Vanterpool shows up for today’s HOA

Representative-elect for the Fourth Electoral District Mark Vanterpool has showed up for today’s April 2 sitting of the House of Assembly.
It is unlikely that Vanterpool will be allowed sit among his colleagues in the parliamentary opposition considering that he is the only candidate who was elected in February’s general election that has not been sworn in.
Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock is refusing to swear in Vanterpool who submitted what he and the governor believe to be a ‘constitutionally invalid’ letter or resignation. Vanterpool later changed his mind about resigning.
Speaker Willock is now seeking legal advice from the courts on whether Vanterpool should be sworn in.
In the meantime, today’s sitting of the House is for the 2019 budget to presented.
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Poppy Show
I think the Speaker need to do what’s right and Sweat Hon Vanterpool In regardless of the fact that he is a joker. Speaker Willock is wrong on this one and I think he is quickly eating into his good fortune to have been chosen as Speaker. A little humility goes a long way. Remember the world is round and what goes around comes back around. Both the Governor and the Hon. Attorney agenersl have spoken.
well if he is a joker who needs him?
The Esteemed seems to have a habit of being a def—-t. It has. It gone well for him before!
We will punish the VIP for this. MARK my words.
Stand in line. We still working on punishing the last administration. Lots to be accounted for.
In the meantime though you can punish Mark for resigning 7 days after election and not showing up for the first sitting.
when you dishing out the punishment remember the 7.2 million: the pier park questionable 40 million just name a few:
soo who will punish mark for not showing up at the sworing in and the first sitting.:D
Why punish the VIP? Vanty Poo is the one who abandoned his post and created country-wide turmoil by telling us he didn’t want to serve after being re-elected.
It was Vanty Poo who created fiscal turmoil by misspending our $7.2, and the hundreds of millions more on suspicious projects without conducting any due diligence.
Hon. Vanterpool a Project manager. It is not the Minister fault or bearing on the project estimate cost and what so ever that happened with the cruise Pier project. The Port Board and along with Projcet manager has a lot to answer for.
Some of us getting on like Mark Vanterpool was the contractor over the project, nonesense.
That’s right. Continue to be present.
It’s time for Willock to recognise the governor’s ruling and swear him in. The opposition needs to have a strong voice amongst all these Newbies.
That’s why I love Carvin he real.
“Speaker Willock is now seeking legal advice from the courts on whether Vanterpool should be sworn in.”
Speaker Willock needs to get down off his high horse and swear Mr. Vanterpool in. He does not have a legal leg to stand on, and he will find that out in short course.
He should not draw this process out any further, nor should he waste limited tax payers money seeking outside legal council beyond the attorney general.
The Attorney General is the government’s council. The thought of Willock going around the government’s attorney general is outrageous, and shows his level of arrogance.
Pride goes before the fall. He should take heed. He started out his tenure as speaker on the wrong foot.
Just who does Willock think he is?
The people appointed him. That is democracy at work.
To deny him his democratically elected seat represents the practice and workings of dictatorship.
Is democracy in the BVI that fragile? Is it ow being threatened?
It is appearing that way by the day.
He denied himself by not showing up to be sworn in last month and by publicly retiring via video and letter
Hon. Malone is like “Well hello Mr. Loco welcome to the HOA. I thought you were in Panama after your wacky resignation or retirement!” ?????????
JW responded to Hon. Marlon Penn when asked why the 4th District Rep was not sworn in, “No amendments shall be made to the Standing order, unless proposed 7 days before the sitting.” He further stated that he will not debate the matter any further today since the matter is set to go before the courts.
Mark the people of the fourth elected you there, come back to them for help the speaker and Fahie can’t fight the will of the people.
This has nothing to do with Fahie. What are you looking for him to do? It’s the Speaker and the Governor.
To bell his cat.
The Speaker is independent of the government. The premier doesn’t have a cat to bell in this case.
He needs to put a muzzle on the Rottweiler.
You obviously don’t know how the House of Assembly works.
Did the Fahie’s Administration pay Hon Vanterpool for the month of March? Enquiring minds want to know!
He should not be allowed to change his mind about something like this.
Elected officials should be stable in body and mind.
Gositdung!! Not committed to serving!
This is the first action that showed that he might be serious about representing the district since Election Day.
Running out of popcorn!
This how it needs to be all the time {islandman less}
What a joke Tom and Jerry storytime
This picture speaks volumes.
Where was he when we had the official swearing in a few weeks ago????
Missing out, in,or from action? Awww…
What a joke Tom and Jerry cartoon
The power was always in Mark’s hand. He got elected. He made the decision to quit. He chose not to get sworn in. In life when you don’t make good choices someone else will make them for you. That’s why I can’t blame another soul for this debacle.
the country broke how much of the people funds are to going to use to prove a point to carry this man court. Mark win the seat but he was not officially there yet when he made his vid. It is like I did a interview at after that I’m sayin I’m with out even having the job in the first place Mr Speaker i am a VIP man don’t waste anymore time on this matter and let move forward, i hope hon faihe understand we the people want to know every money this man is spending on this waste of time case.
Ok so who are the VIP supporting lawyers lol Somebody wants to get paid just you watch who the speaker engages. the previous speaker and her patron should have no problem representing vanderpool. WEll SA!!!
The cause of this circus is still in the ring. It is a “Poppy Show.” This circus is one for the history; it will be a case study in primary and secondary schools and college history courses. Other countries may used it as a case study. The ring master needs to exit stage left, image tarnished enough,
We will punish the VIP for this. MARK my words.
For sure, all you got to do is sit back and watch. VIP is showing their true colors. The couch conversation is like F**K, I voted for the wrong people.
In the mean time Willock:
(1) Disrespecting the Attorney Genera’s position. (2) Disrespecting the governor’s authority. (3) Disrespecting the electorates wishes ( unchanged), (4) Making the people that nominated him to be speaker look inadequate. (5) Setting himself up for failure – does he really think he will be allowed to set a precedent whereas the Attorney General’s service can be side lined?
When you really sit and think about this whole situation you can’t blame the way this country is you should not expect any better
The speaker has a job to do ,and every one here seems to be the speaker we’ll just keep on speaking,he has the right to do his job most of you can’t do your job but you want to do his give the man the benefit of the doubt if he’s wrong then he has to live with it we are too accustomed of rewarding people for doing wrong and the speaker is going to make sure the buck stops here and you said that you want people to be held accountable and that’s what is being done we always ask for something and when it’s been given we don’t want it just like mark because he didn’t get it the way he wanted it well he’s paying now this is a new era get accustomed to it .
Had not the Speaker being not endorse by the current premier(Fahie). There would not be a judicial review right now. Fahie admitted that Mrs. Hodge Smith is on standby for a propose by election, to become the new 4th rep.
If Mark is allowed to sit in the house of assembly I will have no respect for the house of assembly.
@ Robalie, I respectfully ask that you go sit down in fact, have several seats. The people of the 4th district gave him their votes and those who voted for him caused him to come in first place.
It is your prerogative to not have respect for the House but your disrespect does not negate the fact that it is still an honourable house.
Lets stop showing our arrogance and stupidity.
All of this drama would not be unfolding if Mark had not resign. Right is right, he made a public announcement and submitted a resignation letter. What is the reason why he changed his mind? How many of us could resign from our job and then go back and reclaim it? I am in favor of the speaker’s decision. Mark has made a mockery of our government. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, Mark will be remembered in the history of the Virgin Islands as the politician man that “flew the coup” and then demand his rights to return without no consequence.
Willock was trained under Fraser so i dont expect any better.
All you people full want tranpairicy you want disciplynin the house of assembly. Mark to bam out a place .allyou peole bloging a set hog mess. Its time somebody stantup to him. And disaplyn him for stupidity..ndp fan even some vip lose sleepless night this f**l thats what he is arogant go on sea water risk their life …people he won the election then resign in a week was realy thinking about the people his distric the heart felt trust..those thatrealy under stand was diapointed and hurt . Iwas so upset about his disrepectfulness emidiately got aboat and went st thomas to cool my head this not his home he think he can do as he like he needs to
Be dissaplyn man we need to set a standard inour territory. The govenor is watching hks hanble our s**t.the caribbean and other is laughing at usno where else this could take place.this not 3rd house of assemble with m***m speaker something has to set presidendy.most of the people are upset with mark and he knows that.those with most bsrk are the ones who got the most money ask long bush club man and his wife ..i am fully supporting the speaker ..the memory of you people sucks ..thespeaker clearly states what …if he win he dont have problem swearing him.mark needs to also humble him self .they ndp takes the hoa for joke its time to stop wilock you dont have use gov money.yiu could evev use your own.if you dont stand for something you will fall for any thing
DISCLAIMER: Please proceed to read at your own risk. Side effects include nausea, migraines, dizziness and a sudden urge to wash your eyes with Clorox!
This gave me a headache…Jesus help me…
What are you on about ?!
Myrun must have told him, you playing with what I wish I had, go back and get it. Mock never wanted any part of this. First he wasn’t running, then he was running and won, then he resigned and didn’t show up to be sworn in. Give the people a chance to get someone who is interested.
The best part about It is if the people of D4 who voted for Mark is being held hostage, the people of D4 who voted for VIP is also being held hostage. Every other District have a Rep to Rep them,D4 may be sitting unrepresented for a while untill the Courts handle the problem. It is like sitting in a rental without a lease waiting for the landlord to evict you from the property. Both supporters of Mark and VIP in D4 is going to pay, the innocent always pays for the guilty. So glad I am living in Cane Garden Bay.
Why waste the court’s time?
A letter of resignation to the Queen,Governor,clerk,
docter,lawyer,priest cook,dog catcher or undertaker will not cut it.The constitution requires a letter addressed to the speaker. If there is no letter to the speaker,there is no resignation. Duh?