BVI News

UK has no moral authority to be our watchdogs

Deputy Premier, Dr Natalio Wheatley

As the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) continues to investigate political corruption in the BVI, Deputy Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has expressed his view that the United Kingdom has no moral authority to be the BVI’s watchdog.

“There are some persons who see the United Kingdom as some type of watchdog for the BVI. The people have to be the watchdog. We have to create institutions that will be the watchdog in our society. What other nation will be a watchdog for the United Kingdom? Are we a watchdog for them? Do they have moral authority to look at the Virgin Islands as though we are morally inferior?” Dr Wheatley questioned during the March 4 sitting of the House of Assembly.

He continued: “When you look at their society, do they have challenges in their society? I’ve read media reports of persons challenging the United kingdom for no-bid contracts. For allegations of cronyism and nepotism. Are they morally superior to the Virgin Islands? I would suggest to you that they are not. I’d suggest to you that there are many things that have happened today and in the past that are questionable in their moral standing,” Dr Wheatley argued.

The first-time legislator said the UK doesn’t need to police the BVI because the territory has a proper-functioning democracy that can correct issues once they are identified.

He mentioned that the people have the right to vote against leaders they disagree with as well as the right to public fora to engage elected leaders and get answers about the running of the territory.

Dr Wheatley’s statement is one of many uttered in relation to the COI since the House of Assembly resumed on March 4 for the first time since the investigation was announced.

The leaders are being watched closely as residents are hearing for the first time how individual leaders feel about the investigations and how it is impacting the territory.

Though elected leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the COI, they have also expressed their disapproval of the way the investigation was announced and the negative international attention the BVI has attracted since.

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  1. Styles. says:

    Hey Dr. Feel Good

    We all thought you were quite an intelligent character when we elected you.

    But boy you are failing us. Every time you open your mouth and back up your big leader you sound less and less intelligent.

    You are the minister of education. The education in the territory is at rock bottom now. Think you should focus on improving that don’t you agree?

    Like 82
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    • ldr feel good says:

      you took the words out my mouth this dude needs to remain silent as he was doing. He speaks nothing with sense

      Like 29
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    • SMH says:


      Like 32
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      • @SMH says:

        So, you all came to this country to monitor or garbage collection and neuter our stray animals! Petty Psychopaths!

    • Artimus says:

      Say what? The BVI has become the cocaine transportation hub of the world. Drugs, guns, murders. We need some control here. We in some serious trouble.And we still don’t have that whistleblower law that we voted for 3 years ago.

      Like 19
      • Comment says:

        No that Award has always been given to the UK, and other Europeans nations. You know, the ones who manufactures the guns and smuggle drugs on their yachts throughout the Caribbean seas.

        Like 1
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  2. Jack says:

    Seriously. You really believe that you can police yourselves. Pier Park, BVI Airways, Social Security, The Wall, The Hospital, The High School………….Oh, hang on a minute, You haven’t built one yet, but when you do, how much over budget will that be. You need to start being a Minister of Education, and get your priorities right.

    Like 58
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    • @Jack says:

      I think the question is… does the U.K. believe it can judge anyone after showing their incompetence, corruption and Immoral standards throughout the years?

      Like 13
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      • My china says:

        China would like to have a go at ruling you. They will throw lots of money around and be your friends for life

  3. Watchman says:

    How does “Do they have moral authority to look at the Virgin Islands as though we are morally inferior?” becomes ‘UK has no moral authority to be our watchdogs” Journalist please report accurately

    Like 10
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  4. Rubber Duck says:

    He sounds worried

    Like 33
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  5. 007 says:

    It’s a British Territory. They may let a local government run it to some degree but ultimately it’s British and that’s their authority for checking on what’s going on.

    Like 49
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  6. Here goes... says:

    Wow, they’re corrupt so we can be corrupt. Great arguement, lovely reasoning!

    Like 36
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  7. Comment says:

    ‘Uk has no moral authority to be our watchdogs’ I second that!

    Like 5
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  8. Local girl says:

    You’ll second anything, your dumb illiterate a$$.

    Like 32
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  9. Hmmmm says:

    This man has a doctorate degree and has yet to accomplish anything noteworthy and here throwing words at the UK. The UK has millions of people while we have a few thousand and this f**l cannot even get the f**king schools opened, but here he is talking s**t as usual.

    Like 32
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  10. Lol says:

    So very disappointed in Natalio. I thought he would be a rising star but he just seems to want to promote anti UK feeling and has really failed our kids. Get the schools open, this is a priority everywhere else.

    Like 31
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    • Back to School says:

      UK is back to school, yet with no C19 on a small island our education system remains a mess

      Like 22
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      • @Back to School says:

        Do you truly want to start comparing the way in which the UK has handled this virus compared to the way the BVI has? Really??? Believe, you will lose that battle!

        Like 1
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    • @LOL says:

      This is one of the most proudest moments of our nation! We thank the Minister greatly for not being afraid to tell the truth! Slavery is over and he is no house N.

      Like 1
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  11. Disappointed says:

    I am so disappointed in this guy. He is suppose to have a Doctorate and is an educator but every time he opens his mouth is pure garbage he is spewing.
    His portfolio should be the minister of solid waste.

    Like 14
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  12. Augustine says:

    Better look up “sovereign country”

  13. never dissapoint says:

    Yo, Showunde, mehn, every time I thing that next time you say something, things might just turn around, but you keep going further south de man. Same way your children can’t be in your house turning up things how they want and spending all your money like you does pick it off a tree, same thing with UK and its territories. All these years and only now you figure out that they own the BVI and our forefathers were slaves? suck it up and tell your colleagues to stop rioting the treasury

    Like 4
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  14. aplus says:

    Its Hate all things white season ATM.

    • @aplus says:

      which is hilarious because successive BVI Govt subjugates their own citizens and blames it on everyone else so the cycle repeats.
      The BVI Govt and parties still have their own people living on islands with broken roads, sewage systems, and schools but let’s all blame it on the ex-pats and UK.

  15. @ aplus says:

    It looks like they are hooked on trumpphonics

  16. Ease Off A Lil says:

    Not everything have to be so negative. I agree the government full of doodoo, but the man speaking some sense some of ya’ll aint ready for.

    Who is a politician been jailed/punished for their crimes of theft of the people money yet? You really think its just government corrupt? It’s the people selling out themselves because they are family and all kind of muck. Why is it that the people cannot find a trustworthy team to monitor the actions of the government? Why are we so inept to kick out politicians on the spot when they lose the trust of the people?

    But we going to trust in the outside? Enemies are your friends because the people are an enemy to themselves. Only destruction we seeking the way we are going. When we discover UK corruption in lil old BVI, yall going have the energy to kick them out when you cant even kick out your own people? Set of clowns.

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