BVI News

Things have never been this bad — Walwyn

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn offered a grim depiction of the economic and social struggles facing the territory, insisting that despite previous trials, the current state of affairs is unprecedented.

“I have not seen the economy of this country as bad as it is now. I’ve never seen as many persons as I see now having difficulties who cannot make ends meet,” Walwyn told lawmakers in the House of Assembly yesterday.

He criticised the lack of effective government strategies in crucial areas such as tourism, a key economic pillar for the BVI.

“You have a tourism industry that really isn’t going anywhere,” he argued. “The people at Crafts Alive, for instance, that are down there, when last they see a cruise ship come in there that give them a little something so they could feel happy about? I think there might be one out there today, but those people are probably going home with zero dollars in their pockets today.”

The state of agriculture in the BVI was another concern for Walwyn, who argued for greater support for local farmers to reduce reliance on expensive imported goods.

He also focused on infrastructure issues affecting the territory, highlighting the government’s failure to maintain essential public services, which significantly impaired daily life and business operations.

“If anybody could say they have any confidence in this government, something is wrong with them,” Walwyn said. “They need to be summarily dismissed. Things have never been this bad. As bad as all the other things were, we have never had living standards at this level in the BVI. Never.”

He insisted that people wanted results and pointed to the frequent water shortages and inadequate equipment that hamper effective government response.

Walwyn also criticised the government for taking too many international trips while people were struggling. He questioned whether these trips were necessary when many ordinary people faced daily hardships.

“We have to figure out how we are going to better help our people,” he stressed while urging the government to review its priorities and concentrate on making real improvements in the lives of residents.


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  1. HOA was hot yesterday says:

    Walwyn was on fire yesterday in the House of Assembly. He really peppered the government. But he was talking pure facts and sense.

    Like 26
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  2. You watch says:

    A man arrested and charged should not be in the House

    Like 11
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    • @you watch says:

      Show us where in the constitution of any country someone arrested and charged cannot run. Donald Trump was convicted but will be the President of the most powerful county on earth. Do you know that the police could arrest and charge you for any offense they think you have committed even if it is not true?
      I am glad that Myron is back in the HOA. I know Myron all my life and I know he will be fine because he is a trustworthy person. The people of district 6 know him as well and that’s why they voted overwhelmingly for him and many of them are happy with their choice.
      So, whoever you are hater, go kick rocks barefooted.

      Like 14
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    • @ You watch says:

      A person as foolish as you should not be allowed to place a blog.

      Like 8
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    • Resident says:

      innocent until proven guilty

  3. Anonymous says:

    Roads, water, electricity, sewage, services, all in a mess. Deliver not talk and BS.
    Publish the rental arrear details for the Craft Village.

    Publish the arrear details for Payroll Tax, NHI and Social Sec. Amount owing and names.

  4. BS says:

    This politician is blind. The low point in the BVI was from early 2019 to May 2022 when the smugglers were running the BVI government during the CoI hearings. Since that downfall the UK is routinely arresting all these white collar criminals and waiting for the elected BVI government to redeem itself.

    Chances of the elected BVI government completing all the CoI recommendations by the end of August are low. Eventually the UK will take over and the BVI will be able to recover from over 40 years of corrupt local governments.

    • lol says:

      These are facts. It will be tough but it will be tougher if these brigands are allowed to continue plundering the BVI unchecked. No one has any interest in their colonialism rants.

    • @BS says:

      You seem not to be understanding the argument. Walwyn is speaking of the economy. People not being able to make ends meet. You have created another argument of your own that has nothing to do with what he is saying.
      Sorry BS but it looks like you are the one talking BS!

      Like 1
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  5. Wha ayo expect? says:

    When its a lil bwoy running deh country?

    Like 7
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  6. Truth says:

    Myron should be our Premier! Simple. Done.

    Like 11
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  7. LOL says:


  8. @ YOU WATCH says:

    Its you who should watch / you are evil you and the coach set up those dirty minded contractors to do a bad job to make walwyn look bad but it
    backfired on him / and it loons like karma has its sight on uou ( why the government not going after those same to either complete the job
    that they was paid by taxpayers money , and the money that was paid to them by you all to make walwyn look bad / after he had put bread on their table (
    what a set of dirty minded people / but karma is the great EQUALIZER ( you still forcing your dirty narratives as if he stole the money or SQUANDERED out taxpayers money like you were allowed to , when you were acting like you had owned the HOA / MARK took your asz ti school / and miss Smith showed you what time it was / then the premier dropped kicked your backside out of the HOA , and now you spewing out your daily racism on the UK – like you own the BVI , we believe they were letting the canary sing before they clip its wings and tape up you flaps

  9. @ YOU WATCH says:

    Are you referring to your coach in Miami ❓️
    p one of his first mistakes was to associate with you , you are a trouble maker wherever you go , look at what WSD has come to after being under your watch

  10. what a ting says:

    Mr. Walwyn you and your party are part of the problem too. Ah you don’t care about the people when your party was in power and now you talking about the outher party have things so bad. All ah you jus have big mouth and no action. yall talk big and when yall in power we gone to the dogs. me jus here listening to the same crap preaching all the time. fed up with all ah you!

    Like 1
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  11. Anonymous says:

    Things are going to become worse
    BVI stood put and flourishedwhwn foreign investors disco ered it as a civilized and saf Dr. No longer the case. It is now on par with the other failed civilization. In the Caribben..crime,poverty,sublevel education and worse of all,they are here physically here and they,their habits,personality moral,culture outnumbers the BVIslanders and their classiness. Whores openly plying their foreign nastiness. That is a
    turnoff along with their presence and their demeanor. BVI is simply more muck in a tropical

  12. A crooked wall says:

    builder giving lectures on infrastructure?
    well sah!

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