Travesty! At-Large reps AWOL from VG meeting
The absence of Territorial At-Large Representatives at a recent community meeting in Virgin Gorda has sparked criticism from local commentator Elvin Grant, who labelled their non-attendance as a “travesty”.
The community meeting saw several residents raising concerns about delays in accessing urgent medical care, which they claim have put lives at risk.
Grant expressed dismay during a discussion on the Talking Points radio programme yesterday, September 9, pointing out the stark contrast in politicians’ efforts to reach out during election campaigns while being noticeably absent when it mattered most.
“When these politicians are campaigning, they go the length and breadth of the Virgin Islands asking for us to vote for them,” Grant said. “This is a tragedy that has befallen the community of Virgin Gorda, and there was no representation provided by any of our At-Large Representatives.”
The meeting, held on Saturday, saw discussions on critical issues affecting the residents of Virgin Gorda, including health care services, infrastructure, and community well-being. Health Minister Vincent Wheatley was the only elected official present to hear the concerns of the Virgin Gorda community.
However, attendees were frustrated by the four At-Large Representatives’ glaring absence, as those legislators are responsible for representing the entire Virgin Islands.
Invitation needed?
Host Damion Grange questioned whether the representatives were awaiting a formal invitation, but quickly dismissed the idea. “As an At-Large Representative, and there is a community meeting where concerns are being raised by the community… I’m not sure if an invite would have been necessary.”
“They attend any number of things without invitation. So something of this magnitude, I think they didn’t need an invitation to attend,” Grant said pointedly.
He added: “They don’t need an invitation to attend our houses asking for votes, so they shouldn’t need one to attend a community meeting to discuss one of the most important issues facing the territory at this present time. So I’m not going to give them a pass on that score.”
Their absence further fuelled the perception that residents of Virgin Gorda and other sister islands feel disconnected from the governance and decision-making processes largely centred on Tortola.
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Once they get elected they don’t care about the voters until the next election.
Hon. Lorna Smith was traveling first class to somewhere
Hon. Sharie De Castro was in her bed sleeping as usual
Hon. Stacy Mather was busy getting another tattoo
Hon. Ronnie Skelton was shopping on line from China
Who got time with ayo. Shocks man
Travesty what! the people who needed to be there was there. Only other person who should have been there is the minister of finance due to the fact that it cost money to address most of the problems we complain about.
Very truthful point. The people around here aint thinking at all. That is the person who should have been there along with the Financial secretary.
A district in essence have five reps but have one may be..The at large system is a flop. Who are its constituency? The at large representation needs to be more targeted,,ie, broken up into 4 geographical areas. The system intends for rep to represent all 35,000 residents but that vision is not working effectively. Why would at large reps need an invitation to attend a community meeting on VG regarding healthcare? During election time,they find VG begging and pleading for votes. Election over, now they need an invite. Rass mon!!
There are only about 15,000 Belongers, the majority of residents have no vote, and no politician gives a sh1t about them and any non-Belonger who dares complain is reminded planes and ferries leave daily. BVI is the least democratic country in the World – this is a form of apartheid. You get the politicians you deserve as they say.
@ Non Belonger
The more you stand up for your democratic rights, the more you are deemed a trouble maker. And as I was found when fighting for the rights of my children in the early 1990’s, the government has a way of dealing with troublemakers.
@Non Belonger, if the BVI is the worst country in the there in the world why you leave your nice top of the line country to live in a democratic hell hope.? Indeed LiAT 30 is running again. How is your homeland doing, what is there attitude on immigration and emigration? Is the BVI the top place to live, work, and play.? No. Nonetheless, you got here as fast as you come and won’t leave if it is so bad. Are you shackled? You MSs are something else cutting off the hand that feeds you, are you not?
When they are out looking for votes during campaigning season they will swim from Tortola to Virgin Gorda in their underwear.
The next time you plan a meeting, have it overseas.
They will definitely be there. They love to travel.
Dah one like to travel a lot so how come she didn’t go to Virgin Gorda? I guess the airport was closed and besides no 1st class seats on those little small planes…LOL
She can’t swim. Fraud if boats
At large or at small, any of them studying ayo? Them at large in UK where they have life good. Wait till next election season when they walk in them sneakers till they find everybody looking for a vote. Turn ayo dogs loose on them
The 2 old heads are away on government business
I think the Minister responsible for Health and the district representative was present. He is the only person can rectify the existing situation. Stop all the nonsense. The sitting Government is responsible because the opposition has no power to spend the public funds.
Two of the four are on duty travel to answer Sowande’s inc***etence among other issues. Y’all just love commess
I’m loving it! Voting has consequences, DEAL WITH THEM! These fools continue to vote for people who are knowingly incapable but because it’s their family member, friend or the guy to have a beer with or their hatred for others, they still do it and complain after. The BVI deserves every f**king thing it’s dealing with right now. They say they don’t want an island man as Premier, well deal with a local sk**t!
It was heart rendering to hear the virgin gordian complain that they are not been represented or put on boards or involved in the decision making of the country.
Nothing could be far more for the truth. Virgin Gordians have held major positions in this country including head of Tourist Board, head of ports and Immigration.
And it was a Virgin Gordian their represetative who held the post of chief minister and the first premeier for over twelve.
The truth is that the entire country suffers from mismanagement from most sectors of Government so dont make it look like this incident that happened is only isolated to Virgin Gorda.
What it needs now is that persons working in healthcare needs to be held accountable for their incompetence especially if it willful and avoidable including Doctors and Nurses in the private sector. And the current mangers including the chairman needs to be removed.
They are blaming everybody but Ralph Oneal who was the leader for twelve years and sold-out Virgin Gorda.
So you all need to swallow your poisons and stop lying to yourselves making it sound like Tortola is Law Law land where everything is dandy and only VG is catching hell.
They were absent because they do not want to be named as attendees at this meeting in the upcoming lawsuit against the government. A lot of damning information was disclosed by the Minister, CEO, Chairman of HS Authority that strengthened the family’s case.
So true, the family of the man that died on the steps of the Health Clinic due to negligence is within their rights to file a major lawsuit against the Government, all of them have to answer, they are all Under one giant umbrella. The number one question for me is why was someone that has noooooo knowledge or experience in the medical field was assigned a Portfolio to run Health Services.
them like political points when it benefits them so i guess this dont benefit them
I liked but to be honest it wasnt there place. The health MINISTER has a responsibility. Personally I wouldn’t want to stick my neck out for people in hot water over a preventable death.
A total failure of care which is the whole VI but in this case making people live with less than our best, cost a life.
To think they got scammed for a 7 million dollar plane but cant afford a helicopter, so they say they can afford what they want. If they cant afford it they go for a 100 million dollar loan.
We need to amend electoral laws because at-large reps have been useless.
We don’t see them after the election in our districts.
The two on the right hand side of the picture faces look like two deers caught in the headlights.
That elected them in office knowing their track records. You all got just what you deserve and more. No use in complaining about things that you knowingly bought upon yourselves.