BVI News

Unacceptable! Premier misses HOA debate on Crown lands

D2 Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull.

Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, has called out Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley who was absent from the May 28 House of Assembly sitting where elected leaders debated the Crown Land Management Bill 2024.

The bill — which was drafted after the COI recommended a law to govern the disposal and management of crown lands in the territory — is drawing intense scrutiny from elected leaders who believe some measures make it easy for BVIslanders to lose land which their ancestors fought for.

When Turnbull stood to make his contribution to the debate, he said the important bill should have been introduced by Premier Wheatley, who is currently attending the 4th International Conference on SIDS in Antigua and Barbuda.

Turnbull also mentioned that only three members of the government were present for the debate, adding that the six Opposition members were the ones holding the quorum that is required for sittings of the House of Assembly.

“Madam Speaker, I will say it because I know the Opposition leader won’t because he’s such a nice guy. This bill was introduced by the Acting Premier Honourable Kye Rymer, but it should have been introduced by the Premier because it is his portfolio and he’s the Minister responsible for the subject,” Turnbull said.

Premier accused of ‘stubbornness’

Turnbull also called out the Premier for attending the regional conference without Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton, after both government and Opposition members encouraged him to do so. Turnbull called Premier Wheatley “stubborn”, saying he again refused to accept help that could help him to lobby the UK Overseas Minister on important matters while at the conference.

“Members both on the government side and Opposition told the Premier that he should take the Leader of the Opposition with him if he was going to meet with the [UK] Overseas Territory Minister. Everyone agreed and here we are today — the Premier isn’t here, the Opposition is holding the quorum. But is this really important to us? The state of our country, the things we went through and the fact that this guillotine is over our heads and we’re here playing,” Turnbull stated.

He added: “If 12 of your colleagues tell you to take the Opposition Leader with you to meet the UK Minister and you go by yourself, what is that? Isn’t that something you want to do on your own? That’s stubbornness! It’s almost like we’ve seen before — a one-man wrecking crew.”

The Wheatley administration has received criticism for their international trips and overall performance in House of Assembly matters. However, they continue to maintain that international travel is important and that the way they execute House of Assembly matters is similar to how previous governments performed.


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  1. Sara says:

    As Hon. Marlon Penn says, “elections have consequences.”

    Like 24
  2. BVI geh wet says:

    He only want to fly up and down 1st class staying in posh hotels

    Like 30
  3. Dah dont interest he says:

    He only want to party and travel

    Like 24
  4. Sindee says:

    “This Premier is a disaster”

    Like 26
  5. Me says:

    He also took Vincent with him.He is the who should be answering about crown land distribution.UK please don’t wait until tomorrow come today

    Like 24
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  6. Resident says:

    we need a way to recall the premier

    Like 11
  7. Nonsense says:

    Opposition should not have attended to make a quorum. If the subject minister is absent, why attend, who will answer questions. Very sad.

    Like 10
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    • Are you serious? says:

      The Opposition is getting me UPSET.

      Why didn’t they call this No confidence motion since they have the majority AT THIS TIME?

      I’m starting to feel as if they are ALL in this together.

  8. Come COI says:

    I do not think that if the UK along with other senior members of our government will do a worst diservice to the indigenous people of the BVI
    This is very disrespectful and disappointing to say the least
    Where is this man priority?
    If he believes in his team let them represent.: let Lorna take this helm she has the experience
    Stay at home and help clean up laws that are causing further divide .
    He has done things to create more division in the country than any other leader.
    At the end of the day , we have to exist side by side . How can an indigenous person compete with a belonger for crown lands?
    We need to have boundaries. This is not right . I have nothing against expatriate but a right thing is a right thing

    Like 7
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  9. Taxpayer says:

    Vote of no confidence for this government.
    Always with the first-class travel, never honor commitments to the people.

  10. @ NONSENSE says:

    well if doesn’t send us a message , no sense talking about it , the so-called opposition ha a set of wannabe aristocracts so they can ask and answer the Questions themselves , because if the premier know that his other members of government cannot represent him him in his absence , what else can the opposition do ? Or ~ as you say they could of stay out of that scenario , instead of going and knowing the BIG youth would not be attending , and is only interested in free jamz & music fest

  11. Goon says:

    Someone please list one accomplishment of this young man after 9yrs as an elected official. Why is he always complaining?

    Like 3
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  12. Swag says:

    He ain’t miss out on nothing…all these meeting and this Island going backwards


    is saying )> iwe should not stayed home , we got frigged /them jokers who he left here ain’t worth ah sh*t am sorry , but that i had to use that word here

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