UK direct rule would be an inhumane act
Suggesting that the BVI is subjected to this treatment, political commentator Pastor Claude Skelton Cline has expressed that modern-day colonisation is essentially an “inhumane” act.
“This whole notion of direct rule, by its very nature … is against everything that makes us human beings,” Skelton Cline said while appearing on his Honestly Speaking radio show recently.
According to the clergyman, the behaviour of the United Kingdom (UK) sometimes suggests that Virgin Islanders are not free people.
He argued that Virgin Islanders built everything that is around them; including its education sector, its infrastructure, tourism industry, financial service industry and surrounding institutions.
“It was not imported from the United Kingdom or anywhere else for that matter,” Skelton Cline argued.
He said it was important for Virgin Islanders to remember who they are as a people.
“Our people have already demonstrated that ‘yes, we can,’ because we have,” he stated while arguing that it is something that needs to be continuously instilled.
Meanwhile, the talk show host said the Commission of Inquiry is something that was meant to erode the confidence of the people. He equated the Commission to psychological warfare.
Skelton Cline also reasoned that regardless of whatever governor appears in the BVI, he/she is simply the face and embodiment of the UK’s agenda.
He said it has to be made clear that the BVI is opposed to any form of ‘taking over’ by the UK even if it comes under the guise of taking over the Finance Ministry, for instance.
UK overtook Turks and Caicos after 2008 COI
After a similar COI was carried out in another Overseas Territory — the Turks & Caicos Islands (TCI) — between 2008 and 2009, it was found that “a high probability of systemic corruption [existed] in the TCI government.” Based on these findings, it was recommended that there be a partial suspension of the 2006 TCI Constitution and the government be taken over by the governor.
Criminal proceedings were also recommended.
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Why they cant keep this mumu off the microphone?
lol. You so right. They need to muzzle that Detroit pit bull now
What is inhumane is allowing his Deeetroit mouth run without gagging him. He is a major part of why there will be direct British rule. He is THE cause.
ahahahahahah, lord send help , dem backside jumping because them so no they wouldnt be able to steal any more monies from poor people,
he more than a full blown doh tish
Better they let UK work with us, than let the Chinese sneak in the back door as some politicians are. Look at Beef Island ownership. Look at what country has their own bank here. Keep your eyes open my friends
Need to look over both shoulders that’s for sure. Keep a close eye on what the global organization are planning for us too. They are after ours resources and we’re falling for the dangling carrots and signing on to the global directives. People need to get educated and make a stand.
Ok. Think whatever makes you feel happy. I would consider it inhumane also if the bottle of milk was about to be pulled from my mouth!
It isn’t so called ‘psychological warfare’ that stops me in my tracks, its ‘spiritual wickedness in high places’.
Well, he would know what inhumane is, now wouldn’t he? It’s delusional to think the UK wants to take over the BVIs. What would the motive be? If anything, the inclination would be surely to divest oneself of a place known to be a den of tax dodgers and drug traffickers, same place that at one time had lots of money to invest in self improvement, but squandered it instead.
What utter nonsense. If Mr. Skelton Cline wants to understand what inhumanity looks like, maybe he could take a trip to places like Yemen, Palestine or Ethiopia. If he was so concerned about humanity, maybe he should allocate some of his more than generous contract remuneration to repairing still damaged homes from Irma or towards a permanent solution for ESHS students to be educated in acceptable conditions.
To claim that the UK stepping in to derail the BVI gravy train is anything like inhumanity is insulting to anyone with at least half a brain
The real inhumane act is when the government who swore to serve the people engage in blantant corruption, cronyism and nepotism which threatens the stability of the nation. Inhumane is not having access to reliable water, have sewage running in the streets and poor roads while having one of the highest per Capita GDP globally. Now the UK says enough is enough, one of the beneficiaries of the madness is promoting the narrative that a much needed step to curtail corruption will be inhumane if implemented. You sir have some real nerves. The UK should clean house. Many of you are already talking about we will suffer more. I am willing to endure it if it means the next generation will have a better future. These guys expect to carry on with their business as usual and will be further emboldened if nothing is done.
Obviously, CSK knows little of the tourism sector, if he thinks the yachting sector, the largest part of that sector, was built by BVIslanders! Without ignoring the contributions of some BVIslanders, it was, and continues to be financed entirely from the outside, and staffed by expats who have to work around BVI imposed regulations and officials who appear to be trying to impede it. Just the opposite of what he claims! Oh, I forgot …. Prospect Reef; that’s pretty much a home grown tourism effort, isn’t it?
Why don’t you shut up or somebody shut this i**ot up. He has noting constructive to say at any point in time. Leave him to his Pizza thing with food that don’t taste good and Skelton Quarry. Leave the people’s business alone. Tired of seeing and hearing him in the media constantly.
You know anything about the UK or it’s direct rule to make such a comment. Just sit down and shut up.
Is this turks and caicos better off now?
Don’t forget, Mr. Skelton Cline is nothing more than a paid political hack. The government’s mouthpiece…
The Premier said as much in the Commission of Inquiry, that he always thought of Skelton Cline as a “political advisor”.
Not an elected member of government nor an employee, he’s just parroting whatever the government told him to say. Rather like our very own homegrown seedy and inflammatory Fox News commentator!
It sure is!
After the party at Manoogian who was inhumane ?
Claude the Fraud is just upset because Mother is looking in to his dealings. Tut tut.
No child likes it when their hand is caught in the biscuit jar.
It’s been too much greediness and selfishness, just too much wrong for too long. We need a pause, a change in direction, a new vision. Gave Britain the Steering wheel for a while to get us back on track. Hold those who need to be accountable responsible…
Come on Claude, nobody is listening
Money for nothing is an inhumane act
yes ,its time for uk to take over this place and manage it from these dohtish incapable fools ,and let every bvilander enjoy a decent life, too much greed and thief in this place especially government
You are a total blundering bu**oon CSK. How did you get those high value consultancy contracts? The more we hear from you, the more I pray P**son awaits you.
Surely it’s an inhumane act to st**l from your people, some who are constantly struggling to feed their children. CSK, Ministers and that idiot Speaker karma is coming.
Things we built, according to CSC:
Education: a disaster now and before Irma. We had one high school, now we have almost none. We have a generation that (unbelievable!) is even less educated than the poorly educated population we had before Irma. Claim ‘we built it” if you want but it was something to be ashamed of before we just gave up on schooling our next generation. Why did we do that? Because accepting loan guarantees from the UK would have been too much for our paper-thin ego, even if functioning schools would have been good for our people today and tomorrow.
Infrastructure: What? Where? I don’t see any, except permission to push dirt in the sea so bigtime business people and ex-smugglers can build buildings named after themselves to increase their big dollars by collecting rent. Sewage smells outside, hazardous conditions on every road, inefficient and climate-polluting power station, garbage dump that puts poison into the lungs of everyone living West of it. We did that? And you’re proud?
Tourism: dawg, you were at Bible manipulation school in Detroit when tourism was built here and we all know it wasn’t Hon. H L Stoutt’s idea. Sorry to say but outsiders came here and invented the charterboat industry. Little Dix, Long Bay, Sugar Mill etc was all outsiders. AirBnB was not a BVI invention. Cruise ships are not our invention but now they are our problem, bringing pollution and white people driving around looking at us like we are animals in. zoo. We sell tourism but don’t give a damn about anything tourists like – ie what remains of our incredible natural beauty. Tourists don’t come here because we are geniuses who convince them to, they come here to enjoy the beauty of the nature that we have destroyed piece by piece over many years, and will do again as soon as one powerful minister or consultant sees a quick buck.
Financial service industry: an invention of greedy British rich people so self-interested and cruel they created complex ways to avoid paying anything to help their fellow man in their own country. Criminals wanting to keep secrets assisted to invent this deliberately obscure excuse for greed. We were so naive we thought it was a good thing to help the rich and criminal of the world to hide their money, following their claims they were being oppressed by the tax man, all the while not noticing that though we pride ourselves on our own community love and compassion and care for fellow humans, importing those sneaky, cruel behaviours, writing the laws they told us to write, was in fact against all the principles Christian and oppressed people of the world stand by, putting us squarely on the side of the oppressor, against the little guy. Now we are a by-word for corruption and greed, and an easy, always-notorious target for international condemnation.
So CSC is just talking total bull on every count.
Why? Well he and other prominent suspects need to seed the narrative so ignorant people believe them and support them, thinking they are fighting for some kind of social justice.
It’s pure manure, designed to turn us against each other and give cover to him and fellow scoundrels.
It will definitely keep the people in the CABAL from pocketing the taxpayers money. It’s time to pull the ship in the harbor. Enough is enough and at this time it even don’t make sense to look for sympathy.
If when you were question by the COI how you spend the money given to you . No accountability Isn’t that rape the country purse
who is also a part of the i humane injustice?
You all are using deployment tactics to see how you call yourself victims of a colonialist past but her you are no bit better . Ayo can fool the old people with ayo rethoric but not the young ones
Praise the Lord !!!! Please pass the cocaine!!