Three now charged in connection to Daway murder

From left, bottom row: Accused persons Vernon Bernard, Rafael Harrigan, and Maybelline Rodriquez. At top is murder victim, Trumayne Daway. (Photos are not credited to BVI News and were pulled from various media outlets.)
Three persons have officially been charged in connection with Trumayne Daway’s murder.
Police charged 26-year-old Vernon Bernard of Dominica with murder and unlawful possession of a firearm, while 27-year-old British Virgin Islands native Rafael Harrigan is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm.
Twenty-one-year-old Maybelline Rodriguez had already been charged.
“All three will appear at the next sitting of the Magistrate’s Court,” police said in a media release Sunday night, March 4.
The accused trio was arrested and charged mere days after Daway was shot and killed.
Found dead in vehicle
Police had found Daway unresponsive in the driver’s seat of a vehicle in Brandywine Bay on Wednesday morning (February 28).
He had gunshot wounds to his body and was pronounced dead at the scene.
Daway is the third person to have been murdered this year.
The other two persons that were killed are Michael Stevens and Clevaughn Sweeney.
The duo was gunned down near Althea Scatliffe Primary in Road Town more than two weeks ago.
There has been a number of other shootings on Tortola and some have resulted in injuries.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
Oh though lamb of God have mercy on us your people ????????????????
Sorry,but the other news site already beat you to it…they got the name of the 21yr old female that was charged
S this a race to see which news site presents first ?? Hmmm Wowwww … last I check, none if them gets a 5k cheque for coming in FIRST with Vital info.
the name is right here above!
Obviously the names were printed after LOL
Good work
Profile: Female with ties to the latin Americas.
Female with no allegiance or loyalty to the Virgin Islands.
Cost to taxpayers unlimited.
Cost to the reputation of the VI irreparable
check all the last names involved recently…outsider DNA contaminating the BVI
You’re ignorant and abysmal.
Lol lol may the Lord deliver you from hypocrisy
She boon haaah!
“She boon here”… It is either the parents or children of such parents, Birth in the VI has no effect on ones DNA and parental cultural practices and indoctrinations.
We law abiding expats just trying to do a job and vintribute in the community and bring up families are right with you. We wonder how so easy for these lot, to stay when headache of immigration and labour for us. Risk based approach needed. We don’t want them here just like Belongers don’t. We want the best for BVI
She’s born here tho.
…As my friends baby says it’s in the DNA.
And the BVIslander who was involved and only charged with posession of a firearm – no harm to VI reputation there?
Your comment has no value.
Cyann trick mehh & kill meh no way u mussi Blood—-t Madd
Every time our immigration department gets tough the politician shuts them down or remove the head. Some women have come with a culture of disregard for the family and the vi as a whole.
They dont support any business that is not their culture unless it is absolutely necessary. We need to allow or civil servants to uphold the Laws.
It is the laws that need changing. That could well include tougher standards for entry in the first place.
She was born here though
(commercial)- maybe it’s Maybelline and acquaintances
That’s funny lol
So only outsiders be the bad guys? What a joke on all of you. Protecting your own criminals.
Missed where it has been said that “only outsiders be the bad guys” Must have been outside, visiting my conscience. Clue me in,will you.
BVIslanders are not plastered all over newspapers in other countries showing off skills that destroy the other country’s economy. The lack of shame and morals prevents the countrymen of the undesirables to speak out against their criminal brethrens. I suppose the higher the body count the more at home you feel.
$1198 murders in DR last year not counting the hundreds daily murdered in the ongoing Haitian homicide.
Compare that with NYC with 290 of which contributions made by experts from DR.
You will be well entertained if you Google and read about a current trial in NYC of Yoselyn Ortega. Barbarism to the nth degree.
No your people get extradited. Who has guns? People who deal drugs. All the high end mafia people of your country are the ones who christen the younger ones while they sit in the backseat reaping the sweet. Think people. It’s bigger than you imagine
” No your people get extradited”…When?Where”…
How in God name could beings like yourself face the people of the VI ? What kinda entity are you with no soul shame gratitude or remorse. How could you open up to attack but not to condemn the heinous crimes against other humans by your countrymen. It is understandable why your countries are cursed.
May God continue to bless the VI and its people and may they find the good sense to purge the country of demons such as yourself.
Extradited? Really? When, Where?
You must be forgetting you have some of America’s most wanted right there and are involved in the Panama papers one of the worse scandals worldwide. Read daily my dear once a year is not enough
Here we go again. From here versus not from here.
One of the biggest hindrances to the development of this territory.
The “Trumpets” are blowing…
You need to accurately get your info before giving your mouths liberty as if to say virgin Islanders do not commit such atrocities, consider the death of that little girl at West end,crime has no face and needs no visa,kudos to the Brits
Accurate information derives from what is known.Not knowing who caused the death of that little girl at West End, a crime listed as unsolved …..well if you know have you passed this info to the authorities.
Why not give proof that VIslanders
commit such atrocities.
And most importantly, that they are habitual offenders in other countries where they have gone for a better life, contributing to the destruction of that country’s economy.
See above.
Here versus there when you are building is crucial especially when you have choices.. Building your country with humans with a known and demonstrated propensity for heinous crime is suicidal.
Dominican Republic recorded 1,198 murders in 2017 and that number is normal in the population of 10 million. Does not include Haitians murdered in their ongoing genocide in the DR. They have no identity there so nothing to record.
Compare those figures with NYC of 8.5 million and 290 recorded murders in 2017.
Does IMMIGRATION even google these people? I think not. We have enough hardened criminals here of our own and we definitely DO NOT need to import any more. The destruction caused by the recent hurricanes and the mass urgent need for construction skills set and the like, will end up letting in a landslide of criminals through the open flood gates. Thanks to those who come and conduct themselves in a civilized manner. You are welcomed anytime.
WTF has immigration got to do with it. This crap is all from people BORN in the BVI or with serious ties to the BVI. This is big a*&e BVI people – this is in front of your face every day. These people are in everyday society. Geez man go listen to the street.
Evidently you do not know the history of the VI. You do not know a BVI PRIOR to the influx of recent immigrants.” This is in front of you everyday” passed through and was granted permission by immigration. The beginning of the end of the VI was self inflicted by the lack of self preservation and foresight.
Compare it to the UK with 65 million people and 500 murders a year. New York achieved a huge decline in all crime with a policy of zero tolerance. No crime of any sort is permitted or ignored. In BVI the police positively encourage crime by their inaction.
Build a virtual WALL!
A lot of these criminal activity appears to being carried out by career criminals, or people who have had contact with the law before. Whenever something bad happens, the RVIPF needs to start with repeat offenders to look for answers.
The sad part is that the 3 are so young and allegedly angry enough to kill…
Thanks to the RVIPF for making these timely arrests. Now, lets hope the charges stick, and if convicted they do not get the customary slap on the wrist by our weak judicial system.
I am very jubilant that these persons are being brought to justice. Now it’s time for the RVIPF to prove that this is not a ‘one off’ event.
RVIPF I say thanks for a job well done.
it is so funny to see that guy Vernon involved in this!! in 2010 was charged in relation to a attempted to rob the police station of scooters and was pardon by the then judge and given a second chance !! now almost 8 years later he allegedly taken someone life..i am wondering if it would have been different if he was jailed and deported…would Daway been alive right now?
i am simply saying not everyone deserves a second Chance!!!!
y’all serious ? so instead of looking at the matter all is there to see for y’all is the person ethnicity. talking but oooh outsiders, like y’all dont have a bunch of criminals on your on !!! if y’all so scared for y’all precious lil nature secrets stop migrating to places and shut it down so people wouldn’t come in. and then see what it’s there to do cause y’all ain’t paying half the amount of money to stay here or get here like outsiders do. or we going forget that there was nothing in tortola b4 and y’all ms went down island and other places and got mix.
ps. I do not support violence or what was done.
@ Hypocrites
I find that you are so rude with your comments about Virgin Islanders. The truth is, yes our people went elsewhere but check and see how we behaved in those countries. As far as I can recalled Virgin Islanders did pretty well for themselves for we had and still do have lands that we farmed – grew everything, and we fished so we always had food. Our families who migrated to the USVI and USA supplied us with what we were lacking. If any went down island, they were minimal! That is not our style! NONETHELESS, WHEREEVER WE WENT, WE WERE RESPECTFUL PEOPLE!!!!!! WE DID NOT GO DESTRYOING ANYONE’S COUNTRY. When you go to someone’s country it is to better yourself not to tear down the country.
oh please…a number of your people who went foreign were self-confessed…talk to them
Next on the list…
You are a perfect example of the virtues of selective breeding.
Good job RVIPF MIT
I know Baby well.. I don’t think she did it.. Maybe she was implicated in some way.. I am still shocked…
Maybe she did?.. As they say u neva expect the innocent ones to do it until it happens .
Immigration should stop giving and renewing BVI visa to people from Dominican Republic and Guyana.
An America should stop allowing BVIslanders entry. Why all the bloody ignorance? Like Tortolians are so well-behaved. You are some of the most ignorant people I have ever met and I can claim my BVI status going as far back as 300 years. Ignorance is not bliss. Blanket discrimination is not bliss. Get some eyes and see what is before you. Focus on the corruption of the NDP, VIP and whatever poltical groups the ignorance of this place choose to elect and stop finger pointing at the vast majority of law abiding citizens – our brothers and sisters – from other islands.
BVIslanders are welcome everywhere and have passports as proof.. America not allowing BVI entry so what.
BVIslanders are welcome everywhere and have passports and good behaviour as proof.. America not allowing BVI entry so what. BVislanders have access to more countries than an American. A UK passport is rated higher than an American passport. Many BVIslanders have both.Some BVislander you are to make such a dumb statement., Double check your documents.
Thank you and thank you!