BVI News

UPDATE: Arrests made following armed bank robbery on VG

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) said an unknown number of persons have already been arrested in relation to the Virgin Gorda bank robbery that occurred at 10:30 am on Friday, March 20.

In a subsequent media release Friday afternoon, the RVIPF said armed bandits robbed the sole bank on the island — Banco Popular.

“The amount of money stolen is currently unknown, and no injuries have been reported,” the release said.

“Arrests have been made and these persons are assisting with the investigation. Anyone with pertinent information about this incident is asked to contact the RVIPF at its three-digit access number 311 or the Intelligence Unit at 284-368-9339. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence,” the release said.

Previously-published story

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force is said to be investigating a reported bank robbery which occurred on Virgin Gorda sometime on Friday, March 20.

Information on the reported incident is sketchy. However, Police Information Officer Akia Thomas confirmed the robbery to BVI News moments ago.

She stated: ” I can confirm [it] but I have no information on the details.
The investigation is ongoing.”

BVI News will provide more information as soon as it is made available.

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  1. Huh says:

    Well what will the people who supported such a move say now?? It was only a bomb waiting to explode it’s not safe to transport so much money on a daily basis especially now in these dreaded times…..I know just 2 more robberies like that an that bank will be gone…. it’s too costly for the kind of security that the bank will need plus VG doesn’t have that great business daily to maintain such….

    Like 6
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    • TC says:

      VG should not have a bank because a few criminals decided to commit a robbery ? Really ? Did you spent any time to think about that statement before you made it ?

      Like 46
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      • Vg Resident says:

        No Bank Alarm nothing!! What happen to the Alarm Siren?

        The entire Spanish Town area would of herd it and know immediately to call the police. From VG Fire station come down, Sausez, Nice Guy, VGYH, Mermaids & Pirates, EVERYBODY WOULD OF KNOW THE BANK GETTING ROBBED!!!!

        But Nothinggggggggg! Look sh!t Now!

    • Webster says:

      @ Huh: How do you know that the bank transports ‘so much’ money on a daily basis? People like you just love to come on here chatting what you think you know and what you don’t know. Just shut up man!

      Like 23
    • @Huh says:

      Those thief’s seem to be plotting this. I don’t care if the bank was sitting in the middle of the Baths, that does not give anyone the rights to rob it. They had to be watching to know when the bank money was dropped off. The only banking service the Virgin Gorda community have and these fools go and rob it. I wonder where they hid the loot. No good is going to come out of this, remember the Money Gram robbery? The money turned on all of the people that had hands in it.

      Like 25
    • And-so says:

      @huh shut ur stupid mouth go and sanitize ur filthy fingers typing ur comments

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    • Chupes says:

      You talking a wack a s**t!

  2. :) says:

    VG begged for help when Scotia pulled out. Banco came to the rescue now some worthless s.o.b. robbed the bank. That’s why y’all can’t have good things. Mofos

    Like 28
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  4. @Huh says:

    Then assign an armed officer of the peace to the area

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    • Anonymous says:

      I also think staff needs a heavy training on bank robbies and not to panick so much I mean I’m not saying go and play hero but I think if ur trained in that area then u could delay a robbery just enough so police can come I don’t know if they go through that am just saying

      Like 2
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  5. *.* says:

    All the security guards need a weapon to keep the place safe.

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  6. WOW says:

    where has our paradise gone. It seems like HUH is forgetting that robberies can happen anywhere. Don’t be so quick to ask why VG have a bank, if i am correct the banks in Tortola has been robbed numerous times before but they never closed down. So why VG have to suffer because of these lazy persons who feel robbing for quick money is necessary. I think they should be given life for these kinds of ACTS. For the pain and suffering and TRAUMA the customers and employees endured.

    Like 16
  7. vg resident says:

    Hang them in the town square, Good entertainment for the local folks.

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    • Shame them says:

      Stocks would be better. Their suffering is done after a few minutes dangling. Publicize them when found guilty. If they are not from here, banish them.

  8. Capt Flint says:

    Post them up for all to see,
    This be the thieves of old VG.
    They came to steal and rob,
    Now here they hang before the mob.

    Like 19
  9. Jah bless says:

    One robbery vg compared to 50 robberies in tortola

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  10. Yip says:

    This robbery right here, is a prime example of why aliens don’t talk to us.

    Like 4
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  11. The Nation says:

    I hope they find each and every person involved in this heinous crime and throw the book at them…they.need to be locked away with damn hard labour for a looòoong time. This is ridiculous!!!! People trying to earn and honest dollar and stay alive from COVID-19 and they do this!!!!

    Like 13
  12. VG resident says:

    If indeed they have the losers in custody and they are charged, please post their pictures. I for one want to see who they are in the event that I have to utilize the ATM or the bank and I see one of them lurking in the area. Post their pictures so the community can shun and shame them.These criminals just want to sit around and live the easy lazy life by robing instead of finding a job. And you foolish people excuse is, there is no jobs for the young people and blame the Government. BIG LIE.

    Like 18
  13. Ausar says:

    Good job to all of the officials involved in these timely arrests!

    We MUST send a strong message to these bandits, by giving them sentences of no less than twenty years!

    Like 15
  14. The Nation#1 says:

    I hope they find each and every person involved in this heinous crime and throw the book at them…they.need to be locked away with damn hard labour for a looòoong time. This is ridiculous!!!! People trying to earn and honest dollar and stay alive from COVID-19 and they do this!!!!

  15. island man says:

    Don’t they have camera in the bank?? You may not see the robbers face if they had on mask but you can see their sizes and how many of them that were there.

  16. @Anonymous says:

    How the F**k anyone can DELAY a robbery. What you should have said was, all banks should install a silent security button under each teller work area that is hooked up to the police station. And all banks should have CCT to cover cover all angles of the bank. When I was in the States, I noticed all banks there is one armed security inside and one armed security posted outside close to the ATM for the people who have to use the ATM.

  17. lol says:

    You lie..police by ATM..llol

  18. Well wow says:

    Nobody safe not even the lil cash we bank hide yuh money

  19. Anonymous says:

    Take the cash n left the blood cloth tellers lolol

  20. Yes says:

    Take the cash n left the boodcloth tellers$$$

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