BVI News

Vanterpool entitled to gov’t salary, should find out why he’s not being paid — CSC

Skelton Cline

While retracting previous statements that Mark Vanterpool is receiving a government salary even though he has not been sworn in as Fourth District Representative, government consultant and radio talk show host Claude Skelton Cline has now said Vanterpool ‘should’ be paid.

While citing Section 67 of the territory’s Constitution, Skelton Cline said, “the fact that he (Vanterpool) has not been sworn into the House of Assembly does not exempt him from compensation.”

Excerpt from Section 67 of the Virgin Islands Constitution.

Cline, who made the statement during his Honestly Speaking radio programme on Tuesday, June 11, further argued that Vanterpool must seek out the relevant authorities and ensure he receives payment.

“If the member of the Fourth is not being compensated, he needs to contact the Deputy Governor and the Governor who are responsible for public service and find out from HR (Human Resources) why it is that he is not being paid because, according to our Constitution, he is entitled to be paid as the elected member,” Cline stated.

Cline also said — except for participating in the House of Assembly — not being sworn in should not exclude Vanterpool for performing his duties as an elected representative.

READ: Why Vanterpool has not been sworn in

“As a matter of fact, he should be working on the behalf of the constituency — the persons who sent him there and even the ones who didn’t vote for him. He should be working on behalf of every Fourth District constituent,” the government consultant said.

Cline’s statements follow a BVI News article in which Opposition Leader Marlon Penn refuted his (Cline’s) May 28 claims that Vanterpool was receiving all his benefits as a member-elect.

At the time, Penn argued that residents of the Fourth District were suffering as a result of the ongoing issue surrounding the swearing in of Vanterpool.

Penn was speaking outside Government House moments after accompanying a committee of aggrieved residents who submitted a 1,000-signature petition to Governor Augustus Jaspert.

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  1. Go in the corner says:

    No he is not pastor. It’s not everyone that’s hungry for money like you. I’m tired of you.

    Like 17
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    • Sam says:

      CSC my offer to buy you a round trip to Detroit still open so you can collect your stuff you left behind. Don’t worry I’ll get a refund for the return trip unused seat , X

      Like 3
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  2. vip heckler says:

    Is this man a secret representative? How come we are hearing his mouth so often?

    Like 19
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  3. omg says:

    This is the mouth piece of the VIP

    Like 26
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  4. vi says:

    So, in essence, HI should still be able to collect pay from the company that I resigned from.

    Like 1
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  5. Leave Alone says:

    Don’t you think if it’s in the court, you should leave it alone. Enough is enough! Let the process take its course.

    Like 4
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  6. Enough says:

    That’s it! Ive had enough of Claude Cline. An elected official is NOT part of the public service. The Clerk of the House of Assembly is the Accounting Officer for the Office of the House of Assembly and is directly responsible for all things HOA including any and all payments to members. Claude Cline is always spewing his mouth with wrong information…

    Like 7
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    • E Scott says:

      Claude spews his mouth about anything that will get him attention, subject and accuracy is irrelevant with this man. I see the cruise ships are not coming as often now that is a subject he is being paid to comment ……. silent, . Still no resolution from telecoms companies a subject he also paid to comment ………….silent ! . The port still in a mess and problems. A subject hew was paid for and silent. He was paid in USA to do a job and ………..silent!

    • No Name says:

      @ Enough
      We had enough of you too.

  7. How? says:

    Claude, how can he perform his duties? Tell us please. I mean Claude you are just ridiculous … what is really your claim to fame? You sure turn out to be a highly paid empty keronse tin in the Lords clothes – New Life Baptist Church should be ashamed to have — as a p—- down there!

  8. It start now says:

    He back bite the NDP when they fed him. He going back bite the VIP now. VIP this man just accused you all of allowing the unconstitutional to be committed under your watch. What say ye to that! Haha it start now though.

  9. Taxpayer says:

    Can we please have an update on the success that CSC has made so far? Thanks to the VIP we surely own him a lot of $$$. As a taxpayer, I would certainly like a progress report before the end of the six month period. Perhaps if he is so concerned about Mark he should give Mark a cut out of his huge salary.

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