BVI News

Top Priority | Improvements on RT sewerage to begin this year

Minister for Transportation Works and Utilities, Kye Rymer.

Minister of Works and Utilities Kye Rymer has promised to begin work on the troubling issue of the faulty sewerage system in Road Town this year.

While delivering remarks during Monday’s sitting of the House of Assembly, Rymer said funding for the undertaking is already available.

“Since the passage of the hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Burt Point sewerage plant which is the treatment plant that treats sewerage from Baugher’s Bay to Prospect Reef, has been damaged. And, in fact, has been non-functional since that time,” Rymer said.

“Obviously this hinders the treatment process significantly and is indeed a matter of urgency.”

Rymer further said his ministry is in communication with the contractor who built the plant and expects to receive specific cost estimates towards the recommissioning of the station next week.

“This government will make it a top priority to begin the repairs for this plant this year as it relates to a more efficient functioning Road Town sewerage network with the aim of mitigating odour and the periodic backing up of manholes throughout Road Town.”

In the meantime, the minister said FDL Consulting group has been asked to prepare a proposal which would outline a review of the Road Town sewerage network in order to improve it.

Last year, the former National Democratic Party administration signed a $408,000 contract with the St Lucia-based firm to receive consultancy services for the National Sewerage Programme.

The firm was expected to review preliminary designs for the sewerage systems at Cane Garden Bay, review existing plans for East End, and review recommendations for lift stations for the Road Town sewer network.

The firm was also expected to conduct all engineering services necessary to update any design gaps and contract administration and construction supervision.

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  1. East side says:

    These are the things should of been first schools,proper health care and others should be first instead of your all fast track nonsense.

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  2. Concern says:

    These are the things should of been first schools,proper health care and others should be first instead of your all fast track nonsense.

    Like 6
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  3. E. Leonard says:

    “Since the passage of the hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Burt Point sewerage plant which is the treatment plant that treats sewerage from Baugher’s Bay to Prospect Reef, has been damaged. And, in fact, has been non-functional since that time,” Rymer said.” Well, it is racing towards the 2 year mark since monster Cat 5 Hurricane Irma damaged the sewage treatment plant and it is still non-functional.

    It is a critical utility/infrastructure system and its damage should have been declared an emergency and its repair/recommissioning effected urgently. True, hurricanes Irma and Maria ravaged the territory, resulting in a series of emergency needs. However, the sewage treatment repair should have been a top priority among many.

    Safe and effective sewage collection, conveyance, treatment and discharge is a standard of living and quality of life issue. It is a 1st World issue. Dumping raw sewage into coastal waters pollute the sea, harming the fragile ecosystems and posing a public health and safety risk. Further, raw sewage carries an array of disease-causing microbes——-pathogens. These pathogens contaminate food sources, ie, fish, conchs, whelks…etc; fish and other marine food sources are a staple in local diet. Pathogens also impact marine recreational activities, ie, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, diving, boating……..etc.

    Moreover, aggressive effort is also needed to reduce other land-based pollutants that may reach coastal waters, ie, petroleum waste, pesticides………etc. It (territory) must also be vigilant about off offshore dumping,e.g., cruise liners, other ships…etc.

    Like 17
    • @E.Leonard says:

      @E. Leonard, good post. Curious as to why you seem to shy away from controversial issues? Any thoughts on the fast track residency regularization, the castoff 3rd Generation Virgin Islanders, D-4 fiasco, new government changes, $7, 200,000 BVI Airways subsidy, TPP cost overrun, EE/LL sewage works independence….etc. There is thought on a local think tank and your thoughts would be welcomed. Ah wah yu sey!

      Like 2
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      • E.Leonard says:

        @@E. Leonard, BVI voters voted on 02/25/19 for change. Now, it is voters/residents responsibility to peacefully advocate/agitate for the change they voted for; it is voters responsibility to consistently hold government’s feet to the fire. In construction, maintenance, contracting ………etc, the wisdom is don’t expect what you don’t inspect. Voters cannot just vote on Election Day and then go in hibernation; they must stay engaged. Vigilate (as noted on coat arm)??———be watchful.

        • RealPol says:

          A real politician but real talk. Evaded the question by not evading the question. Smooth. No doubt the electorate should stay engage after election. Too many are of the opinion that there work is done after they leave polls because there nothing they can do until the next election. That is a fallacy.

    • Quiet Rebel says:

      The BVI must take precautions against killing the golden goose that lays the golden egg; the golden goose is Tourism which is 1/2 of the economic pillar with financial services being the other 1/2. Financial services generates more government revenue (~60%) but Tourism provides more employment; it is the employment workhorse. The major tourism attraction resource is the sea with it being a major draw for both land- and water-based tourists. Therefore, it is imperative that it be preserved and protected. The pristine waters should stay so to the maximum extent practical. If it is polluted, visitors will race to the next destination.

      The BVI is a major yachting centre with hundreds of yachts plying the sea daily. Thus, to protect the coastal waters, yachts should be mandated to have holding tanks and only be allowed to discharge their waste outside of coastal areas. There must be marine patrol in place to ensure this happen and violators should be penalized heavily. Repeat and deliberate offenders should be asked to leave the BVI. Further, pump out facilities should be constructed and operated at strategic points around the territory.

      Additionally, raw sewage is being pumped into the sea along the coastline. Which agency has responsibility for testing the waters to determine if it is safe for swimming, snorkeling, diving….etc and testing the food sources, fish, conchs, whelks…etc to ensure that they are safe for consumption. Personally, I will not knowingly consume any fish caught or other seafood harvested down stream from a raw sewage outfall. Several years ago on a morning trip back from West End I saw someone fishing out from Slaney Point. Perhaps a good fishing spot but eh?

  4. Bykr55 says:

    …so what is this telling us?

    That funding for legal fees to continue the legal challenge against Vanterpool and buying a new luxury SUV for the Premier takes precedent over monies fo sewarage repairs?

    Like 9
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  5. vip heckler says:

    Will this be fast tracked like the immigration status?

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  6. amazed says:

    so no one here has the knowledge to fox a simple system . More consultants because we dont have the on island ability to fix this . And people want to chase out the expats .. See what the consequences will be . There are people on island who can do the job …but no they are not locals .So lets spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to some BS consultant so they can tell us how to fix the plant . Then we can screw it up more by shoddy work and maintenence. Over and over again ..
    wasted money of our people

    Like 7
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    • Hello says:

      There are capable locals in various places who can address this. Sometimes it’s who you know. Hold tight. Locals are not idiots or dumb as you seem to think?

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