UPDATE: Escaped Guyanese detainee found
The illegal Guyanese immigrant that escaped immigration custody yesterday has been recaptured by the authorities.
Deputy Chief Immigration Officer Nadia Demming-Hodge confirmed that the detainee Ianna Thomas is back in Immigration’s custody.
Thomas, a Guyanese national, escaped from the Immigration Department’s temporary detention facility at Hotel Castle Maria on Monday, August 22.
She was being detained there pending repatriation after having arrived in the territory illegally by sea in July 2022.
Demming-Hodge thanked the public for assisting in Thomas’ recapture, and specifically the caller who provided the information on the detainee’s location.
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For letting detainees escape on weekly basis?
Guess her department does a better job at blocking parking spaces rather than their duties LOL
Check the parking lot in front your office LMAOOOOOO!
NO one ever reports on HOW they escape.
them always know everything , love to carry news on their workmates , well ask r*** w** about the inside thiefing in pasea and which country the thieves came from , they finally managed to root them out , the last one was hustling the expensive rum after working there just 2 years ?
Same guest house, same security company only to expect same results!
This seems like these are arranged. Who is looking into this ?
Time to get rid of this useless security company.
too stupid – immigration head to ignorant – detainee can walk out
Why does it take so long to deport ?
immigration in the news again??♀️ here’s a solution for you, put the security in the parking lot down by immigration to monitor the parking and put the Deputy Cheif. demming and her stupid accomplice to watch the detainees they are good at making sure people are blocked in and you are guaranteed that they wont move until the police comes.
Oh hush your bitter backside!!! Every nationality have thieves.
Tell her to go take all the illegal men she and her husband have working using people and not paying, the man them get threatened to get send home if they asked for their money.
When the men ask for their money that they work so hard for she the husband turn them over to his wife, she used her immigration Ho**e used her immigration power and call them in office hold the passport and them send them home, what a wicked man and woman. The husband brings in girls to work as bar tenders next thing he want them to become strippers if they refused to do the stripping he send them home. This husband and wife needs to be locked up. This so what you called injustice. The COI need to investigate immigration and labor. It have a Labour worker doing the same illegal hiring construction men with a well known construction company. This is wrong.
Somebody making big bucks from these escapees.. FOLLOW THE MONEY!
You can tell some people have nothing to do with their lives especially the moomoo who was saying how the lady is in St.Thomas and how the guards were paid $3000
They are placing the
detainees in a hotel. What is wrong with the detention centre that was built from Immigration funds? They are using it as a prison for women. Governor, give it back. Have you paid Immigration for it ?
yes we all know that , BUT U ALL GOT THE EDGE HAPPY ? ?