BVI News

UK pre-orders 350 million vaccines for Oxford University! BVI to benefit

Governor Augustus Jaspert

A COVID-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca in the UK has been found to be 70.4% effective in preventing the virus, final trial results show.

It should also be noted that tests by Oxford University also show that the same vaccine can be 90% effective if administered at a half dose and then at a full dose.

News of the Oxford vaccine comes just a week after two US developers — Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna announced that their vaccines were almost 95% effective in preventing the deadly COVID-19 virus now sweeping the world.

The BVI Governor’s Office has confirmed that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that more than 350 million doses of vaccines have been ordered by the UK — “more than enough for everyone in the UK, the Crown Dependencies and the Overseas Territories.”

According to the BBC, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said this is “incredibly exciting news” and that while there were still safety checks to come, “these are fantastic results”.

Oxford said its vaccine was administered to more than 24,000 volunteers from clinical trials in the UK, Brazil and South Africa.

It said there were no hospitalised or severe cases in anyone who received the vaccine.

Recently, the UK Minister for Overseas Territories Baroness Elizabeth Sugg wrote to all the leaders of the OTs to confirm that they will receive vaccines once they become available.

In response, Premier Andrew Fahie thanked the UK for its support and requested information that will allow the BVI to adequately prepare a proper storage facility for the vaccine, ahead of its arrival.

He also informed the UK government that he anticipates that not all persons in the territory will be willing to accept the vaccine because of religious and other beliefs.



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  1. No says:

    No vaccines for the BVI. Herb tea and soaking all the dumb a**es need. Save the vaccine for the educated. This is the Darwin affect. Let them die off. The BVI will be a better place with no Belongers.

    Like 9
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    • what a miserable f$%k.. says:

      you are

      Like 12
    • @No says:

      It is believed that some, based upon their comments, are unhappy that the control once had over a people has all but dissipated.

      That they are not their ancestors. They now make their own free choices whether to take or not to take.

      They also know the value of their natural herbs and natural remedies, and cannot and will not be brutalised by the whip or murdered against their will.

      Some appear agonised of the freedom a people now have to choose. Their comments speak volumes.

      Like 2
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    • Troglodyte Killer says:

      The CLEARS is that you? LOLOLOLOL

  2. Reply says:

    It’s great that there a now three (3) vaccine candidates outside of Russian and China that have shown significant efficacy in preventing covid.

    These vaccines will become publicly available soon.

    The Moderna vaccine has been shown to be 94.5 percent effective whereas, the Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca vaccines have been shown to be 95% and 70.4% effectivity respectively.

    From a scientific standpoint this is quite an accomplishment for the world given that vaccine development normally takes years. But the world cannot wait years for a covid vaccine.

    I will be getting vaccinated at the appropriate time. I am more inclined to take the Pfizer vaccine given its greater effectiveness and reportedly lack of side affects.

    I anticipate I will be getting my vaccine next month December.

    Now, I saw a few comments about these vaccines on a different article whereby some posters were making this out to be a white vs black matter in terms of who should take a vaccine.

    May I remind folks that blacks have been dying disproportionately from this virus than other races. And no, taking a dip in the ocean will not cure covid.

    Let me say to everyone who cares to listen: Protect yourself from this deadly virus if you have the opportunity to. Covid does not discriminate relative to sex, race, or age.

    If you have comorbid illnesses such as high blood pressure, obesity, immunodeficiency of any underlying cause, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease which includes asthma), Diabetes, or work in industries whereby you come in contact with lots of people routinely, and is considered black, seriously consider getting vaccinated.

    I suspect that many people will opt not to take any vaccine, but they should know that they open up themselves to getting very sick one day and possibly dying from covid when they did not have to.

    The AstraZeneca vaccine while not my preference for protection against covid, is still better than nothing imo. So if that’s your only option, I strongly suggest taking it.

    Now, what happens if you don’t take a covid vaccine? Well assuming close to 80% of the population gets the vaccine, herd immunity would have been achieved, whereby enough people would have become immunized to the virus decreasing it’s subsequent spread from person to person.

    While you may be protected in a local whereby heard immunity was achieved, it does not necessarily mean you would be protected once you step out of that local.

    The entire world’s population would have to have achieved herd immunity for total protection which will never happen as there will be countries for various reasons that will not have achieved heard immunity.

    Covid is here to stay even with vaccines.

    So the choice is up to each and everyone of us to make to become immunized or not. Or will we have a choice in the future.

    I suspect that we will not, as as schools, airlines, work places and other societal institutions will one by one start demanding demanding vaccinations prior to schools, work, and travel.

    Educate yourselves on these vaccines, and act accordingly.

    I’m choosing to remain free of covid and not die of this horrible disease. What will your choice be?

    Like 17
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  3. SB says:


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  4. ok says:

    Just a normal fridge,nothing else needed to store

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  5. Thoughtful Sailor says:

    I would have thought that the Government and its advisors would be loathe to accept anything for which a thank you to the UK would be appropriate!

    Like 13
  6. Fortunate says:

    We are so lucky to have UK looking out for us like this; imagine if we were independent an order for a few thousand doses would be right at the back of the queue and the unit cost would be much higher. With the UK we can participate in economies of scale.

    Like 9
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  7. Heckler says:

    Thank you Gus. These cats not ready. can’t even get a simple webpage working

    Like 11
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  8. Becareful says:

    This vaccaine is bad. I saw on the news a man had covid and the med they treat him with, he was allergice to it and mk his tongue swell big big. If you see his tongue hanging out of his head

    Like 2
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    • Reply says:

      Misinformation. Medications being used to treat covid is different from any vaccine which has not been even approved least given to cause someone tongue to swell.

      Like 6
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    • News says:

      You must watch the same news that tells people Obama was a great president. A great t***f with a go****a for a wife maybe. Not a great president.

      Like 4
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      • Reply says:

        Trump lost. Get over it. He was a disaster, and cannot shine Obama’s shoes. I’m happy to see your racist God go. January 20th cannot come fast enough.

        You need to take your racist @$$ somewhere else and be a better person. Go and volunteer in a church or soup kitchen and be useful to mankind rather than spewing hate.

        You should be ignored on this board. Be brave and make those comments in person to someone who find them offensive so that they can rearrange your face. You would have deserve it.

        Bvinews needs to censor comments like yours as hate speech/post must be clearly a violation of the posting standards.

        Like 2
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        • ..... says:

          So violence is how you react to comments and opinions you do not like. You think that is civilized?

          Like 2
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          • Reply says:

            “Be brave and make those comments in person to someone who find them offensive so that they can rearrange your face.”

            I stand by my comment. I’m am not a violent person. The poster should be ignored but they come on here routinely and spew their racist crap uncensored.

            So yes, if they spew racist crap to someone in person, and they rearrange their face, again, it was well deserved. They would have deserve it.

            You may play with these kind of people. I don’t. They plant bad seeds, they reap a bad harvest.

        • ..... says:

          2. Promoting violence as a reaction to comments/opinions you don’t like is probably a violation.

          Just let people be, they will eventually fizzle out you do not fight savagery with savagery because what moral high ground can you claim after such. Fight people’s lole “news” with civility rather than barbarism.

          Like 1
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  9. @No says:

    Are haters really proof of themselves? Hating people who have done you no harm is human? Hating someone merely for the colour of their skin sane? That’s gross!!

  10. Ausar says:

    Folks, stick with the American vaccination programs!

    70th percentile of efficiency does not rank to the 95th percentiles that our vaccines are currently trending, especially when it comes to the saving of lives!

    Just do it and done!

  11. V4 says:

    Sorry couldn’t quite hear that independence followers, was that a thank you? Gus.. You’re most welcome

  12. No Thanks says:

    No thank you. Keep your Babylon system vaccine.

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