Time is running out! Residents have till July 3 to get first dose of vaccine
Unvaccinated residents now only have less than a month to get their jabs before the current batch of AstraZeneca vaccines in the territory expires and loses its viability.
The BVI has an overall capacity to vaccinate 17,000 persons but up till last Thursday, only 12,245 persons have received thier first doses, while 7,289 have received second doses.
Time is not on our side
Desperate to protect lives and not to see the vaccines go to waste, Health Minister Carvin said he had hoped the first dose numbers would be significantly higher; at least in the 15,000 persons range.
“There is still some ways to go, but the reality is time is not on our side! The current stocks of vaccines we have available in the territory are set to expire by July 31, 2021,” Malone stated last Thursday.
“That means in order for us to effectively use the vaccines in stock, persons still expected to receive their first dose can do so no later than July 3, 2021. This would give a four-week time frame between the first and second dose,” he further explained.
Vaccines are the only viable option
As the territory faces economic hardship because of the pandemic, Malone reiterated that the vaccine is “the only viable assurance of returning to some level of normalcy”.
“If we as a territory can achieve the herd immunity we hear so much about, we must have a greater uptake in the vaccine. And the fact is, what we have available will soon expire! Your government has done all that we can to prepare and prevent this disease from impacting us all. We must each now take personal responsibility for the lives and livelihoods of ourselves, our family members and for us as an entire territory,” he stated.
“Again, I must appeal to all residents and stakeholders in this territory, who are eagerly anticipating a measured yet unrestricted reopening of all our borders; we must take this vaccine roll out seriously,” he added.
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look up up ivermectin
Don’t be a prick and get one
That s+++ is killing people X 1000 they’re not telling. I have 3 health people dead from the jab. Please do your research before spreading death.
Total and utter BS.
I CALL YOU OUT FOR PROOF. The vaccines are and have been proven to work.
Sorry, but your witch doctor voodoo is not going to save anyone. Weed and bush tea have failed you.
Grow up.
Gotta love fake news
Great video…
He did that in his parents’ basement.
Really? Thousands? You are spreading lies and fear.
anyone who pass as a result of the vaccine the vaccine will never get the blame. The blame will go to underlying conditions. anyone dead without the vaccine will be declared dead of covid.
Fried chicken, burgers and rum kill people daily, where is the outcry to stop those?
There is. It’s called diabetes and 50% of belongers have it. Plus sized just like our leaders. They lead by example
Such a BS …. hundreds of millions got the jab, by your logic, we should have at least tens of millions of people died from the jab …
you know what scary … you actually believe your BS.
The Beach Minister trying to look like he doing something LOL
When the skeptics start crying as the case numbers among the unvaccinated start climbing, and screaming at the politicos to close us up again, it’s an easy choice.
Tell them either:
1. Pay out of pocket at a private clinic.
2. Fly out to PR and pay out of pocket.
3. Cry and wail as your parents you convinced not to vaccinate start choking and dying.
Who don’t hear will feel. Let them feel.
So when the vaccinated get it government and insurance could rescue them.
it has a 95-98% survival rate. The majority of those who get it wont even know they get it AND you can still catch it even WITH the vaccine.
Resume your scaremongering
Indeed many/most dont die from it.
You dont need to die in order to suffer. Some folks stays in the hospital for months.
Those are the people who gets treatment.
How many people can get this type of care in the BVI?
I assure you the stats would not apply if the hospitals are full.
So only 160 Million dead! Or only 400 Million if we take your worse case. Scaremongering or dead people.? Seems like quite a lot people dead. That is why the vaccine is a great thing.
Why not stick your other friends and Cummings again!
Taking mine July 4th
@ Second shot.
Lol. Got an appointment for mine that same day at 10:30a.
Seriously speaking that whole thing is shambolic. The vaccination cards even a primary school child can write those up. BTW not just the BVI but the CDC’ own is farcical. I know a guy who went for a 3rd dose and they gave him and he say he going back for the 4th dose. Seems like they are not keeping proper records.
CDC just called an emergency meeting as 226 cases of youngsters with inflammation of the heat conditions , where two are in the ICU. The thing is this was already reported in Israel but they still proceeded to authorize it for teenagers.
The mass experiment continues.
Yet Israel is the first country that got out of the COVID 19 crisis with only 50% vaccination.
today they announced they are dropping the requirement to wear masks.
So either you believe the data coming from Israel or you don’t … you can’t be picky.
Time will tell as it is far too early to make assessments. Let us revisit this 3-6 months from now before we start prematurely hailing vaccination success. Also any talk of vaccination success must be accommodated with the data of adverse and fatal effects. Look what happened to Chile:
Israel also tell lies about the Palestinians. You believe that too??
between Israel and Hamas …. yes, i don’t believe the lies Israel tells … I believes in their truth…
but it make sense you will believe in a Bill Gates theories, and 5G … its just like believing Hamas is a charity organization.
Do what USVI doing
I am due for my 2nd dose the first week in July. I would advise that based on who has to take second dose, you keep that amount and a bit extra but share the majority with a country that is in need. do not waste it.
I wish them daxxmmnn civil servant will coorperate and wise up and take the daxxmmnn thing, help us move forward for their own benefit..
The civil servants body dont belongs to you take your poison and shut the f**k up
Vaccine DOES NOT create immunity. It reduces symptoms at best. It does NOT prevent the spread. People wake TF up and realize they keep changing the importance of the vaccine to fit an agenda. Allowing immunized visitors is a farce. If they have it, they will spread it.
Unfortunately for you … that is not what the data shows.
Data from Israel clearly shows the spread was stop, 88% of the cases …
Just go, search for the data.
You can say their research is just research but then look at the numbers and look at the fact they are now fully open … their economy will be the first to recover.
Success? At what cost? These are just a few of the short term effects of the Experiment that you declare a success? Really?
I am not a GUINEA PIG! Let my immune system do what God designed it to do.
“Let my immune system do what God designed it to do.”…
enough said … then just dont pretend you follow real data.
@ Tim
Why don’t you question the data provided to you from Chile and Seychelles? Or are you selective when it comes to Data? Who can trust the Israelis? same people who crucified an innocent man for preaching the Gospel. The same people who are injecting young children for what really?
This idiot said ISRAEL LOL nobody gives a hell about that place or any data. It should be wiped of the face of the EARTH ALLAH AKBAR!
why cant he make sure that all malones geh?
There are people out there trying to get you NOT to take the vaccine. For the conspiracy theorist out there, have you ever stop to think why??
Exactly, why are we so gullible?? If you want to believe in conspiracy believe this analogy: “they” develop the poison and antidote to save themselves and convincing YOU not to take the antidote. Even worse, getting you to spread the nonsense while you and others suffer and they live. Remember, only winners get to tell the story. Wake up my people, get the jab.
Worry about yourself clown
Let them jab up Malone and the vip gang since they don’t want them to waste, you really going be immune after taking 1000 doses
If you’re unsure about the vaccine then take a look at the BBC Series “Extra Life”. 4 episodes where the presenters don’t talk down to you.
I learnt a lot. Did you know it wasn’t Jenner who came up with the vaccination idea? – it was Africans many many years before. Photos of patients with Small Pox are shocking. Vaccines eradicated it – we can but hope the same for Covid before an untreatable mutations gets us all.
We know the BAME sector are hit harder. The series shows by as much as 30% – but it’s not genetics. Nothing to do with race its purely the way society treats them. Poor housing, poor jobs, and few opportunities to change.
Article is right. TIME IS RUNNING OUT…for MALONE and VIP. Andrew safe cause West people is a special needs type of simp folks.