernment and likeminded friends who supported my decision to not take the bioweapon for fear of losing my job, my nhi etc which some of yall evil vaccinated people wanted. Now you are going to be the ones burdening our nhi with your autoimmune issues,turbo cancers,heart issues, vision issues etc that have just come out of nowhere in the past 18 months. Anybody start suing yet?
Best comment yet. People still can’t understand this is an elimination exercise into 2030. Also they didn’t read the Sustainable Development Memo. Carbon emissions and WHO they Deem responsilbe.
So they test people coming into ER and typically get 10 positives during a month, recently double. How many of those are false positives, how many of those are without symptoms, can you please state the success rate of these tests because not every single result is accurate?
Simply saying that we still get positive test results does not tell us very much. God forbid we ever start testing for flu.
Covid is last year’s news.
Ok so for the lockdown and curfew no one not even WHO had a solution. Remember covid was fresh and they had no idea then how to control it. So the lockdown was a good move but they took too long to reopened. I myself was locked out as I’m an expat and have no privilege in the BVI even though my kids was left behind the government had no compassion for me.