UK gifts BVI with lifesaving equipment, testing kits

The British Virgin Islands has received a donation of lifesaving equipment from the United Kingdom.
A joint media release from the Office of the Governor and the Ministry of Health said the equipment, which arrived on Tuesday, comprise vital laboratory equipment, testing kits, five ventilators, six inflatable isolation wards and hospital beds.
“We have been working closely with colleagues in the UK and BVI to identify and provide the medical supplies and support this territory needs,” Governor Augustus Jaspert said while commenting on the donation.
“I understand that this support has been gratefully received and I would like to say thank you to everyone involved. Please continue to play your part by staying at home as much as you can and complying with the social distancing and hygiene measures in place,” he added.
The release said this donation now allows the territory to introduce “a more rigorous testing strategy to identify infected persons”.
“This latest batch of supplies from the United Kingdom Government will help the territory to introduce a more rigorous testing strategy to identify infected persons; isolation units will increase the capacity to quarantine and limit transmission, while ventilators will provide potentially life-saving support to those persons who need it,” the release further said.
Another plus to the donation would be to improve the long-term capability of the territory to test for mosquito-borne viruses such as Zika and dengue, it stated.
“This delivery is part of a wider package of support the UK government is providing to help ensure the safety and security of in the territory’s residents … The UK has delivered a large quantity of medical supplies to date including the majority of BVI’s test kits,” the release added.
More equipment is slated to arrive from the UK in the coming days.
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Making it happen. Say thank you Premier Fahie!
I am thankful for the UK assistance to what BVI asked for in this case but the BVI Government has invested far more than this in the safety of the people of the BVI and they do not throw it in the people’s face every minute like what this governor and the UK likes doing whenever they finally assist.
Given the severity of the. virus in UK, it would be prudent of health officials here to test allof the “testing” equiptment before applying such to any human here.
Update: Testing equiptment, including masks, sent to Africa from china were proven to be infected with the covid-virus.
Intentional? who knows. What is know is that some people are vehemently anti-Black, and would wish to bring great harm and death to them.
It is hoped that our health officials would steer on the side of caution and test every thing before exposing our peole to them.
Better safe than soory, alive than mourning.
Send everything back and suffer if you need the equipment. Better yet go get yourself a bunch of $60 ventilators from Senegal. Don’t forget the $1 tests they have as well. Last, if a hurricane should hit the Territory please turn away the Royal Marines and any help the Brits May lend. Just please DIE and make the world a better place.
Get a grip on reality you sorry a**ed fool.
“We must exterminate white people from the face of the planet”
Said Jamal Kambon, professor of African studies at NCSU, to a live audience, broadcast to the world on C-SPAN.
The troubling thing is that some people here in the BVI share his sentiment and seem to enjoy spreading vitriolic lies aimed at demonising an entire race of people simply to satisfy their own misgivings and feelings of insecurity.
I don’t know where you read your news “Test for covid” but I would bet that your news comes from the inside of a public toilet.
I beg this plug that Cline guy before he cost the BVI.See it’s a good thing a lot pf what he stirs up falls on deaf ears.He’s on Govt. CONTRACT but up to now he can’t present what’s his findings are as a ADVISER with a renewed.Andrew be careful.
Thank you UK. Now guys, lets TEST, TEST, TEST
Why didn’t they tell us how many testing kits? Why so much secrecy? All this secrecy is unnerving and unnecessary. 5 treats, 100 test, 1,000? How many? What is the big deal, oh my!
Food for thought: “It is not about better health care. People are selectively dying. The USA population is 330 million. The Blacks there are 13% of that 330Mil but 40% of the so called COVID-19 deaths are Black. There is something wrong. Blacks are not the only persons with compromised immune systems. There are covert operations going on.”
We must test and verify every single piece equiptment, medication and vaccine being intended for public, Black use.
Fail to do so at your our own peril.
You are correct with that statement but it is because dark skinned people are very low on vitamin D in the northern hemisphere.. they are now informing people to keep up their vit d levels… do your research before writing conspiracies.
You left out that their hygiene is very poor, their drug use is very high, they think wearing a mask or social distancing is a joke and they congregate both socially and living in high density in the inner cities. These are the true reasons.
Socio-economic position is likely a factor. People of colour are disproportionately poor in the US. They are more likely to live in multi-occupancy housing, lack private outdoor space or laundry facilities, work lower paid and valued jobs. Poor folks can’t afford to stay at home, it is work or die, and now for many work and die. African Americans suffer higher prevailance of diabetes due to poor diet (highly processed food which is more affordable) and black neighborhoods enjoy less prevailance of supermarkets selling fresh fruits and veggies. All of these are a factor in why they are suffering more. It is not hygiene. IMHO poor black families have much cleaner homes and more pride than poor (and rich) white family homes. Drug use amongst whites and blacks is on par it is simply black people are more likely to be pursued by racist police. I am White. Black lives matter. Please don’t try to paint this global tragedy into a blame game where POC are somehow responsible. If we want to do that we have to start by blaming the old men who are dying first…. That isn’t their fault either.
@we can’t trust anyone
With that mentality you will be a mental slave for the rest of your life. As long as you distract yourself with that kind of baseless rhetoric you will be missing the big picture. But that’s exactly what you are meant to do so carry on being a servant to the nwo and spreading their messages of fear and hate if it helps you sleep at night.
I will pray for you and others like you who are obsessed with being a victim.
Months later the Old lady sends a few supplies. And now we must grovel to her appointed watchman with thanks?
I’m actually surprised no idiots commenting and praising the UK. The worst mother country in the world. The USVI does get better assistance even though Trump is a certified moron.
All hail the UK for doing an excellent job sending aid to a rock and its inhabitants. What is it with this entitled mentality in the BVI? As if these islands are important beyond these shores.
This is the truth; from the outside the BVI is somewhere rich people keep their money. It exists to serve the rich. The people living here mean nothing.
Do you think when people and governments are losing billions of dollars they are going to stop to thinl about the BVIslanders?
This misguided sense of entitlement will be the Achilles heel of these islands. Believe it!
Why are they calling this required equipment sent from the UK to one of their British Dependant Territories a “GIFT”?
The BVI doesn’t pay tax to the UK, nor does it even provide equal rights to citizens of the mother country unlike the USVI. Having your cake and eating it and still complaining is pretty ungrateful.
The BVI was proactive with using our own twelve million dollars to protect us and to prevent this virus from killing us. Three months later we thank the UK for finally assisting only because we requested. I commend our Premier and his government and we thank the UK for finally giving us what we requested from months ago.
Maybe you should ask the researchers and bio labs in the BVI to provide them. Then you could trust them, right ?